What is the difference between a vaccine using RNA vs DNA?

Good reference. However we may also need to furthur understand about it::-
1. Spike protein may not be cytotoxic directly but it will serve a purpose of antigen or immunogen and will attract humrol and Adaptive immune active immune response against this spike protein. Detection of specific antibodies post vaccination endorss it. What such active immune response will cause or damage indirectly need to be included. On natural infection lot of damages, immune response, inflammation etc are experisnced.

2. mRNA, post vaccination will be infected in many cells(which cells). What will be the fate of these cells? Will these not be harmed?
3. Immunological memory grossly has two mabisfestations. One, antibodidies related, 2nd of cytotoxicity related. But it need to be activated by infection.

4. Intramuscular injection is commonly used for medication administration. Medication administered in the muscle is generally quickly absorbed in the bloodstream. Vaccines are also given IM. How these are not absorbed in blood stream?
5. Phagocytosis will happen post vaccination of vaccine material and of its impacted odd particles. Usually, phagocytes die sfter phagocytodis. Can it be attributed to somewhat cytotic impact?
There is no article.
Deatails are given on that link. Many other such news were published and broadcasted on news TV channels here. Even sticking mobile phones were also shown. However ultimately, it faded away and ignored by tsking it as immpossible and just attributed skin sweat and oil responsible for it. We can simply check, whether, immediate after taking vaccine, skin sweat and oil secretion is enhanced? Probably, it may as mild fever is common. So now, it can just be an issue of interest not issue of concern.
Mod Note

many of us could end up losing confidence in the actors on BigMedia who
are really sales people for BigPharma but they are basically acting like they are objective "reporters?"

Many reporters are not truly objective and honest when it comes to this topic.

Spike protein is very dangerous, it's cytotoxic (Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Bret Weinstein)
•Jun 13, 2021

In my previous post to you, I made my point quite clear about your concerted anti-vaxxer disinformation campaign on this site. I call it a campaign because of your persistence and also because of your online activity, which I will address shortly.

Your posts are not welcome here. Not because you are challenging the status quo, for example, but simply because you are a dangerous internet troll who is intent on spreading debunked and false stories and videos. Normally, we'd treat you like a complete troll and crank, and frankly an idiot, and let you go on your merry way as the ban cycle would eventually see you banned permanently if it was just trolling - such as your posting the same thing over and over again without addressing what's been said to you as one such example. This is something completely different.

The reason I am not going to allow that to happen this time is because of the dangerous nature of your posts. It is insidious because the lies and debunked nature of your anti-vaxxer campaign can have deadly consequences. If you don't want to get the vaccine, that's on you. But to deliberately spread lies about it in such a pathological way cannot and should never be accepted without consequence. Which brings me to your online activity. I took the unusual step of actually googling you, to see if this was just a role you played on this site or whether you were spreading this crap elsewhere as well. I say unusual, because we have a stance that what happens on other sites and forums is rarely used to act against anyone here.

And low and behold, I find that it isn't a one off, but a concerted campaign and in one forum, you even advised that Facebook banned you because of your anti-vaxxer campaign. And it is a campaign. Anyone who goes on every forum and platform they can find to post the exact same videos - you literally copied and pasted the same posts everywhere - is waging a campaign.

This isn't political, nor are you trying to end war or pushing a charity as some examples. No. Your campaign is to spread complete and absolute lies that can result in people dying.

You are, in that regard, the very definition of "fake news". While we have tended not to use posts or opinions raised on other websites to moderate anyone here, the nature of your trolling is so dangerous that I would be negligent if I allowed you to use this website as yet another platform to knowingly spread lies that have a direct impact on the health and safety of other people.

I hope that you stop, but the nature of your personality tells me that you won't. I just hope that more platforms ban you to stop you, because what you are doing is horrible and dangerous.

Dennis Tate has been permanently banned from sciforums.
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Deatails are given on that link.
I was making a Matrix reference; it was supposed to be funny.

In any case, nothing you have posted makes any sense. Many of those coins that stuck to that guy, for example, were NOT FERROMAGNETIC. (Most coins aren't.) That means they aren't attracted by magnets, at all.
I was making a Matrix reference; it was supposed to be funny.

