We never went to the moon.

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The only way to know for sure how a flag is supposed to act on the Moon is to recreate that scene... on the Moon. Otherwise it's just barely informed speculation.
Anybody can hang a light piece of cloth from a ceiling light and trot by it about about a forty five degree angle and it will first move away from you, and then back toward you after you've passed it as the air moves back the other way to fill the gap caused by your passing just as happened in the Apollo flag scene.

Apollo 15 flag, facing air resistance; proving the fraud of alleged manned moon landings.

Your unfounded assumption, based on your bias of never having been in a low gravity situation, is that only atmosphere is capable of moving something. It's a pitifully weak argument. You would think after such a long time that you could get better evidence.
Anybody can hang a light piece of cloth from a ceiling light and trot by it about about a forty five degree angle and it will first move away from you, and then back toward you after you've passed it as the air moves back the other way to fill the gap caused by your passing just as happened in the Apollo flag scene.
Apollo 15 flag, facing air resistance; proving the fraud of alleged manned moon landings.
A phenomenally ridiculous assertion.
If that were the case then why doesn't the flag shift as the guy bounces up to the side of it to be photographed?
Why, given the flexibility of the stiffeners, does the flag still manage to point forwards when being moved before placement?
A phenomenally ridiculous assertion.
If that were the case then why doesn't the flag shift as the guy bounces up to the side of it to be photographed?
Why, given the flexibility of the stiffeners, does the flag still manage to point forwards when being moved before placement?
Also note that the bottom three white strips show two STATIC ripples, not propagating ones as they would be in a wind. Probably they exist as the light weight top horizontal boom holding the flag stretched straight out, droops a little so the bottom edge of the flag is not stetched tight, along this boom as the top edge is.
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If that were the case then why doesn't the flag shift as the guy bounces up to the side of it to be photographed?
Why, given the flexibility of the stiffeners, does the flag still manage to point forwards when being moved before placement?

Are you talking about the 00:36 time mark?

He's not trotting past the flag. He's walking.

The flag does move when he's moving it forward.

This is a quote from the video.

The flag is seen facing air resistance, as it bend backward between 8.7 and 9.1 seconds, then later is moved due to displaced air, as the astroclown is passing close by at 2:37 .

NASA Spacecraft Images Offer Sharper Views of Apollo Landing Sites

Media briefing materials associated with this story can be found here.

NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) captured the sharpest images ever taken from space of the Apollo 12, 14 and 17 landing sites. Images show the twists and turns of the paths made when the astronauts explored the lunar surface.

This interactive shows two LRO images of the Apollo 17 landing site. Click and drag on the white slider bar to wipe from one to the other. The left image was released today; the right image is a zoom-in on an LRO image released in2009. LRO was moved into a lower orbit to capture the new image. The images do not line up perfectly because of differences in lighting conditions, angle of the LRO Camera, and other variables. Image brightness and contrast have been altered to highlight surface details. (Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/ASU)
› Left image | larger version | larger version (unlabeled)
› Right image





2009. LRO was moved into a lower orbit to capture the new image. The images do not line up perfectly because of differences in lighting conditions, angle of the LRO Camera, and other variables. Image brightness and contrast have been altered to highlight surface details. (Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/ASU)
› Left image | larger version | larger version (unlabeled)
› Right image

At each site, trails also run to the west of the landers, where the astronauts placed the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) to monitor the moon's environment and interior.

This equipment was a key part of every Apollo mission. It provided the first insights into the moon's internal structure, measurements of the lunar surface pressure and the composition of its atmosphere. Apollo 11 carried a simpler version of the science package.

One of the details that shows up is a bright L-shape in the Apollo 12 image. It marks the locations of cables running from ALSEP's central station to two of its instruments. Although the cables are much too small for direct viewing, they show up because they reflect light very well.

Noah Petro Explains New LRO Images of Apollo 12, 14, and 17 Sites

The higher resolution of these images is possible because of adjustments made to LRO's orbit, which is slightly oval-shaped or elliptical. "Without changing the average altitude, we made the orbit more elliptical, so the lowest part of the orbit is on the sunlit side of the moon," said Goddard's John Keller, deputy LRO project scientist. "This put LRO in a perfect position to take these new pictures of the surface."

The maneuver lowered LRO from its usual altitude of approximately 31 miles (50 kilometers) to an altitude that dipped as low as nearly 13 miles (21 kilometers) as it passed over the moon's surface. The spacecraft has remained in this orbit for 28 days, long enough for the moon to completely rotate. This allows full coverage of the surface by LROC's Wide Angle Camera. The cycle ends today when the spacecraft will be returned to its 31-mile orbit.

