What do girls want?

billvon said:
Hot looking men get more interest than average looking men (or women) on forums that show only pictures.
This isn't all that surprising, given that all people have to go on is the picture.
Yes, but the interest is in the averages. Hot men and hot women get attention, however, average women get attention, but average men do not get much attention.

if you do not apply culture then you have no terms of reference.

heterogeneous homoganised eurocentric bi-culturalism
i know for a fact that extremely good looking men are not obsessed with extremely good looking women.

what people want from sex
what people want from social interaction
is 2 completely different things, insular to frames of conventional culture paradigms.

the fact that you muddy the line between friendship and sex is not lost on me, though may be lost on many others.

your ellucidation of the mating metaphours is somewhat specific.
yet... everything comes undone the moment you apply some subjectivity to it.
this suggests a vast amount of pre-conditioning that lends to stereo typed perception.
thus, projecting that on others consciousely or subconsciousely delivers a result that can be expected and safely unsafe.
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Yes, but the interest is in the averages. Hot men and hot women get attention, however, average women get attention, but average men do not get much attention.
You are once again trying to translate your experiences to the larger world. A guy who lives on his mom's couch and rarely goes outside is not a good proxy for the rest of the world.
Again I say, if a man leaves a woman he has no choice. Either she has become too toxic to bear, is giving ultimatums he wont accept, or the marriage has flatlined between them.
I've left several women because it just wasn't going to work out. None of them were toxic, or giving ultimatums, or involved a marriage. Most men have done something similar.
You are missing the point, which is that the world, and america at large is very backwards in terms of gender abilities. LGBTs are minority not majority.
Who cares? If you want to wear a dress, then wear one and go to such a place. You'll be accepted. If you can't be bothered, then it's your own fault, no one else's.
Lgbt hangouts are also flawed, in their own way.
So are all bars. So are all people.
Lgbts are human, and thus flawed, corrosive and inhospitable often times. Many of them are damaged and thus take out their abuse on others.
Great! You will fit right in.
In this way, incels are the sane ones - they want to satisfy purely biological and social needs, genes, while the others wish to satisfy imagined ideals.
So rapists and thieves are more sane? I will disagree. Incels, by and large, have serious mental problems.
The unhappiness of the incel has a sane root, whereas the unhappiness of the rich man is a product of his own insanity.
You are once again trying to translate your experiences to the larger world. A guy who lives on his mom's couch and rarely goes outside is not a good proxy for the rest of the world.
These are not my experiences, but the experiences of Americans as a whole. Most of the males I know have always had to struggle with gaining female favors, and they would have to compute strategies and such to gain her attraction. Flirting with women does not come natural for most males.

Where as for females, flirting with males is largely effortless and autonomous.

Though as for the whole world, you are perhaps correct, the dating system seems most deeply flawed in Japan and America, and in other countries males do not have this problem to such an extent.

Who cares? If you want to wear a dress, then wear one and go to such a place. You'll be accepted. If you can't be bothered, then it's your own fault, no one else's.
Having the choice of only dating LGBTs only, lowers your odds of scoring a date by 90%, since you are reducing your pool of choice by 90%. Secondly we have to deal with the goodie-two shoes LGBT word police who facistly police your every move, often dating hyper-sensitives who have insane views. I mean how would you like to date someone who will dump you if you say the word "_itch" even as a joke?
around 45% or all homicides are comitted by heterosexual men on their female sexual partner.

I mean how would you like to date someone who will dump you if you say the word "_itch" even as a joke?
Where as for females, flirting with males is largely effortless and autonomous.
Most of the males I know have always had to struggle with gaining female favors, and they would have to compute strategies and such to gain her attraction. Flirting with women does not come natural for most males.
Having the choice of only dating LGBTs only, lowers your odds of scoring a date by 90%, since you are reducing your pool of choice by 90%
Secondly we have to deal with the goodie-two shoes LGBT word police who facistly police your every move, often dating hyper-sensitives who have insane views.
These are not my experiences, but the experiences of Americans as a whole. Most of the males I know have always had to struggle with gaining female favors
That could be because:

1) that's true for everyone or
2) the males you know are like yourself.