In any case, nothing you have posted makes any sense. Many of those coins that stuck to that guy, for example, were NOT FERROMAGNETIC. (Most coins aren't.) That means they aren't attracted by magnets, at all.
Yes, this matter is over now. I also tried on me. No magnetic issue is involved. Simply it should be skin sweat and oil related. However if it is overexpressed due to vaccine mild side effect, can be a different matter.
Btw, whether blood counts, esp WBC counts and differencial value change post Covid vaccination? For other vaccines it is indicated. Esp. when mild side effects are felt and after 2-3 weeks when immune response is developed?
Yes, this matter is over now. I also tried on me. No magnetic issue is involved. Simply it should be skin sweat and oil related. However if it is overexpressed due to vaccine mild side effect, can be a different matter.
No, it's not. "Vaccine magnetism" is still not an effect. It is fake. It is a lie, a prevarication, a falsehood, an untruth. It has no veracity. It is a non-fact. It is a deceit, a fabrication, a myth. It is fake news to hook the gullible and foolish. It is entirely untrue; indeed, it is the opposite of true. There is no "however." There is no "but if . . ." There is no "under certain circumstances it can . . ." It does not happen. Period. End of story.

Is that clear enough?
No, it's not. "Vaccine magnetism" is still not an effect. It is fake. It is a lie, a prevarication, a falsehood, an untruth. It has no veracity. It is a non-fact. It is a deceit, a fabrication, a myth. It is fake news to hook the gullible and foolish. It is entirely untrue; indeed, it is the opposite of true. There is no "however." There is no "but if . . ." There is no "under certain circumstances it can . . ." It does not happen. Period. End of story.

Is that clear enough?
Yes it is clear now. However it was taken seriously here. It remained in news for few days. Vacuum, Van Der force, Electrostatic force etc can be speculated....but magnetic impossible. However it has experianced here but not pursued intentionally to misguide. Common people in common sense can interpret it as magnetic effect...not necessary iron/magnet related magnetic effect. Now it is misunderstood viral video concept here. So just forget.

Let us come back to topic.
Read it:

Blood count abnormalities are a recognized feature of many viral infections and immunizations but little is known about the haematological effects of influenza vaccination. We report a 67-year-old patient who developed thrombocytopenia and severe neutropenia 3 weeks after she was vaccinated against influenza. The case led us to study prospectively the blood counts of 70 people aged over 65 before and after they received influenza vaccine. There were no significant changes in the levels of haemoglobin, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils or platelets after vaccination, but the total WBC counts (mean +/- SD, 6.86 +/- 1.52) and lymphocyte counts (1.69 +/- 0.61) were significantly lower at 4 weeks than at baseline (7.22 +/- 1.60 [P = 0.02] and 1.86 +/- 0.62 [P = 0.001] respectively) and in four subjects the lymphocyte count fell to below 0.7 x 10(9)/l. Since influenza vaccine does not contain live virus, its haematological effects presumably relate to the host immune response rather than to viral replication.

It is about other virus and vaccine. Does it also happen in case of Covid Virus and Covid Vaccine?
Mod Note

In my previous post to you, I made my point quite clear about your concerted anti-vaxxer disinformation campaign on this site. I call it a campaign because of your persistence and also because of your online activity, which I will address shortly.

Your posts are not welcome here. Not because you are challenging the status quo, for example, but simply because you are a dangerous internet troll who is intent on spreading debunked and false stories and videos. Normally, we'd treat you like a complete troll and crank, and frankly an idiot, and let you go on your merry way as the ban cycle would eventually see you banned permanently if it was just trolling - such as your posting the same thing over and over again without addressing what's been said to you as one such example. This is something completely different.

The reason I am not going to allow that to happen this time is because of the dangerous nature of your posts. It is insidious because the lies and debunked nature of your anti-vaxxer campaign can have deadly consequences. If you don't want to get the vaccine, that's on you. But to deliberately spread lies about it in such a pathological way cannot and should never be accepted without consequence. Which brings me to your online activity. I took the unusual step of actually googling you, to see if this was just a role you played on this site or whether you were spreading this crap elsewhere as well. I say unusual, because we have a stance that what happens on other sites and forums is rarely used to act against anyone here.

