Wikipedia is part of the Grand Conspiracy. Check.Wikipedia is controlled by the same group that controls the American media (see top link in post #35).
The American Media is part of the Grand Conspiracy. Check.
The "mainstream" medical establishment and medical authorities are part of the Grand Conspiracy. Check.The mainstream is blackballing Wakefield because he explained the truth. Explaining the truth is career suicide.
The powers that be that control the "academic community" are part of the Grand Conspiracy. Check.Check out this video. People are afraid to say what they really think. They might lose their jobs and retirement pensions.
9/11 and the Academic Community
Media hosting companies are part of the Grand Conspiracy. Check.I posted three links to the same video because videos sometimes disappear.
It seems clear that nobody is to be trusted, because every organisation that, on the face of it, could be considered "reputable" or "authoritative" in any way, has been corrupted by the Grand Conspiracy.
In fact, if we're to believe Freddy (and, let's face it, he seems very sane and reliable), the only uncorrupted people are a bunch of dedicated internet conspiracy theorists. It seems clear that these are the people we all need to trust, instead of people who have actual qualifications and a good reputation for reliability.
Look at how many groups of people have to be "in on it" for anything that FatFreddy posts to be true. The whole world, apart from Freddy and his mates, must be "paid sophists", spreading the falsehoods while Fred and his mates bravely crusade against them.
At the same time, don't you think it's a very clever tactic for this all-powerful cabal of conspiracists who run the world to pretend they can't manage to rid themselves of the pesky irritations of Fred and his mates? Ingenious!