At this point I am going with 2).
and they would have to compute strategies and such to gain her attraction. Flirting with women does not come natural for most males.
Men who "compute strategies to gain her attention" and do "unnatural flirting" are destined to fail. So if your friends fall into that category, it's not surprising that they "struggle with gaining female favors."
Where as for females, flirting with males is largely effortless and autonomous.
True for some, not for others. (As is true for men as well.)
Having the choice of only dating LGBTs only, lowers your odds of scoring a date by 90%, since you are reducing your pool of choice by 90%.
If you are taking random samples of the population, it's closer to 95%, since only about 5% of the population identifies as LGBT.

However, if you are an LGBT event, your odds are reduced by 0%.
Secondly we have to deal with the goodie-two shoes LGBT word police who facistly police your every move, often dating hyper-sensitives who have insane views. I mean how would you like to date someone who will dump you if you say the word "_itch" even as a joke?
Uh . . . that's not unique to LGBT types. Look at you; you are so hyper sensitive you won't even spell "bitch."
That could be because:

1) that's true for everyone or
2) the males you know are like yourself.

At this point I am going with 2).

Men who "compute strategies to gain her attention" and do "unnatural flirting" are destined to fail. So if your friends fall into that category, it's not surprising that they "struggle with gaining female favors."

True for some, not for others. (As is true for men as well.)

If you are taking random samples of the population, it's closer to 95%, since only about 5% of the population identifies as LGBT.

However, if you are an LGBT event, your odds are reduced by 0%.

Uh . . . that's not unique to LGBT types. Look at you; you are so hyper sensitive you won't even spell "bitch."
Because its against the rules to use foul language, so its the authority who is hyper sensitive not me, as usual.

As for your other things, you are living in fantasy land. For all men in america it is not easy to get a girlfriend, unless you are a perfect specimen male. Other males must struggle to win her favor, in the real world not computer land of course.
As far me being a couch potato, I have lived both on my own and with my parents, women seem to like me more when I am with my parents, this is because when I live alone they can sense the soul-crushing bitter lonliness I have to endure and do not wish to empathize with my pain, they of course want to live in a fantasy where they believe the world is good and happy and I am a bitter reminder of the cruelties of the world. Similar to how truths of villians often ignored, by the so called "heroes" of fantasies.
around 45% or all homicides are comitted by heterosexual men on their female sexual partner.
This actually proves what I am saying.

Let me ask you this, if a rich man had a forest, full of apple trees, always giving him bountyful harvest, and he loses a tree, would he lose his mind and go crazy? No. But the poor man, who has only one tree, and the tree fails his orchard, he loses his mind for is is the era of his doom.
Similar to this and woman, women do not kill their ex for they have many apples in the orchard, many other fish in the sea to easily pick. But if a woman leaves a man, he doth despair, he loses his mind into rage and crazy, because for a man finding a new female is like walking in the desert hoping to find an oasis.
Because its against the rules to use foul language, so its the authority who is hyper sensitive not me, as usual.

As for your other things, you are living in fantasy land. For all men in america it is not easy to get a girlfriend, unless you are a perfect specimen male. Other males must struggle to win her favor, in the real world not computer land of course.
As far me being a couch potato, I have lived both on my own and with my parents, women seem to like me more when I am with my parents, this is because when I live alone they can sense the soul-crushing bitter lonliness I have to endure and do not wish to empathize with my pain, they of course want to live in a fantasy where they believe the world is good and happy and I am a bitter reminder of the cruelties of the world. Similar to how truths of villians often ignored, by the so called "heroes" of fantasies.

This actually proves what I am saying.

Let me ask you this, if a rich man had a forest, full of apple trees, always giving him bountyful harvest, and he loses a tree, would he lose his mind and go crazy? No. But the poor man, who has only one tree, and the tree fails his orchard, he loses his mind for is is the era of his doom.
Similar to this and woman, women do not kill their ex for they have many apples in the orchard, many other fish in the sea to easily pick. But if a woman leaves a man, he doth despair, he loses his mind into rage and crazy, because for a man finding a new female is like walking in the desert hoping to find an oasis.
Generally women flourish in the social environment. So the trappings of looks, wealth, status, etc can perk their attention but it all collapses in a heap if it culminates in a social equivalent of an exploding airship. IOW if you get the money, fame etc you can still be a douche ... practically every day the newspapers are giving at least one update on such contenders.

