What do you think of my moderating?

I don't get why you would waste time correcting other members typos. I don't think you should correct them. I think you should leave the posts how they typed them.

I proof read my sons assignments sometimes and correct his spelling errors. He is 11 though, these are adults. If they can't spell or that is the way they talk, I don't think you should be editing their posts.

That is a good point. I guess his contention is that 'this is a linguistics board". Personalli i leave some of my typos in- my feeling on this is to give my opponenty a false sense of security. Then i hit 'em with something profound....Works every time.
That is a good point. I guess his contention is that 'this is a linguistics board". Personalli i leave some of my typos in- my feeling on this is to give my opponenty a false sense of security. Then i hit 'em with something profound....Works every time.

HAHA John. So you intentionally make spelling mistakes to throw us off huh?
What a coincidents so do I :D
HAHA John. So you intentionally make spelling mistakes to throw us off huh?
What a coincidents so do I :D

he he. yeah.

Interesting. Ignorance is a point of view.

That is exactly why. You assume the person is ignorant because they make spelling mistakes and they know more than you do. See how that works?:)
I never look at spelling mistakes because I come from a country where such mistakes are common. English is not a fluent language for 98% of Indians. I never heard of anyone deliberately dumbing down though.
I never look at spelling mistakes because I come from a country where such mistakes are common. English is not a fluent language for 98% of Indians. I never heard of anyone deliberately dumbing down though.
Do the languages of India have more phonetically consistent spelling? There are no European languages that are half as poor in that regard as English and French. I would guess that Danish comes next; it's full of silent letters and vowels that don't sound the way they're spelled. Some of them, like Turkish, Finnish, Czech and Hungarian, are almost computer-perfect.

As an editor in the field of I.T., I work with the writing of a lot of Indian people. I don't find spelling to be one of their more common types of errors. It's usually grammar--not exactly incorrect but just awkward. Or idioms; they write things like "Both physical as well as virtual storage," which is redundant.
I would like someone to write what I really should have meant to say and there to be an oversight moderator who reads the corrections and compares them to the originals. Spot checks by a committee are a given. A sub-group should be appointed by delagates selected in open voting. The committe will evaluate controversial changes.

A judicial branch seems unavoidable. I think, given the number of participants here, randomly chosen judges with day long tenures would be most beneficial. Thus the masses learn the complexity of the moderators.

No juries with power.
Interesting. Ignorance is a point of view.
As an applicant for Fraggle Rocker's current but obviously controversially held post, I will give you a sample edited version of SAM's post.
I believe what she should have written was....

Uninteresting. [I decided that sarcasm in this milieu actually contributes to signal to noise ratios negatively. People are just not up to the task of sarcasm. Thus I invert her opening term, moving subtext to text.]
Insignificant is your point of view. [I do feel however that condescension is picked up, albeit unconsciously, by most partipants, and most will feel, if not completely understand, that fronting with the adjective (and thus stressing it, implying via implicit synechdoche ((shit, is it metonomy?)) that the addressed person is insignificant. The addition of the possessive pronoun adds a focus to the dart thrown otherwise and characteristically all too accurately by fellow moderator, if this is not presumptuous, SAM.]

I can promise that even longer posts will be subject to my honing.

I believe that limiting corrections merely to grammar, spelling and misinformation leaves us with a lot of style and interpersonal gesture shortcomings.

I promise to minimize these.

Do the languages of India have more phonetically consistent spelling? There are no European languages that are half as poor in that regard as English and French. I would guess that Danish comes next; it's full of silent letters and vowels that don't sound the way they're spelled. Some of them, like Turkish, Finnish, Czech and Hungarian, are almost computer-perfect.

As an editor in the field of I.T., I work with the writing of a lot of Indian people. I don't find spelling to be one of their more common types of errors. It's usually grammar--not exactly incorrect but just awkward. Or idioms; they write things like "Both physical as well as virtual storage," which is redundant.

All Indian languages are phonetic, our alphabet is made up of what we call akshar (or letters) and barakhadi (vowels):

Fraggle, I think you're doing great.
I don't know whether or not you ever corrected any of my typo's, but I wouldn't mind.
Do you let the poster know when you edit his/her post ? I know I would appreciate that :)