We never went to the moon.

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The bottom line is that there's a mountain of proof that they didn't go to the moon...
You have yet to show any evidence of a hoax.

...and zero proof that they went.
Every single piece of evidence you have provided - every video you link to - is evidence of men and equipment on the Moon. Otherwise, you wouldn't have anything to refute.

The fact that you dispute what that evidence is saying does not make it proven that it's faked.

Why are we still entertaining this deluded fool?
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Because it's fun to see how gullible people can be.

No, maybe in the beginning. There is no getting through the layers of stupid he is encased in. If this person was ever sat down in a real debate situation with witnesses, he'd crap his pants.
No, maybe in the beginning. There is no getting through the layers of stupid he is encased in. If this person was ever sat down in a real debate situation with witnesses, he'd crap his pants.

it is not stupidity
it is religion
much is the way with religious people, to be brain washed from the moment of birth.
The child is never given the freedom to choose.
they are forced to obey the power & control monster called religion.
they are punished by their parents & school & community if they refuse to accept it while being manipulated emotionally to accept being a cult follower, to miss trust authority while obeying unquestioningly other subjective authority with no reason or logic.
normal stuff in many american households.
normalised in american media

should there be any surprise about violence in the usa ?
no not really.
no big difference from violence in other countrys whos culture does the same with islamism, bhuddism, hinduism etc etc...

you see it normalised in the US education system with creationism.
cult brainwashing & programming of children at a state level.

Watch this video from the 3:40 time mark to the end.

Apollo 15 Rover Traverse Issue

I can't see how anyone can say that air isn't what's keeping the flaps from falling back down with a straight face. They get bounced up because of the bumpy ride but air keeps them from falling back down. The movement is one hundred percent consistent with the footage's having been taken in air.
The movement is one hundred percent consistent with the footage's having been taken in air.

And the surface terrain and lighting and movement of the WHOLE of the buggy is consistent with the footage having been taken on the moon

Funny that

I can't see how anyone can say that air isn't what's keeping the flaps from falling back down with a straight face.

Air isn't what is keeping them from falling back down. If it were air, they'd get flipped over the top - and stay there due to the air pressure on them. But since there is no air, they fall back down. They, of course, fall very slowly both because of the Lunar gravity and because a hinged panel falls more slowly than a non-hinged object due to physics - a topic you are completely unfamiliar with, apparently.

"This couldn't have happened on the moon because I don't understand physics!" is really not that good an argument.
Really, So after all your arm waving that is your "point"? You are clueless about physics, vacuums and any rocket engine. The exhaust is travelling through a vacuum. You completely ignored where I gave the simple explanation.

If you say it us stronger than the maths given, then instead of giving your idiotic opinion, prove it.

You are seriously pathetic if you are suggesting that every single geologist is lying. That is off the scale ludicrous. The evidence stands as recorded, proving the Apollo missions

Hey fats, you know nothing. The magic air scenario doesn't work.

Gonna tell us how they filmed this video?

1. Massive area of many square miles, all grey soil, no vegetation.
2. Massive area of many square miles all evenly lit up and extremely bright.
3. Distant mountains never get any nearer.
4. The whole reflectivity of the ground changes as the LRV changes across Sun.
5. Astronauts in unbroken sequence have only the Sun in their visor.
6. Every single shadow is crisp black and well defined.

I guess not huh!

The rocks are proof.
LROC is proof.
LRRR is proof.
The video showing impossible to fake lunar gravity is proof
The film of the LRV you ignore is proof.
The digging a trench video is massive proof.
Japanese topography corroboration is proof.
Third party tracking is proof.
Jodrell Bank tracking is proof.
Not one single thing debunks any of the above.
Not one single piece of evidence exists to give an alternative to any of the above.

You would be ejected forcefully from the Debate Hall for being incompetent. You are the Black Knight. You know the missions are real.

THAT is the real bottom line!

Hey fats: why do you keep ignoring this? The viewers want to know. On your spam thread on spursforum you claim to have all the "shills" "checkmated". Have you ever thought of taking up a career as a comedian?

You are a pigeon on the chess board of life. You are ignorant of more things than anyone I've ever encountered. Weirdly you actually think your crazy opinion is a fact.
Right, so you claim a flap can suspend in air do you? If it was something incredibly light, like a newspaper page, that might occur for a second or two, but something of that weight would be largely unaffected by air. I find your claim ridiculous straight out the gate.

Even if it was filmed on Earth, the flap would still do what it does on the film. But here's the problem, it clearly is "night time" on Earth. The sky is pitch black, yet every single direction we look for miles, the ground is lit up extremely brightly and there is always one full clearly defined shadow for every object. It is an absurd suggestion to say it is a superlight, that was already debunked. Nothing that bright exists today to light up that area of terrain. We see the rover travel several kilometres, yet the far mountains never get any nearer and the terrain is consistently lit. There was no way for a cinematic film to be altered seamlessly every frame to make daytime look like night and that is only one aspect of the proof. There is also what we see when the LRV changes course.

At 6:40 - the ground is bright grey everywhere you look for miles. As the LRV turns right, the retro-reflective nature of the Moon's surface clearly dims the surface reflection as the LRV is no longer heading up Sun. At 6:00 we see the flaps bouncing around, and no suspension. Funny old air huh! In fact as the flap goes vertical we see that it is just like the way a tree falls. It gathers pace as it moves off vertical:

The explanation for why the flap is rising is quite simple. The fastener has rotated upwards by about 135 degrees and now curls out at 45 degrees to horizontal. This definitely causes the sheet to bounce up and down as we see. It's quite a rigid piece of fabric and is coated by Kapton or Mylar as some sort of heat guard, probably for the lower camera electronics.


I would be more surprised if it DIDN'T do what we see. This footage proves the LRV is on the Moon, totally in every way.

Hey Fats: Where is your trotting by the flag video? Betamax's video blows your claim away - got an ad hominem so you can play the coward again?
Hey Fats: Where did the Lunar rocks come from, authenticated in thousands of reports?

I've got loads more that will completely tear you a new one, but you will just arm wave and run away. That's what you always do.

Gee fats, it seems you are avoiding an awful lot here, and this is just my stuff. You are an appalling coward aren't you?
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