The paths left by astronauts Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell on both Apollo 14 moon walks are visible in this image. (At the end of the second moon walk, Shepard famously hit two golf balls.) The descent stage of the lunar module Antares is also visible. (Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/ASU)
› Larger image | unlabeled version

"These images remind us of our fantastic Apollo history and beckon us to continue to move forward in exploration of our solar system," said Jim Green, director of the Planetary Science Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

LRO was built and managed by Goddard. Initial research was funded by the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters. In September 2010, after a one-year successful exploration mission, the mission turned its attention from exploration objectives to scientific research in NASA's Science Mission Directorate.

I was one that never ever grew nonchalant about any of the 6 manned Moon landings, and followed all every minute of the way.
But just as in any great endeavour, we will always have the nuts and goons that by their very nutty nature, must conspire something else no matter how childishly ridiculous and unlikely.
And of course we also have the purely vindictive ratbags, that purposely go out of there way to "provoke" and "stir the pot" with regards to those truly interested in the science.
From the last time I crossed swords with this particular one, he appears to be of the vindictive variety.
But onto reality again, let's hope [keeping fingers and toes crossed] that I am still around for an eventual inevitable manned Martian mission.
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Anybody can hang a light piece of cloth from a ceiling light and trot by it about about a forty five degree angle and it will first move away from you, and then back toward you after you've passed it as the air moves back the other way to fill the gap caused by your passing just as happened in the Apollo flag scene.

I know! They went to so much trouble and expense to fake all of this shit and they didn't even bother to check their Hollywood made videos. The part I like the best is how they faked the scorching of the capsule on reentry (seen at the Smithsonian or wherever they stuffed it away.) . Plus they "built" the damn thing for Gawd knows how long. Meaning they built a lie!! All those "engineers" trotting off to work every day for years - just to fabricate all this shit. And the audacity of launching an actual spacecraft in front of a crowd of onlookers. Crashed in the ocean somewhere no doubt. They went to all that trouble, and yet they forgot to check that damned video. What a pathetic bunch of dummies!! And of course they faked the shuttle program too! And all the satellites. And GPS !! And Hubble and all those so-called "experiments". Gawd they are such a factory of lies. That's why I go to church as much as I can and pray to Gawd that teaching evolution will be outlawed, that religion gets back in all the books, and that global warming crap gets finally exposed to.

Damn science to hell. It's all a pack of lies. Mark my words, this will all be revealed in the End Times !!

Yep, this lie has been going on way too long and nobody seems to care. Except for you, FF !! Thanks for that !!! So good of you and the few brave citizens who are standing up against this conspiracy to take Gawd out of The American Way of Life. I salute your patriotism. See you on Judgment Day !!
Get over it, the moon isn't that far away, and it isn't that difficult to get to for clever people with years to work on the problem and a huge budget. What evidence would convince you people went to the Moon? I'm curious about that.
Get over it, the moon isn't that far away, and it isn't that difficult to get to for clever people with years to work on the problem and a huge budget.
The anomalies show that they faked it. The reason was probably space radiation.

What evidence would convince you people went to the Moon? I'm curious about that.
Footage with movements that are consistent with moon gravity with no anomalies would convince me.

Something such as this is either real, or faked. If something has been faked, there will be no proof that it was real.
Footage with movements that are consistent with moon gravity with no anomalies would convince me.

Something such as this is either real, or faked. If something has been faked, there will be no proof that it was real.
No one knows what that means. It's not an objective standard.
Footage with movements that are consistent with moon gravity with no anomalies would convince me.
Oh come on, nothing would convince you. These conspiracy guys are just so interesting and odd.
Oh come on, nothing would convince you. These conspiracy guys are just so interesting and odd.

I vote we send FatFreddy to the moon... maybe then he'll believe it?

The suit is optional, of course :)

The anomalies show that they faked it. The reason was probably space radiation.

Footage with movements that are consistent with moon gravity with no anomalies would convince me.

Something such as this is either real, or faked. If something has been faked, there will be no proof that it was real.

The fact that we can bounce a laser off a reflector and calculate the time differential shows that we were there quite clearly...
The fact that we can bounce a laser off a reflector and calculate the time differential shows that we were there quite clearly...
Reflectors on the moon are not proof that there were people on the moon. If the Surveyor program was real, they had the technology to soft-land remote-control craft on the moon back then.

What Happened on the Moon
(3:26:18 time mark)
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