long ago
I was at a family reunion at my uncle Elmer's place in northern Minnesota
My cousin Margery had married a minister
we were talking, and he told me of his walks in the woods formulating his sermon
so, just for him,
I created a minister joke
"An absent minded minister was pacing his hallways trying to formulate the words and pattern of his next sermon
as he passed the dining room wherein his son was doing his homework
his son asked 'dad, what is diagnostic?'
His father heard 'dad, what is die agnostic'
and confidently replied
'something most of them won't do' "
for some reason your comment reminds me of a women, mother of a guy i was best friends with
stunningly smart guy
probably a scientist now
his mother would talk out loud to herself alone, like an actor might practicing their lines
she was a devout baptist & talked in tongues in church(so he told me).
now i realize she was obviously psychic or psychiatric
she liked me & i liked her initially, but as time went on her mood toward me soured considerably as her life started to become more difficult(stress)
she didn't harbour grudges and was a nice as pie to anyone and everyone(lovely person, she was like a school teacher right out of little house on the prairie)
...after many years reading while the vast majority of people deny it
around 50% to maybe 70% have voices in their head talking to them or talking.
being able to vocalise that to process it so it doesn't drive you to run outside naked and under a buss
is a win in anyone's books
but playing in that mind area, to service your ego
as some self anointed preachers do
is like hitler shooting up crack in an STD clinic