Everything about the earth is special, unique and one of a kind.
We just don't know that yet. It's only very recently that we have started actually observing planets outside our solar system. Due to the detection mechanisms we have used, the exoplanets we are currently aware of make up a biased sample, in the sense that it is a lot easier to detect gas giant planets that are relatively close to their parent star than it is to detect small rocky planets like Earth. Nevertheless, we have detected a number of "superearths", planets double or triple the size of Earth, some of which might have liquid water oceans and atmospheres.
Until we have a representative sample of exoplanets, its too early to jump to conclusions about how special the Earth is or is not.
Contrary to NASA’s continuous self serving propaganda, there is no such thing as a earthlike exoplanet.
The dream of an 'Earth-like' planet showcases our astrobiological ignorance.
Your authority for this claims is a Forbes article? Against NASA? Okay.
The earth exists in the center of an intricate web of protection that does not exist anywhere else in the known universe.
Who says it doesn't exist anywhere else in the known universe? Same Forbes article?
Simply put, life cannot exist in this universe. The concept of life violates every known law of physics and observation we’ve ever made.
You're here. That alone tends to refute your claim. What else is there to say?
There is no logical reason or scientific theory that can explain why this tiny oasis of life exists in a universe that appears designed to kill and destroy everything in it.
It's interesting that you use the words "designed to kill". The whole of your post seems to hint at an idea that you never state explicitly: that you think the Earth was
designed by someone or something for the benefit of life in general or human life in particular.
Is that what you think? If so, why are you so coy about it? Who do you think the Designer is? (Can I have one guess?)
Also, while we're at it: was this the same Designer who designed the rest of the universe to kill and destroy? Do you have any thoughts/findings on why the Designer made it that way?
But life does exist, and it requires numerous miracles to occur on a daily basis to survive.
Miracles? Do you actually mean supernatural occurrences, or could fortunate coincidences of circumstances do the trick?
I wonder why this is left out of your textbooks.
I believe this sort of thing is taught in religious classes and appears in various religious texts. They aren't hard to find.
Only recently, we have developed the technology to observe other solar systems. The results are shocking.
We are utterly alone in the cosmos.
We don't know that. We aren't even sure whether there's life on the planet next door yet. We're checking it to see if we can find out, one way or the other.
Despite what you have been taught, our star is NOT average in any way. It is bigger and more powerful than 95% of the stars in the universe. Yet, it is calmer and gentler than every other star we have observed.
That doesn't sound right. Is this Forbes talking again?
From memory, our Sun is a G type, main sequence star. You could be correct, I suppose that it is "more powerful" than 95% of the other stars. What do you mean by "more powerful"? More massive? There are lots of dwarf stars, so that wouldn't be a particularly remarkable observation.
And how are you measuring the calmness and gentleness, exactly?
Still, without an ozone layer and magnetic field (which we don’t truly know how the earth is generating) the nicest star in the universe would kill us almost instantly.
The Earth didn't always have an ozone layer. For quite a long time, life on Earth got on just fine without one. Yes, no ozone layer would be bad for
Homo sapiens, but for life in general?
Off topic a bit, but what do
you think causes the Earth's magnetic field?
Strangely, while the earth protects us from the sun’s radiation. The sun’s emissions protect us from deadly cosmic rays that are coming from all points in the universe.
Why is this strange? All stars emit a "solar wind" of charged particles. Our Sun isn't unique in that regard.
Our magnetic field is not strong enough to protect us from cosmic rays, but the solar wind blocks and weakens them before they arrive and kill the life on earth.
That's not quite right, but sure - the solar wind helps a bit.
Our Star, our Moon, our Planet and our Solar System are behaving differently than everywhere else in the universe.
How do you know about
everywhere else?
What are the main differences?
So what make the earth special? It starts with a star that is violating the laws of physics that govern every other star in the universe.
Which laws of physics is the Sun violating, specifically?