Weed and an increase in intelligence.

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Um, good book and a glass of wine or cup of coffee?
Sorry, let me rephrase that...
But if I wanted to just go sit on the couch and relax and do nothing for a while, although not the only method, in my personal opinion, there is nothing better for that than weed.
To each his own.

Edit: haha...you beat me to it, Av!
Sorry, let me rephrase that...
But if I wanted to just go sit on the couch and relax and do nothing for a while, although not the only method, in my personal opinion, there is nothing better for that than weed.
To each his own.

Edit: haha...you beat me to it, Av!

I knew it!
(Only posted to yank your chain Mike :D).
If, as in my case, being high on weed inspires you and gives you the energy to spend up to 15 hours a day creating original music or writing novels, then I think you owe it to us to describe your version.

So does speed :shrug:
see, I don't do drugs. I have had to take my kids to the hospital too many times. What if I was wasted and something happened?
I do miss acid though.
The rats didn´t "get dumber" because their neurons died, that is your assumption. At the beggining weed induces lethargic behaviour but that is not because neurons die; that happens in alcohol, not weed. The lethargic behaviour is just a response of the nervous system from the contact with the THC molecule.
But it is a "natural lethargy", it just makes your heart beat faster, and more blood flows through your brain, therefore it becomes more oxygenated (have you noticed the effects of inhaling pure oxygen?) it is a very similar effect, if not the same.

"but eventually the brain grew new neurons"
Why would the brain need to grow new neurons if no neurons were damaged ?
To put "got dumber" and "but eventually the brain grew new neurons" in the same sentence implies that neurons died.
So, from the OP, weed is similar to working out(because you cause muscle/neural damage in order to improve your strength/brain functons) for your brain?
Even if weed is perfectly safe (which I think it can't be because of smoke setting in lungs)

You could always boil it in water.
"but eventually the brain grew new neurons"
Why would the brain need to grow new neurons if no neurons were damaged ?
To put "got dumber" and "but eventually the brain grew new neurons" in the same sentence implies that neurons died.

The short term memory of the rats became worse at the beginning of cannabis usage, but after prolong usage you could tell no difference in the rats short-term memory abilities.

If you have ever smoked weed you'd know that it increases creativity. When you first start smoking the brain is not use to such an increase. The body and brain probably isn't use to such an sudden increase of effect. So the brain grows more neurons to handle that extra juice of power. The brain uses a 1/3 of your body's energy so yeah when you first start your short-term memory is going to drop a little.It's like a working out your brain.

When your work out your muscles do they become stronger the next day or do they become stronger a couple days later? Your muscles are weaker the next day after a good work-out.

When you work out your muscles do your muscle fibers die? or are they regrown stronger and bigger?

That's my theory.
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The short term memory of the rats became worse at the beginning of cannabis usage, but after prolong usage you could tell no difference in the rats short-term memory abilities.

If you have ever smoked weed you'd know that it increases creativity. When you first start smoking the brain is not use to such an increase. The body and brain probably isn't use to such an sudden increase of effect. So the brain grows more neurons to handle that extra juice of power. The brain uses a 1/3 of your body's energy so yeah when you first start your short-term memory is going to drop a little. I bet it's a work out for your brain.

When you work out your muscles do your fibers die? or are they regrown stronger and bigger?

That's my theory.

Well ok, I never experienced any sudden creativity when smoking pot though. It didn't do much for me to be honest.
So, from the OP, weed is similar to working out(because you cause muscle/neural damage in order to improve your strength/brain functons) for your brain?

You could always boil it in water.

Wow beat to the punch and with the same idea.:cool:
Well ok, I never experienced any sudden creativity when smoking pot though. It didn't do much for me to be honest.

different people, different effects.

I know I have a notebook full of ideas thanks to it.

Some good, some bad but all creative and if not for :m: I wouldn't have a single piece of paper or even a notebook for that matter.
different people, different effects.

I know I have a notebook full of ideas thanks to it.

Some good, some bad but all creative and if not for :m: I wouldn't have a single piece of paper or even a notebook for that matter.

I don't want to sound like some anti-drugs freak but you don't really need the drugs man. All that creativity is already in there even without the drugs.

