why can moderators say what they like, but everyone else can't?

Should moderators follow the same rules has everyone else has to?

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Moreover, you yourself post about how you hate your neighbors, how you want to hurt this or that person.
And those posts of yours stay at the forum and you didn't seem to get any warnings about that. Apparently, you have been allowed hate speech. Apparently, you very much can say whatever you want

Some might be selfless and want to see this community evolve, while others will be just clever enough to become a moderator just to get around being moderated themselves for their senseless trolling. (I'm not saying it happens here, but I know for a fact that other forums have people become moderators just to abuse the "rights" they get and give a forum a bad name. It's an unfortunate problem that in all honesty can not be remedied by a Staff of volunteers with no background checks)
Can it, will you?

Feigned neutrality is annoying- its got all that passive aggression of the female and I’m' about sick of it.

What is implicit in Stryder’s little posts, forumers, is that I'm that troll with impunity.
What is implicit in Stryder’s little posts, forumers, is that I was not wanted.
What is explicit in Strdyer’s little posts, forumers, is that I volunteered.

What he doesn’t tell you is that, from what I know, Tessie was the only mod who objected if not doubted my modership and what he also does not tell you is I did not volunteer myself but was nominated.

Further, 'behind the arras' he can't shut the fuck up about how important it is for the moderators to present a united front, and he'll italicize it just like that with his pinky sticking up from his paw, yet he will strut out here in public and actually admit that a minority was not ok with me being your Mod.

Ain't that right, Stryder?

why can moderators say what they like, but everyone else can't?#

I have to be a little more direct!

so why can they? are they above they're own rules and regulations? why don't they have to follow regulations? everyone else has to!!!
Whassamata, think passive aggression is not 'mean' since you've dolled the condescendence with kindness?

Suffered the going back to read your posts, and you’ve been a viscious twat since you got here-- but only boring enough to blend in.
You know, kinda like snot disappearing when you've spit it out on the gravel.

So my advice to you, Lucifers Angel, is to quiet up and either keep posting or leave.
I'm not going anywhere.
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Some might be selfless and want to see this community evolve, while others will be just clever enough to become a moderator just to get around being moderated themselves for their senseless trolling.

And those are the only two types?
I can name a few others.

However, I think that all of our moderators have the betterment of the forums as a goal.
Just different views of what is betterment.
That's where discussion and compromise comes in, of course. For those capable of such things, that is.

What he doesn’t tell you is that, from what I know, Tessie was the only mod who objected if not doubted my modership and what he also does not tell you is I did not volunteer myself but was nominated.

By the way, that's not really fair. Tiassa did mention some doubt as to you being a moderator, but he didn't object.
Stryder voiced the sole objection.
And voices it still. Again. And again. And again. In private message, public post, and in the mod forum.
Always using the royal we, by the way.
Stryder voiced the sole objection.
And voices it still. Again. And again. And again. In private message, public post, and in the mod forum.
Always using the royal we, by the way.
If I'm not mistaken, a while back, and my memory here is patchy on details, but I'm quite sure there was a wink that flew pass between Stryder and a couple others, one of whom might also be a mod, about future prospects for Sciforums, that is, to gradually turn the forums into a who's who's nest for the scientifically minded only. I think I was the only bloody one who voiced my objections to this. As they described it, such forums as Free Thoughts and Philosophy would be nothing more than places to "let their hair hang down". And members lacking credentials to the science "community" would eventually be purged. And until Gendanken's return, I was really beginning to suspect that such a move would be possible.
And members lacking credentials to the science "community" would eventually be purged
And until Gendanken's return, I was really beginning to suspect that such a move would be possible.
What? Its no longer possible?

"Yes. But you wouldn't begrudge me a little protection. A drop"- Wonka
Well, certain members might flee, but many others, more likened to the old Sci type, might join... or return
You mean the kind of 'fleeing' that sweet, loving bigots do when they jam up traffic gaping at an accident?

Of course, they'll malign murder and destruction on paper but we all know they swarm like flies to fresh sewage.
No one has fled nor will flee-- they stick around like the social mammals they are.

Where's Xev now??
Building Orc burrows.
No on is fleeing but fleaing the place and it itches.
Pardon, couldn't resist the sweet pun.\
So, through the wonderful powers vested in me by this modership, I can see even those invisible.

Stryder logged on, was about to reply, but the snit oops wonderful person that he is decided to private message someone instead.

What do you call the little boy who backs away from the school yard?


i also think, in general, mods mind what they say while members dont
this tp is bullshit
it should have been shutdown immediately

kindly stop attacking gendy, rabble rousing peasants
Administrator's Note

Moderator in question, gedanken, has been removed from the position of General Philosophy moderator.

Although being one of the most valuable members of the community, she didn't show adequate behaviour needed for complex position of moderator.

I think this decision is the best solution for SciForums community.

If you have any objections regarding this issue, please contact me via PM.
The moderators are Gods, and could crush us like bugs
if it was their will to do so.

Sure - if they want the place to themselves & only themselves...

They're more like a rash you can't get rid of that itches like a son of a bitch at the most inopportune moments
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