To all interested readers.
Identifying bits and pieces of physics do not add up to a comprehensive picture.
Only by establishing 'common denominators" of all things, can a fundamental structural quality of physical phemomena be established.
This was Davis Bohm's main objection to current science, it has become so fractured that all notions of a universal wholeness has become lost in the complexity.
My posits may seem simplistic and redundant, but in all my posts I have been actually wrong about something maybe twice or three times.
You can complain all you like about my singular focus on common fundamentals, but no one can say I am wrong.
And I would rather read something right over and over again that reading three pages of wrong once. Just to help "understanding" along.....
p.p.s. I find it curious that God and his wonderous miracles is never being accused of being redundant, in addition to being wrong, in the Religion forum,. I know it is politically correct.....
But why should I restrict my use of words like "potential" when discussing Science in a Science forum?
As to hijacking a tread with a positive identification of the forces and functions involved in "evolution", as long as the posit is NOT WRONG, I can find no reason to alter my posting habits.
IMO, the following link is a direct link to the very fundamentals of "growth' and "change" in the evolution of (almost) ALL biological species.
THIS IS IMPORTANT! (the biological computer which is instrumental in te creation of diversity) MICROTUBULE.
One thing you seem to overlook is that new readers (potential members) may not always read back on a discussion with many entrees and pickup at athe most recent posting.
If what I have to say is important, it bears repeating. But that is up to the new reader to judge.
You do realize that before the BB, there was Potential!
The single
correct term to use before the known universe became manifest.
Potential---> Cause---> Effect---> Potential---> Cause---> etc.
This may seem simplistic but it is NOT WRONG. Inherent universal potential is the fundamental universal ability to spawn and evolve everything we can and cannot observe.
Microtubules may be the link to biological
quantum processes. (ORCH-OR)