Yeah sure: if you sit there and "analyze" it. When you stop to psycho-analyze anything you'll come up with all different types of interpretations. I'm saying that at face-value, when they're spoken out, they both mean the same thing. In common dialogue, when you're speaking, there is no difference. The conversation flows on and the meaning is understood. And so it goes.
You can't psychoanalyse a sentence hello

In common dialogue people say all kinds of wrong shit and it's up to the listener to decipher it:shrug:
Yeah but, no but, yeah but, no, however you look at it, they are two opposite statements.
1 Peter, being the subject, is not difficult to miss therefore it is not difficult for someone else not to notice him.
Means he can remain unnoticed.
2 Peter, being the object, is not difficult to miss, therefore it is not difficult for him to go unnoticed.
Means he can remain unnoticed
3 Peter, being the subject, is not easy to miss, therefore it is not easy for someone else not to notice him.
Means he can be noticed easily.
4 Peter, being the object, is not easy to miss, therefore it is not easy for him to go unnoticed.
Means he can be noticed easily.
Opposite statements.