Actually you can extend this to all people in all relationships: The fact thst someone compliments, challenges (in a good way) or adds something to our life is the reason we call them "interesting" and develop strong relationships with them.
Bringing existential despair is not a good foundation for relationship building, and no amount of money or whatever is going to change that.

Get out, ride a bicycle, join a club (but not anything related to computer games or warhammer), anything really. If you don't find something you are interested in, other than interest in others finding you interesting, you will not be interesting to others.

Actually you will find that whatever anxieties, insecurities you have will still manifest (or merely "change skin") when you enter in to a relationship. You owe it to yourself and also your future partner to have a healthy amount of self esteem. Coming into a relationship with the expectation of " this person is going to fix all my problems" just places an impossible burden of need on them which they will eventually crack under.
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. But if a woman leaves a man, he doth despair, he loses his mind into rage and crazy, because for a man finding a new female is like walking in the desert hoping to find an oasis.
Well there is your problem you wont pick up chicks in the desert.
So all these lonley people sitting at home if they all went to the park maybe they could meet someone who is lonely and went to the park.

And always smile..not forced to look crazy stand up straight present as confident not up yourself or intimidating.

I am thinking of tips probably off course but maybe some ideas..walk in the park with a puppy...regularly.
Look into peoples eyes with a not to funny smile be interested in what they are saying and encourage further conversation with. ..so what did you think or feel or expect or do...your eyes light up with interest in the replies and you let them be the center of your attention if the right parnter expect to do that for the rest of your life.
Being alone is best, trust me fifty years of women in my life sure you have to cook for yourself but thete is a certain peace of mind...when you are old I guess...The problem that bites me is I make friends easy so that threw off to forming relationships.
Now where were we.
Because its against the rules to use foul language, so its the authority who is hyper sensitive not me, as usual.
What rules?
As for your other things, you are living in fantasy land. For all men in america it is not easy to get a girlfriend, unless you are a perfect specimen male.
I am certainly not a perfect specimen male. I'm pretty average. I have had times when I wanted one and didn't have one, but for the most part it was not super hard. So your "all men" comment is easy to disprove.

So let's go to your next argument, which will be "OK, not all men, but for most men." Most men have girlfriends (or boyfriends.) In the US, the average number of sex partners for men is 6.4 over the course of their lifetime.

I will guess your next argument is "but that's average so lots of people have no sex." In the US, 86% males 22-35 had sex in the past year per a poll 2 months ago by researcher Lyman Stone.

"but some never have sex!" By age 44, 99.7% of men have had sex with someone. Remove the priests, the insane and those unable to have sex at all and you are left with a very, very small percentage of "incels."
Other males must struggle to win her favor, in the real world not computer land of course.
Of course. And some women struggle to win men's favor. In my life I've been pursued by ~3 women who have been more interested in me than I in them (at least initially.) And I am in no way unique in that respect.
As far me being a couch potato, I have lived both on my own and with my parents, women seem to like me more when I am with my parents, this is because when I live alone they can sense the soul-crushing bitter lonliness I have to endure . . .
Easy answer - don't endure "soul crushing bitter loneliness." Join a church. Join a hiking group. Start skydiving. Go to bars. Play ice hockey. Become a homebrewer and join a club.
Let me ask you this, if a rich man had a forest, full of apple trees, always giving him bountyful harvest, and he loses a tree, would he lose his mind and go crazy? No. But the poor man, who has only one tree, and the tree fails his orchard, he loses his mind for is is the era of his doom. Similar to this and woman, women do not kill their ex for they have many apples in the orchard, many other fish in the sea to easily pick. But if a woman leaves a man, he doth despair, he loses his mind into rage and crazy, because for a man finding a new female is like walking in the desert hoping to find an oasis.
Simply untrue. There are more women than men in the world.
You live in a democracy, don't you? What do you think that means? Do you think you have a better system?

Democracy is a flawed system because it is based on radical patriarchy and tyranny of the majority.

