In other words, you are a freak who is too lazy to read standard scientific methodology (Popper), but prefers to link quora posts and wikipedia as the authority in scientific methodology.
As others have told you in other threads, you most certainly do approach a subject dishonestly, and are "expert" in twisting words and such to suit your own bias. While its sad that your pet ether theory will be lost in oblivion, that is not my fault nor any concern of mine. I'm just informing you, as a lay person to a supposed scientist, that GR is our overwhelmingly accepted theory of gravity and is verified, and validated everyday, within its zones of applicability.
Playing semantics and pedant doesn;t work with me my old friend. Again whether you like it or not, GR is verified and validated everyday, within its zones of applicability. You will be a better scientist when you accept that.It remains to repeat: Read Popper, then come back. If that is too much for you, learn at least from wikipedia what you are implicitly supporting using "verify" and "validate" in a discussion about the scientific method, namely verificationism is
Í don't believe it is at all funny to have a lay person pick you [a supposed scientist] up on a rather silly misuse of one of the greatest predictions of GR.LOL. "Admittance of guilt" for writing once somewhere gravity waves instead of gravitational waves. You are really funny. And, BTW, such postings in a forum are a place where sloppy formulations are not a problem, and I admittedly also sometimes write in a sloppy way.
And yet being the hypocrite that you are, and as you have shown elsewhere, you try and attempt to argue and use semantics against the fact that GR is validated and verified everyday, within it's domain of applicability.
Was it? I don't believe that to be true, but then like many of your questionable unsupported accusations and claims, they are just that...questionable and unsupported.Nonsense. The first who used the accusation "sloppy talk" were you, I have simply returned it. (in the first appearance, I have described only the use of sloppy talk by physicists in public forums, not used it as as accusation against you.) The problem with you is that you have somehow copypasted some sloppy talk about "verification" (which is, unfortunately, and misleadingly, indeed quite common) and now post this repeatedly and present it as if it would not be some misleading but more or less unproblematic sloppy talk but the established scientific methodology.
If you catch me with some sloppy wording, I have no problem to clarify this and to explain what was sloppy, and what would be the correct description. In this form, sloppy wording is quite unproblematic. But if one repeats it and insists that this sloppy wording is correct science, this is problematic.