I'm not telling you that you're wrong, so please don't misrepresent what I have said. Speaking of which, nor I have I said the the SH is
important to the MUH, as you have otherwise implied me to have said (see your post #99). As stated, I don't know Tegmark's arguments sufficiently to be able to say that he
is committing a category error, although I have agreed that it intuitively seems like that. But intuition isn't sufficient.
Similarly, thanks.
Blind leading the blind? I do think that if you start with the assumption of category error when diving deeper then that is all you will find. So maybe not start with that assumption, even if based on your initial assessment at a high level? Then see where you get.
Our universe.
Yes, it is consistent.
Our universe is mathematics in the SH - or at least programming that is analagous.
What is a "1" and "0" if not part of mathematics?
Surely they are nothing but 1s and 0s interacting according to the program that they follow? What else do you think they are? If you're thinking of the screen, then this is just our means of observing it. Switch off your monitor and the game is still running, is it not?
Why not? What if they reach the same conclusion that they are inside a simulation, and thus nothing but mathematics/programming, just as some have done in suggested to be the case for our universe? Why is there a "should not conclude"? Is that not simply asserting the correctness of your view
a priori?
That is irrelevant to the universe in question. The universe that those people experience as "
our universe" is purely programming/mathematical. If it is a simulation then the physical substrate exists whether the program is running or not, right? Unless you think your computer disappears when you switch it off? As such, the universe is not the substrate. The substrate is irrelevant to the universe being experienced.
As for the thinking that the SH just pushes the issue a layer up/down, think about whether a simulated universe could simulate a universe, and that simulated universe simulate another universe... "it's turtles all the way down!"
But, as stated, if you don't find this a helpful analogy, there's no need for you to pursue it, especially if you find it a distraction. And that is all I'm saying it is: helpful. Not important to the MUH. Just helpful in understanding the idea that a universe can, at least in some analagous way, be mathematical.
If you say so, but note that at no point have I asserted it, or implied it. Clever people aren't always able to understand
everything thrown at them. Don't assume that just because you can't understand something means you're being called stupid. As and when I think you are being stupid please rest assured that I will let you know.
I'm sure you think you do.
This does smack of Write4U claiming to understand what Tegmark says by posting videos of him talking. Be careful.
I understand very little of it, to be honest. About as much as you, I'm guessing.
I'm still trying to understand how his MUH would enable us to consider something as "physical" while still being a mathematical structure. I'm not dismissing it as a category mistake, though, or asserting that there is necessarily a distinction. For example:
I think that consciousness is the way information feels when being processed in certain complex ways.” ― Max Tegmark, Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality
Here he sstates that consciousness is simply a property of information being processed. i.e. it is itself an emergent property of information. If we couple this with the idea that what we think of as "matter" and what is deemed "physical" are just interpretations from our consciousess, then you might be able to see a path where his MUH possibly survives cries of "category error". But perhaps not. I'm still playing around with it, though.
I have little doubt he understands the issue, and that he feels his MUH, once understood sufficiently, answers it (or perhaps shows it to be moot). It is possibly frustrating for many reviewers that he has not come out and explicitly responded to it in a manner that they can understand, though. Maybe he can't.
I strongly doubt that Tegmark will sit down with anyone here and address our questions, or confirm our understandings. But we live in hope, eh.