Why is it selfish to not want children?

A common way of analyzing the moral correctness of an action is to consider what would happen if everyone did what it is that you want to do. So, if everyone choose to not have kids (they are expensive and very time consuming); the human race woujld go extinct. Unless you, like Enmos, believe that the human race going extinct would be a good thing, it's selfish to not have children.

Furthermore, there's nothing parents enjoy more than grandchildren. They raised you and see it as your duty to raise the next generation. When or if you decide that you don't want the responsibility and the expense of children, they see you as selfish.

But everyone wouldn 't make the decision not to have children, women who choose not have children are in the minority even in an age of easy access abortions, morning after pills and birth control. The fact that parents would enjoy grandchildren isn't a reason to have a child.
A common way of analyzing the moral correctness of an action is to consider what would happen if everyone did what it is that you want to do. So, if everyone choose to not have kids (they are expensive and very time consuming); the human race woujld go extinct. Unless you, like Enmos, believe that the human race going extinct would be a good thing, it's selfish to not have children.

Furthermore, there's nothing parents enjoy more than grandchildren. They raised you and see it as your duty to raise the next generation. When or if you decide that you don't want the responsibility and the expense of children, they see you as selfish.

I don't know if I want kids. Maybe in the future, but I know I sure as hell want daughters, not sons.
I don't think it's selfish to not want to have children, but it is selfish to have children if you are unhealthy

What about if:

Your brother has low functionism autism
You are an "Extreme Type S" yourself, suggesting that ASD runs in your family
You will probably want to marry another "Extreme Type S", thus intensifying those traits

A common way of analyzing the moral correctness of an action is to consider what would happen if everyone did what it is that you want to do. So, if everyone choose to not have kids (they are expensive and very time consuming); the human race woujld go extinct. Unless you, like Enmos, believe that the human race going extinct would be a good thing, it's selfish to not have children.

Furthermore, there's nothing parents enjoy more than grandchildren. They raised you and see it as your duty to raise the next generation. When or if you decide that you don't want the responsibility and the expense of children, they see you as selfish.

And the problem with that viewpoint is that it is based on an abstract principle without considering reality. People who do not want kids are vastly outnumbered by people who do.

I do not think the human race should actually go extinct. I think it would be better if there were less of us, though, using up less resources.

By the way, my mother does not see it as my duty to have children. She agrees it would be better if I simply got a puppy like I've always wanted :D

When or if you decide that you don't want the responsibility and the expense of children

My reasons:
- I'm not mother material. I don't have the normal reactions to things. My niece once told me she was 'upset' because she lost me in a crowded area.

I should have responded with compassion, and apologized, but instead I just thought 'Ugh! Get your horrid, icky emotions away from me!'

Do you really want someone like that having children because that's what you do? Do you think someone who reacts to a child's display of anguish or vulnerability with intense revulsion should be having some of her own?

- I actually don't LIKE them most of the time. High pitched cries and babbling wear on my nerves.

It is selfish not to have children because it narrows the stream of your family strain ... a stream which took generations of toil and labour from your ancestors to make aflow. But more stupid than selfish is it not to have children for those concerned with the global standing of whatever national, religious, racial, or ethnic group they identify with.

If I were a member of a rapidly dwindling ethnic minority, I would probably have different views about children. I would probably want to have lots of them to increase my group's numbers. As it is, I'm a mixture of English, North Irish, and Arab. Not exactly a rare pedigree that badly needs passing on.
Also in your case you are too young to know what you want as yet in terms of children. Most women I know didn't want children at your age and then later went on to change their mind and have them. You don't yet have a career to focus on VI never mind children. :p

Possibly...That would take a radical personality change, though.

Someone told me that you don't develop the instinct to have children until much later in life. Is this true? I have not heard that before.
Possibly...That would take a radical personality change, though.

Someone told me that you don't develop the instinct to have children until much later in life. Is this true? I have not heard that before.

Well I don't know if its an instinct per se that suddenly arises, maybe it is. But yes the desire all of a sudden becomes very strong. I had a friend who didn't want children and had an abortion in the past and then one day *poof* she was noticing children everywhere and talking about children and then crying about children and finally she went out and got herself pregnant and had the baby.
You quote me as if the thing I said is self-evidently 'bad'. You have to elaborate and explain why you think so, otherwise you have no argument.

I'm not arguing, I'm asking Varda if she agrees with your statement.
I seem to get this charge levelled at me a lot.


What is selfish about not wanting to reproduce?

I can see why being focused more on your own life and career to take care of it could be seen as selfish, but, why is not wanting one in the first place selfish?

I don't believe I owe the world a little Visceral Instinct. There are enough humans destroying the place as it is.

i don't think that's selfish. if you want to focus on you and your career and you had kids anyway just to satisfy some obligatory demand then you would be selfish.
Yes but why quote it?

I thought you thought we need more population regulations.

Yes, but you can't say:
"I forbid everyone that I deem undesirable to breed."
"Every else, go ahead. Fuck your brains out."
"Hold it! Not you! I don't like your face."
You stand behind that ?

I'm not standing behind anything, I'm just saying you can do that. Though I wouldn't be quite so arbitrary with the eugenics; it ought to be biased on scientific knowledge and based on genetic health (thus genetically unhealthy people wouldn't reproduce, but they could adopt)

Also cut down the population size from 6 billion to 1-2 billion, and enable an extensive conditioning campaign, and a caste system from workers to the "normal" people. The workers' growth could be stunted, mentally, from birth to make them docile and they could simply be told that they are happy.