Who is your favorite comedian (alive or dead)?

You have made everyones day.

I guess about ten guys who will proudly announce to their friends they have been recognised as the greatest comedian of all time. You know..she is talking about me thing...did you see that she wants me...am I right or calling things wrong.

How wonderful ..you are wise, well of course you are a woman...the wisest man should sit at the feet of a woman to learn the basics... few do most can not. Maybe not ten maybe more...whatever you do don't name names or your will destroy many worlds.

So look at the battles thru history..not many woman dieing under the sword...and sadly they are still drawn in..it sucks..it really does...and the males that lived...their accounts of how they ducted and thrusted and killed...it's riveting stuff...I could listen for hours.
Mind you I have been there..look how I took that jump...only a hero could be so brave...but fortunately I can look back and laugh...girls are just replacement Mommy figures... Did I do good..did I.?

The male is such a sad expression of life...if you have a dope crop you cut out the males..the various herds of animals few males play any role past a couple of seconds...and fight for a moment...mind you it is a nice moment but best if you actually share it nicely somehow.
And the delusion...she just wants a baby you fool.
Good for her accepting an idiot to keep humans going.

I really like George...more so because what he did was calling to be shot dead after work. How brave was he.?

But he had so much material to draw upon... I mean taking the Mickey out of mainstream US gives one limitless opportunity ..I loved his religious stuff..
Proof there is no god because if there was as he would have been stuck down on stage.
An Irishman ..I bet we are related.

The ''male'' isn't a sad expression of life, although throughout history there have been some terrible men, but same with women. There are many women who aren't good people. I see the inidividual, their character, their treatment of others, not their gender...although, I'm attracted to men, from a relationship perspective. lol I think that as a culture, we tend to judge people too commonly based on gender and that is why there has been a deep line drawn in the sand between men and women, in some cases.

Regarding who I'm referring to...maybe, I'm being sarcastic? :oops:
The ''male'' isn't a sad expression of life, although throughout history there have been some terrible men, but same with women. There are many women who aren't good people. I see the inidividual, their character, their treatment of others, not their gender...although, I'm attracted to men, from a relationship perspective. lol I think that as a culture, we tend to judge people too commonly based on gender and that is why there has been a deep line drawn in the sand between men and women, in some cases.

Regarding who I'm referring to...maybe, I'm being sarcastic? :oops:
Yeah, got to admit, that humour thread was a doozy! ;)

My favourite used to be Eddie Izzard... before he got a tad pretentious for my tastes.

Also a big fan of Tim Minchin... best comedic song-writer for us cynical liberal skeptic atheists out there.
He wrote a song dedicated to the Pope that’s well worth a listen (unless you are easily offended), and a few others about religion (“Thank you God...” and “The Good Book” to name but two).
Plus best song ever for new parents, called “Lullaby”.
And then real heart-tuggers like “Drinking white wine in the sun” (which is a Christmas song!)
Then there’s “Prejudice”, about the word that no one should use, unless you are one.
If you have 9 minutes to spare, his beat poem “Storm” is what first brought him to my attention.
And on top of all that he’s a seriously talented pianist!
Look him up.
You won’t be disappointed.
Unless you have a very different sense of humour to me. ;)
John ("Nay Nay!") Pinette (1964-2014). One of the few comedians that nearly killed me with laughter.
He was funny and he gave funny lectures. He was a stand up comedian of his day. Sure, the art form wasn't the same as today but so what. Do you just like to argue (rhetorical)?
I can't possibly argue with that, as I never attended Twain's lecture/routines.
As to Graucho Marx, I recall only fragments of the quiz show spoof, which were crude, and some movies, which were largely slapstick, which not my favourite genre.
My top 5 in no particular order.

Bill Hicks

Eddie Murphy

Jerry Seinfeld

Dave Chappell

Jonathan Katz