And low and behold, I find that it isn't a one off, but a concerted campaign and in one forum, you even advised that Facebook banned you because of your anti-vaxxer campaign. And it is a campaign. Anyone who goes on every forum and platform they can find to post the exact same videos - you literally copied and pasted the same posts everywhere - is waging a campaign.

This isn't political, nor are you trying to end war or pushing a charity as some examples. No. Your campaign is to spread complete and absolute lies that can result in people dying.

You are, in that regard, the very definition of "fake news". While we have tended not to use posts or opinions raised on other websites to moderate anyone here, the nature of your trolling is so dangerous that I would be negligent if I allowed you to use this website as yet another platform to knowingly spread lies that have a direct impact on the health and safety of other people.

I hope that you stop, but the nature of your personality tells me that you won't. I just hope that more platforms ban you to stop you, because what you are doing is horrible and dangerous.

Dennis Tate has been permanently banned from sciforums.
Hooray. As well as running up the Jolly Roger as an antivaxxer propagandist, the blighter was a perishing nuisance, crapping nonsense all over the forum and quite incapable of reasoned discussion. Good riddance.
Hooray. As well as running up the Jolly Roger as an antivaxxer propagandist, the blighter was a perishing nuisance, crapping nonsense all over the forum and quite incapable of reasoned discussion. Good riddance.
Yes, one should be justified by accounting both sides, potential benefits and harms with reasoning and accept which is in nett benefit or oppose that which is in nett harm.
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CDC safety group says there’s a likely link between rare heart inflammation in young people after Covid shot

Myocarditis and Pericarditis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination
Updated June 23, 2021
So what? All vaccines have some side effects.

This particular one is firstly very rare and secondly not serious in the vast majority of cases in which it occurs, clearing up spontaneously within 48hrs, as the articles make clear.

So what point do you wish to make? Apart from trying to spread fear and bogus arguments against vaccination, I mean.
So what? All vaccines have some side effects.

This particular one is firstly very rare and secondly not serious in the vast majority of cases in which it occurs, clearing up spontaneously within 48hrs, as the articles make clear.

So what point do you wish to make? Apart from trying to spread fear and bogus arguments against vaccination, I mean.

Not me but whatever CDC pointed out, I quoted that here. It is our need to know everything abount vaccine or any other newly introduced medical introduction in emergency. I think, we still waiting many things yet to be fully understood....so trying to know more is not abnormal oe odd.

I understand many modern introductions and interventions are considered on nett basis after accounting risk/harm benefit ratio and usually they are also well transparent. But still say for example is 10 out of 100 is negative 90 is positive, still we can/should understand those 10 but should not base 10 but can base 90.

Btw, in above analogy, can these vaccine be claimed as 100....absolute & Final?
If not then it is in our interest to know more and more about these and the same I am am just trying. I pursue a yet unclear mass existing thing in positive sense i.e."subject to possible".
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It is our need to know everything abount vaccine or any other newly introduced medical introduction in emergency. I think, we still waiting many things yet to be fully understood....so trying to know more is not abnormal oe odd.
Wanting to understand more is not abnormal at all.

Getting on here and saying "the vaccine isn't really working because of (this detail I don't quite understand)" is both a waste of time and actively harmful.

Btw, in above analogy, can these vaccine be claimed as 100....absolute & Final?
No. No one has claimed the vaccine is 100% effective. It's not. It's 99% effective.
Wanting to understand more is not abnormal at all.

Getting on here and saying "the vaccine isn't really working because of (this detail I don't quite understand)" is both a waste of time and actively harmful.

No. No one has claimed the vaccine is 100% effective. It's not. It's 99% effective.

Actually, reputed competent authorites are quite transpatent and justified in telling both sides about vaccines as following link suggest:
It also justify me. Othereise, it is quite unjustified to be perceived only one sided...either in support or in sgainst. Nothing is one sided and absolute. We need to base on nett.