Why In A Bathroom?

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The blessed aroma of fecal matter and associated discharges (urine, blood, etc.) create a soothing and often heartwarming atmosphere reminiscent of the conjugal bliss of sodomy. Enshrouded in the misty atmosphere thus provided, the activities thereby take on a viscerally affecting charm, transcending the mere mechanical bliss of the acts.

Think of it as a meme.
I think Nutters answer best explains why homosexuals think of a bathroom as a great place to meet other homosexuals.
I think Nutters answer best explains why homosexuals think of a bathroom as a great place to meet other homosexuals.

Hmm makes you feel all warm and horny, huh? Not surprising, considering your propensity and fondness for scatological theories.
I think Nutters answer best explains why homosexuals think of a bathroom as a great place to meet other homosexuals.

Are you sure you're using the word "think" in the correct context?
I like making out in bathrooms cuz they are private and yet....you could get busted any minute. And store changing rooms...whoa
Its true actually I used to go to clubs and make out in the corner/ and one time when i was in an "altered state" I started fooling around wiht someone in a bathroom....although the atmosphere was not that great :D
I like making out in bathrooms cuz they are private and yet....you could get busted any minute. And store changing rooms...whoa

i was waiting for my wife in a public bathroom a few weeks ago, loads of women came in and gave me strange looks. i just said "hey wasup" and they carried on with buisness as usual. it was wierd.

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