Libertarian socialism and participatory democracy is a much better social system in my opinion.

I agree with feminism but not with white feminism but intersectional feminism and black feminism. It's not white women's role to speak out against oppression when black women have it much harder in life.

Black women are still being treated much worse in society compared to white women, especially if the black woman is also not considered pretty.

Black women and women of color in general still live very much harder lives than white women because there is still some sort of white prejudice against black women and black people in general.
I agree with feminism but not with white feminism but intersectional feminism and black feminism. It's not white women's role to speak out against oppression when black women have it much harder in life.
Hey! It's not black women's role to speak out against oppression when black gay women have it much harder in life. For shame, not thinking of the LGBT community!
Democracy is a flawed system because it is based on radical patriarchy and tyranny of the majority.

Libertarian socialism and participatory democracy is a much better social system in my opinion.

I agree with feminism but not with white feminism but intersectional feminism and black feminism. It's not white women's role to speak out against oppression when black women have it much harder in life.

I dare to ponder that these semantics are beyond the capacity of any intellectual rigour I may possess.
What rules?

I am certainly not a perfect specimen male. I'm pretty average. I have had times when I wanted one and didn't have one, but for the most part it was not super hard. So your "all men" comment is easy to disprove.
So "hard", but not "super hard".

So let's go to your next argument, which will be "OK, not all men, but for most men." Most men have girlfriends (or boyfriends.) In the US, the average number of sex partners for men is 6.4 over the course of their lifetime.
Proves nothing. Most of these men perfected their "game" and also do approach escalation to get women.
That is most of these men had to get women to date them than the other way around.

I will guess your next argument is "but that's average so lots of people have no sex." In the US, 86% males 22-35 had sex in the past year per a poll 2 months ago by researcher Lyman Stone.
Meaningless. A man can buy a prostitute or have sex with a drunk woman who doesn't really love him.

"but some never have sex!" By age 44, 99.7% of men have had sex with someone. Remove the priests, the insane and those unable to have sex at all and you are left with a very, very small percentage of "incels."
Incels means involuntary celibate.
Many incels are not virgins, they just have a tough time of it in the game.

Of course. And some women struggle to win men's favor. In my life I've been pursued by ~3 women who have been more interested in me than I in them (at least initially.) And I am in no way unique in that respect.
I've been pursued than more than 3 women as a well. That i didnt have interest in. Of course this was back before toxic feminism and male shaming.

Easy answer - don't endure "soul crushing bitter loneliness." Join a church. Join a hiking group. Start skydiving. Go to bars. Play ice hockey. Become a homebrewer and join a club.

Simply untrue. There are more women than men in the world.
I did join a church. The women there were insane. Well naturally because it was a church.
What do I mean by insane, and this gets to the problem at large?
Girl at the church declared me her boyfriend and started massaging me and getting sexual.
Then when I asked to meet her outside of the church, she put up her walls and refused to go on a date or spend time with me.
To these kinds of women its all a game, they objectify you and they are narcissists who don't care about your feelings or emotions or needs at all.
If you tell them you are lonely, they wont feel a shred of sympathy for you. Then they will say "man up", get "confidence" and a bunch of other psychopathic bs.
Well there is your problem you wont pick up chicks in the desert.
So all these lonley people sitting at home if they all went to the park maybe they could meet someone who is lonely and went to the park.

And always smile..not forced to look crazy stand up straight present as confident not up yourself or intimidating.
There are 2 things that happens if a man goes alone into a park.

1. People give him weird looks and become paranoid he is a pedophile.
2. Absolutely nothing. Since when to women approach men sitting alone at a park?

I am thinking of tips probably off course but maybe some ideas..walk in the park with a puppy...regularly.
Most of them might talk and approach, but not be interested in anything romantic.

Look into peoples eyes with a not to funny smile be interested in what they are saying and encourage further conversation with. ..so what did you think or feel or expect or do...your eyes light up with interest in the replies and you let them be the center of your attention if the right parnter expect to do that for the rest of your life.
Except that most people are shallow sheeple and unrelatable, that is most of them are dullards. And if a girl actually is interesting and fun to be around, you can usually bet she has a jealous boyfriend who keeps her under lock and key.