why can moderators say what they like, but everyone else can't?

Should moderators follow the same rules has everyone else has to?

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So all get together and have us banned then. At the same time you should also ban the others who open ridiculous threads about Cat Butts, Waterbeds,
and other BS. What about the members who can't spell, ban them too. (although one of them belongs to your mod team) It is funny that you only mentioned the 2 of us.

well, both Luci and Enmos quoted this so now I know about it. Thanks guys!

others?? Don't you mean 1 other. Cat Butt and Waterbeds were both mine. :D Thank you for noticing....and obsessing.

I may be wrong (doubt it) but I think you finger your CUNT when you read my posts and get riled up. They get your CUNT hot and slick and you hate it. You hate that I make you feel such passion. So you type a pathetic post with your sticky fingers. Do you hump your snow shovel and think of me? Do you violate yourself with your cheap store candles and scream "Orleaaaaaaander!!" But hey, I may be wrong. :shrug:

I wish you could quit me.

in hommage to gandenken :D
I may be wrong (doubt it) but I think you finger your CUNT when you read my posts and get riled up. They get your CUNT hot and slick and you hate it. You hate that I make you feel such passion. So you type a pathetic post with your sticky fingers. Do you hump your snow shovel and think of me? Do you violate yourself with your cheap store candles and scream "Orleaaaaaaander!!" But hey, I may be wrong. :shrug:

I wish you could quit me.

Wow! I am sure your kids would be so proud of you.
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Like we've told the membership so many times: at least put the appearance of effort into your insults. You know, so they have a point?

I wasn't attempting to insult you. I was just wondering why all of your barbs are so convoluted and strained. You sound like such a wannabe, a poser who tries to act 'cool' while demeaning individuals in a fashion similar to Lou Natic or Satyr, but you just fall flat on your ass. I've gotten to that point where I don't even really bother reading the first few lines of your posts, you're that much of a god damn snide wind bag.

You'll never be a great writer, Tiassa. Do you know why? Because you write for yourself, instead of your audience. Very few people here have the patience to read your schlock, and I doubt many people outside sciforums will, either.
Wow, Orleander is behaving like a vacuous obnoxious little slut. In otherwords, she's completely in character. Business as usual.
You'll never be a great writer, Tiassa. Do you know why? Because you write for yourself, instead of your audience. Very few people here have the patience to read your schlock.
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