Useful Links/Resources

Articles On The World Trade Center Demolition.


September the Eleventh 2001.

The World Trade Center.

In a Perfect World.
Evidence of Explosives in the World Trade Center Towers collapse (0.7 MB).
Why did the World Trade Center Towers Fall? A Review of Thomas Eagar's (of MIT) Article (0.7 MB).
Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers. A Review of Charles Clifton's Article (0.7 MB).
The Jet Fuel; How hot did it heat the World Trade Center?
Proof the Twin Towers were Deliberately Demolished.
The FEMA Report into the World Trade Center 7 Collapse is a Total Joke.
Multi-Storey Buildings in Steel: The World Trade Center (0.4 MB).
Some Articles from Engineering News Record (0.8 MB).
Comments on the World Trade Center Demolition (0.4 MB).
Microsoft Software used to simulate the crash of a Boeing 747 into the World Trade Center.
University of California, Berkeley Professor, Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl Testifies.
The World Trade Center 7 Explosion Myth.
The World Trade Center Towers collapse as an Enormous Insurance Scam.
What went wrong with the investigation? By Eric Hufschmid (with comment).
Sixty State Street and the World Trade Center towers: A Comparison (0.7 MB).

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Reports on the World Trade Center disaster.

Table Of Contents for the FEMA World Trade Center Report.
Chapter 1 of the FEMA WTC Report: Introduction (with comment) (0.9 MB).
Chapter 2 of the FEMA WTC Report: The Twin Towers (with comment) (2.2 MB).
Chapter 3 of the FEMA WTC Report: WTC 3 (0.4 MB).
Chapter 4 of the FEMA WTC Report: WTC 4, 5, and 6 (1.2 MB).
Chapter 5 of the FEMA WTC Report: World Trade Center Seven (with comment) (1.3 MB).
Chapter 6 of the FEMA WTC Report: Bankers Trust Building (0.6 MB).
Chapter 7 of the FEMA WTC Report: Peripheral Buildings (0.8 MB).
Appendix A of the FEMA WTC Report: Overview of Fire Protection in Buildings (0.5 MB).
Appendix B of the FEMA WTC Report: Structural Steel and Steel Connections (0.6 MB).
Appendix D of the FEMA WTC Report: WTC Steel Data Collection (0.8 MB).
The FEMA World Trade Center Collection in PDF-document format.

The Fires.

Research Results from the Cardington Test Fires (text only).
A New Approach to Multi-Storey Steel Framed Buildings Fire and Steel Construction (0.8 MB).
The Behaviour of Multi-storey Composite Steel Framed Structures in Response to Compartment Fires (1.0 MB).
The Cardington Tests and the Broadgate Fire.
Tapes Tell of Firefighters Courage at WTC.
The Cardington Reports in PDF-document format.

The Pentagon.

A Detailed Analysis of whether or not a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon (1.5 MB).
Photos of Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon are a Complete and Utter Fabrication (0.5 MB).
The Pentagon Problem in a Nutshell.
The Bijlmer Crash - Joe Vialls - Caught in a Lie (0.5 MB).
Carol A. Valentine Article Completely Wrong.
The Strange Case of the Sports Utility Vehicle at the Pentagon.
How the Size of the Plane in the "Explosion" Photo was Calculated.
The Essence of the Problem.
Article on the Pentagon Retrofit.

The Response, Or Rather, Lack Of It.

District of Columbia Air National Guard Mission And Vision Statement.
New Jersey Air National Guard Mission Statement.
An example of Air National Guard efficency.
Where was NORAD on September Eleven?


Evidence that the Arabs are Not to blame for the WTC attack.
Many 9-11 "Hijackers" are Still Alive and Well.
Collection of Eric Hufschmid's early articles.
Israelis arrested on suspicion of 9-11 involvement.
Sept 11th - Unanswered Questions By MalcontentX (0.3 MB).
Seismic Waves Generated by Aircraft Impacts and Building Collapses at the WTC (0.3 MB).
Seismic Observations During the September 11, 2001, Terrorist Attack (0.5 MB).
Investigation shows Cellphone Calls from 9-11 "Hijacked" Planes are next to Impossible
Benjamin Freedman Predicted the Present Push for WWW III in 1961, prescient eh?
Stranger Than Fiction (from


Some Facts About Palestine.
Listing and Map of Land Ownership in Palestine in 1947.
Listing and Map of Towns and Villages Ethnically Cleansed/Destroyed by the Jews.
More on the Towns and Villages Ethnically Cleansed/Destroyed by the Jews (0.5 MB).
Time line of the Israeli aggression against the Palestinians in the 1948 war.
Jewish/Israeli massacres of Palestinians and Jewish Terrorism in general.
Brief articles on the 1948, 1956 and 1967 wars started by Israel.
Brief article on the Israeli attempt to ignite a civil war in Lebanon.
Arafat calls for democratic elections in the United States.
The Amazing Cost of Israel to the United States
America should fight minorities and aliens the way Israel does!
The Day Israel Deliberately Killed 34 American Sailors.
Brief article on Israeli apartheid.
Israel wins Huge Victory.
Is Israel a Democracy?
Some Israeli War Criminals.
Some articles on the War Criminal Sharon.
The War Criminal Sharon. The Long Version.
The Chinese claim California as a Confucian Homeland.
Time to Bomb Israel for its Development and Deployment of Weapons of Mass Destruction.
God gave the Jews New York.
The Genocidal God of the Jews.
Some Zionist Fairy Tales.
Israel mugs the Palestinians.
Muslims base their claim to Palestine on History.
Jewish Terrorism.
Jewish Terrorism targeting the British.
Online Books about Palestine and the Jews.
What you can do if you care.
Jews Attack Christianity.

