Why do ghosts wear human clothes?

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Where did I say that video was all first hand accounts?It definitely includes several of those. But I never said they were all first hand, as if it even matters.
And I never said you said 'all'.

You have attempted to put words in my mouth. Seeing a pattern?
If you can't make a case without making stuff up, you have no case to make.
I have done what I set out to do.

My assertion is that people will - whether deliberately or inadverantly - alter their account of past events, adding things and omitting things (either through memory lapse or otherwise) and otherwise embellishing their story.
On this, my assertion that ghost stories generally cannot be trusted, is based.

The OP himself - even while claiming people do not so this - has indeed done this himself ,time and time again - altering his accounts (as well as other people's accounts) and misrepresenting details to suit his needs. This is manifest and extant in this very thread for all to review and draw their own conclusions.

People do this. It's what they do. Scientific skepticism is the only resort.

Quod erat demonstrandum.
I have done what I set out to do.

My assertion is that people will - whether deliberately or inadverantly - alter their account of past events, adding things and omitting things (either through memory lapse or otherwise) and otherwise embellishing their story.
On this, my assertion that ghost stories generally cannot be trusted, is based.

The OP himself - even while claiming people do not so this - has indeed done this himself - altering his accounts and misrepresenting details to suit his needs. This is manifest and extant in this very thread for all to review and draw their own conclusions.

Quod erat demonstrandum.

Does the video contain first hand accounts? Yes..And that's what I told you. I never changed the story about anything. It is exactly as I said, and compelling evidence of the paranormal. You stand refuted by this case alone, not to mention the 6 other compelling cases I cited. No wonder you're making up shit about me. You have nothing left to argue. Just like you lied about never saying it's a fact that people hallucinate full bodied persons walking in front of them. Remember that lie?
Hey! I expect you to make good on your word. Ignore me.

I'll mind my own business and tear apart the previous 100 or so MR posts full of red herrings, misrepresentations, embellishments and omissions, attempted redefinitions and myriad attempted misqoutings of participants.

It'll be a great study in fallible human perception, and the modification of accounts.
Hey! I expect you to make good on your word. Ignore me.

I'll mind my own business and tear apart the previous 100 or so MR posts full of red herrings, misrepresentations, embellishments and omissions, attempted redefinitions and myriad attempted misqoutings of participants.

It'll be a great study in fallible human perception, and the modification of accounts.

You'll lie and misquote just as you've done here. That's the nature of trolls. If you lie about me again I'll report your ass.
Why do you constantly refuse to acknowledge what counts as sufficient or insufficient evidence for science to accept something?
You have to actually rule out every single other possible explanation before you can even think about jumping to the woo conclusions.

Unfortunately for you, the woo conclusion is your first stop.
You have to actually rule out every single other possible explanation before you can even think about jumping to the woo conclusions.

Unfortunately for you, the woo conclusion is your first stop.

No you don't. The best explanation is the one that fits the facts. Always.
How many times has your so-called "explanation" been refuted by me? Too many to count.
I havn't seen you refute too many reasons for why ghosts, goblins, Bigfoot, Alien origin UFO's do not exist....I've seen plenty of half hearted excuses, and plenty of lame dismissals of science and the scientific method, that show that the paranormal and the supernatural are just figments of your imagination.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinay evidence: As of this date, I have never seen that.
No, none of that was comforting as in dealing with other peoples bad energies or vibes that can be intentional. I was not being sarcastic but genuinely thanking you as i needed to view things in a more detached and rational manner. It has nothing to do with the topic but it helped me to look at it or not in a different way.
Er... ok then. Good, I think.
I havn't seen you refute too many reasons for why ghosts, goblins, Bigfoot, Alien origin UFO's do not exist....I've seen plenty of half hearted excuses, and plenty of lame dismissals of science and the scientific method, that show that the paranormal and the supernatural are just figments of your imagination.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinay evidence: As of this date, I have never seen that.

Really?..Swamp gas. Hallucinations of normal people. Face-shaped rocks. Rock throwing bears that walk around on their hind legs. Mass hysteria. False memories. Elaborate pranks. The list of ridiculous explanations is extensive. And I'm like Buffalo Bill in a shooting gallery.
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