Why Are Athiests So Obsessed With God?

rubbish brutus, no invisible sky daddy can make man gods, men are just men, but they are the rulers of there own destiny, no deity required.
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How are athiests giong to feel when they die and suddenly find themselves face to face with the being they did not believe in?
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If there was no God then we would not exist. We exist therefore so does God.

Atheists are getting more and more fanatical all the time.

You may not believe in God, but God believes in you.

A dead atheist lives in denial.

If Atheists are right then ultimately we are all in the same boat, but if we are right then Atheists are screwed.
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Brutus1964 said:
If Atheists are right then ultimately we are all in the same boat, but if we are right then Atheists are screwed.
So you believe in God because you are scared to believe otherwise? :confused:
One Raven

Some of those thoughts were meant to be facetious. We really do not know how God will judge. The scriptures say not to judge or you risk being judged by that same standard. So it is always best to treat everyone fairly. I believe that when we are finally are judged none will not be surprised or by the outcome. Christ will be both our judge and our advocate so we know he will be fair.
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brutus1964 said:
If there was no God then we would not exist. We exist therefore so does God.

that is the funnest thing, I've read in ages, I've past it on to Winace, and several other forums, you are now famous thoughout the web.
have you got any other gems.
Christmas presents exist, therefore Santa exists.

Easter eggs exist, therefore the Easter bunny exists.
Brutus1964 said:
I would not want to be associated with the Communist Karl Marx. His ideas have caused more death and misery than religion could ever shake a stick at.

Still on the witch hunt?
Brutus1964 said:
If Atheists are right then ultimately we are all in the same boat, but if we are right then Atheists are screwed.

This means that you are not sure who is right!?!

If you are not sure, how then can you say things like

Brutus1964 said:
How are athiests giong to feel when they die and suddenly find themselves face to face with the being they did not believe in?

So here you are sure of what will happen in the future?

Brutus1964 said:
We really do not know how God will judge. The scriptures say not to judge or you risk being judged by that same standard. So it is always best to treat everyone fairly. I believe that when we are finally are judged none will not be surprised or by the outcome. Christ will be both our judge and our advocate so we know he will be fair.

And you know this ... for a fact?

And you think you know what it means to treat someone fairly?

* * *

Neildo said:
Well man isn't yet God, but we have the ability to become it.

Oh my.
And what god would you become?
as in response to one raven my name is derived from the egyptian goddess of rebirth isis. she became the most powerful god/goddess in the ancient world because of her love and care for her surroundings and also because of her powers over life and death. she is simultaneously known as the goddess of creation and the goddess of destruction.
The problem with many atheists is they have locked themselves into a closed dogma that they accuse us theists of being in. If you base your entire belief system on "if I can't see it, then I won't believe it" then you close yourself off to a lot of knowledge. I have much more respect for an agnostic than a flat out atheist, because at least the agnostic will entertain the idea that there might be a higher power out there.
The problem with theists is they base their beliefs in ancient books. Written by nuts, who thought their visions to be reality, dreams are interpreted as premonition. Joseph had a dream, that since Mary was nocked up, it was going to be a special kid, and that he should name it Emanuel. You basically base your beliefs on illusions of ancient schizophrenics.

Look at the symptoms of schizophrenics, and see the similiarties with your so called "visions" written all over the bable. click

interesting article on the link between schizophrenia and mysticism. click

You can believe what ever you want to believe, but don't go assuming we are ingnorant. The only reason you are able to type your BULL SHIT here is because secularism rejected mysticism and got us out of the DARK AGES!!.

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Brutus1964 said:
I must ask this question. Why are atheists so obsessed with God? If you do not believe in him why do you expend so much energy thinking about him and those that do believe?
This is rather like asking a 1950’s era German “Why are you so obsessed with communism if you aren’t a communist?”
Why do atheists spend so much time in the religion section of this forum?
Actually, most atheists hardly think about god or religion at all, and just go on about their lives. The very small minority of atheists who actually actively argue with theists are usually just people who like to argue/debate/discuss things.
TheMatrixIsReal said:
I can't see an individual atom and I'm fairly confident they exist. Why? Because of that terrible, horrible, evil word that is the bane of all theists, evidence. Evidence can come in many forms, not just from your eyes, ears, and other senses but from abstract forms like mathematics. But evidence must be communicated, and for it to be communicated it must exist in a form we can observe; whether it's a picture or a mathematical formula, we must be able to capture it with our senses for it to be knowledge, otherwise it's not. So no, we don't close ourselves off from anything that isn't non-information, because you cannot derive information from non-information. (=.

Very well said!
It takes a lot of faith to be an atheist. This contradiction in terms is not far off the mark..
Atheists themselves define faith as an irrational belief that cannot be proven or demonstrated.

There are only two possibilities.

Fact A: God does exist

Fact B: God does not exist

One of these statements is true and one of them is false. There is no way around it. No amount of belief or disbelief can change it. If you are an atheist and Fact A is correct then any logic you used to come up with your conclusion is completely irrelevant. Your entire belief system would be in error, and based on false assumptions. If God exists then nothing you could possibly come up with could change that fact. Therefore it is impossible to us logic and intellect to conclude that God does not exist. For atheists to proclaim the non-existence of God takes an irrational belief that cannot be proven or demonstrated. It takes a lot of faith.
Perhaps that appearance of irrationality comes from the fact that the atheistic anti-identification exists as a response to something sheerly irrational.

The problem is these shoebox assertions of God. How something as large as the notion of God can fit into a neat little book is rather a fascinating conundrum.

God does exist. It is an invention of the human mind.