Here are some websites which mirror the old site (from about January 2003). which is part of which is part of

Here are three websites that mirror the most recent edition of the site (from September 2003). (full mirror)

Here is some useful information from the second.

Download 45 Megabytes of Information Concerning 9-11.

If you like the articles presented on then you can download them, and many more like them, by clicking on the following link.
Click here to download the September 11 2003 update of the site (45 MB)
Save the archive file guardian11Sep03.tar to a directory on your hard-drive.
We will assume that you have chosen C:\ but any directory will do.
Extract the archive using WinZip, Stuffit or tar -xf to the directory C:\
This will automatically place the contents of the archive into the directory C:\guardian (and sub-directories).

Microsoft users will use WinZip to extract the files.
Linux/Unix users will use the command tar -xf guardian11Sep03.tar and
Apple users will use Stuffit.

Now point your web browser at C:\guardian\index.html.
That is, type C:\guardian\index.html in the address/location bar (where you usually enter a web-sites URL) of Internet Explorer.
This will bring up the main index page (don't forget to bookmark it for easy return). Now just follow the links.

If you wish you can also download a collection of full-sized photos from the MIT report - Sixty State Street - A Case Study.
Click here to download the collection of photos from the MIT report (15 MB)
Thumbnail versions of these photos are already available in the archive guardian11Sep03.tar
Save the archive file sixty-state-street.tar to the same directory that you saved guardian11Sep03.tar
Similarly, extract the archive using WinZip, Stuffit or tar -xf to the directory C:\
This will automatically place the contents of the archive into the directory C:\guardian\sixty-state-street
The tests were done with empty aircraft and no passengers and little fuel. The fires that happened when the fuel spilled out weakened the metal framework of the towers and caused them to buckle and finally give way. There was a full load of fuel on those planes and the towers didn't have water to supress the intense heat that they caused.
Undecided's book club

That's right ladies and gentlemen I am going to start a book club. This month's book is about good ole North Korea, North Korea Another Country, by Bruce Cumings:


Although I have just started reading the book, it looks very interesting. He already seems in the preamble to be a very objective author. He has served in South Korea, and he has visited North Korea many times. I'll quote a part of the book that I find to be very revealing (I had my suspicions about this):

A growing periodical literate on the North has also appeared in mainstream publications such as The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, and Vanity fair,and magazines such as Newsweek,Time,The Economist, and U.S News and World Report. With the occasional exception, most of it is uninformative, unreliable, often sensationalized, and generally fails to educate instead of deceive the public...North Korea became our enemy sixty years ago: they're about to attack the South, their leader is nuts, their people are brainwashed, the regime will implode or explode.Literally for half a century, the South Korean intelligence services have bamboozled one American reporter after another by parading their defectors (real and fake), grinding the Pyongyang rumor mill, or parlaying fibs that even a moment's investigation in a good library would expose (Cumings, p.2)

I just started the first chapter, and this promises to be a interesting read.
I finished read thing the book on North Korea about 3 days ago, and I have to say it was the best synopsis on NK u can get. It does not call the regime "evil" or other such stupid terms to appease the neo-cons appetitie for lies. Now to me North Korea now is seen in a new light, granted North Korea has many grevious human rights abuses, but I now understand why NK is so isolated. NK doesn't want to open to the world, NK wants to preserve what it is to be Korean, granted the Cult of Kim perverts it, one cannot deny that there really is a affinity for Kim Il Sung. The North Korean regime is not going to collapse, if anything that is what you learned from this book. The country is like a ball and it simply will roll along. North Koreans used to eat more calories then their SK counterparts, and the country was electricfied earlier then SK. North Korea has a disadvantege because she was bombed to nothingness in the Korean war. Which defines modern Korean doctrine, the whole point of the regime is to avoid another Korean war, frankly it seems that NK wants US troops in SK. I will continue later...
outlandish said:


thanks for the links. too bad isn't up, but the massacres page was interesting... the video clip of the palestinian with his foot blown off ( was very gross to watch. that's nothing compared to the violence that the palestinians wreak with their even more disturbing suicide bombings though.

think what would have happened if that were an isralei with his foot blown off and palestinians holding the guns... do you think the palestinian army would have taken him away in a stretcher like the israleis did? i don't think so. probably more like a bullet in the head.
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I bought a new Book, it's called Saddam's bomb. It should be a interesting read, I did have a good laugh at the initial false assertions of Saddam's nukes post Gulf War, but what I want to read about is the pre-1991 developments of the Iraqi nuclear weapons programs. Here's some interesting quotes:

“… a tiny red flag that was pinned on the outer ring road that circled Kuwait city, pointing to one of the test sites Saddam was considering…

“It [nuclear weapon] should have been the first of several dozen much more compact devices that Saddam intended to slot into the nosecones of his Badr 2000 missiles.”


Sounds like a interesting read to say the least.
Islam news, from islamic perspectives.

We get inundated by a lot of propaganda from U.S media. So i recommend reading news from the muslim perspective as well in order to make rational analyses and critiques.

quick point, im no muslism or part of any other religion/cult.
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