What if there is only one type of particle but its physical properties change depending on which field it is interacting with?

... here you have a completely new approach from first principles, based on axioms that exclude the axioms and basic assumptions of other theories. In short, the only people who are qualified are the few who have taken the time to understand this particular approach and form their own opinions. That said validity of a theory cannot be determined from within the framework of another theory when they have mutually exclusive axiom sets. In the end, consistency with nature is that only valid test.
Does your theory make testable predictions that are different from the current standard model?
Normally, I would agree. But here you have a completely new approach from first principles, based on axioms that exclude the axioms and basic assumptions of other theories. In short, the only people who are qualified are the few who have taken the time to understand this particular approach and form their own opinions.
Not published or peer reviewed, and likely never will since trying to go that route is a futile and time consuming exercise. I have no desire to even try. People can make up their own mind when presented with coherent arguments.
That sounds like a whole lot of grass fed pure grade A baloney covered in a large dollop of contradiction. Why would a self-proclaimed genius go to the trouble of creating some new approach to science that only few would understand and not publish their works? Are you actually trying to say that the publishing of works is harder to do than the works themselves? And yet, one must be a genius like you to understand it? It's all an absurd and laughable contradiction.

Or, are you really just serving up gourmet gobbledygook?