The plethora of misconceptions about Marijuana just saddens me.

The misunderstanding of what some people are born with, intelligence, does not come from smoking pot. He was a brillant man BEFORE he even lit one joint up. He didn't have to smoke pot to gain intellict, he smoked it for his own recreational frug of choice. True it didn't hinder him much but he did die at an early age. I still don't think pot should be legalized only decriminalized. A misdemenor if found holding less than 1 ounce payable by fines.
Seriously, 300 pages? That's a book. If you still have it you should publish it on Lulu.com

Amen to that bro!!
I too get a little cranky with all the ignorance about it that goes around.

When I was in HS, I didn´t even dream to take a spliff; because of all the: "drugs are bad" and D.A.R.E. stuff.

But in my last year, we had to make a scientific research about a subject we chose, so I chose "cannabis sativa" out of curiosity. I did a 300 pages essay with a lot of good sources, like Biology books that my parents had (mom and dad are biologists, as well as my step-dad); so I had a lot of biography to do so.
I was surprised with my own research to find out that MJ is one of the few plants that are considered "drugs" and that is not physically addictive; plus, I didn´t find any credible source on which it stated that MJ is damaging for your health.
So there I was, in High School, making a presentation to all of the students (from 13-17 years old), telling them all the real info. about cannabis, and telling them that there is actually nothing wrong with it.
Next thing I knew, all of the 8th and 9th graders were smoking it, and it created a whole "weed culture" in my HS; I didn´t know my research would have that impact, but it surely did. That was cool to experience... :m:

Kind of like you, I´ve enjoyed it since I was 19 years old; it is very good stuff to have around.

As I always say: "For God´s sake, Legalize the stuff!!"
I don't want to sound like some anti-drugs freak but you don't really need the drugs man. All that creativity is already in there even without the drugs.

But it's not fun because ideas come to slow. Eventually I would get bored and boredom leads to laziness when it come to trying to think up something no one has ever thought up.
That's the thing I love most about it. Thinking up an idea just from watching something happen on tv or reading something online. The ideas seem to come instantaneously and it just clicks.The idea will come so fast I become surprised.

Basically without it I would become a lazier thinker.

Quite the opposite of what people would think.
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see, I don't do drugs. I have had to take my kids to the hospital too many times. What if I was wasted and something happened?

I do miss acid though.

Were they wasted on drugs?

What kind did you take, acid that is? I liked LSD 25 .
The misunderstanding of what some people are born with, intelligence, does not come from smoking pot. He was a brillant man BEFORE he even lit one joint up. He didn't have to smoke pot to gain intellict, he smoked it for his own recreational frug of choice. True it didn't hinder him much but he did die at an early age. I still don't think pot should be legalized only decriminalized. A misdemenor if found holding less than 1 ounce payable by fines.

Sorry, I'll clarify.
I didn't make my statements in that rhetoric. I agree that Carl Sagan was brilliant before he smoked pot. What I was getting at is that pot did not make him stupid, even though he smoked it regularly. I was just defending accusations that smoking pot makes you stupider or less intelligent; I do not agree with that. I was using Carl Sagan as proof.

He also died of pneumonia, from a result of myelodysplasia, which I think would have little or nothing to do with pot smoking. Now if he had died of lung cancer or emphasema or something like that, then pot could be easier to blame for it.

There's no reason it should be illegal.
I'm not judging anyone but "at first the rats got dumber but eventually the brain grew new neurons after a prolong period of use" means their brain got worse at first (neurons died) and then recovered. This means its not exactly good for your brain, despite the brains ability to recover.
M*W: Scientific studies have been done that the neurons do, in fact, repair themselves. This particular study was done in alcoholics. I personally believe that alcoholism is much more destructive to the neurons than MJ. When alcoholics stop drinking for a period of time, their neurons start to reconnect. I haven't heard of any studies where MJ disconnects the neuronal structure and reconnects when MJ is stopped. In my opinion, alcohol does more damage to the neurons. MJ, however, can do more damage to the lungs than the brain, because it is inhaled into the lungs. I'm neither a critic nor an advocate. Just let me say I prefer rock music to elevator music.
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