Registered Senior Member
A growing periodical literate on the North has also appeared in mainstream publications such as The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, and Vanity fair,and magazines such as Newsweek,Time,The Economist, and U.S News and World Report. With the occasional exception, most of it is uninformative, unreliable, often sensationalized, and generally fails to educate instead of deceive the public...North Korea became our enemy sixty years ago: they're about to attack the South, their leader is nuts, their people are brainwashed, the regime will implode or explode.Literally for half a century, the South Korean intelligence services have bamboozled one American reporter after another by parading their defectors (real and fake), grinding the Pyongyang rumor mill, or parlaying fibs that even a moment's investigation in a good library would expose (Cumings, p.2)
outlandish said:pictures you won't see on fox news:
“… a tiny red flag that was pinned on the outer ring road that circled Kuwait city, pointing to one of the test sites Saddam was considering…
“It [nuclear weapon] should have been the first of several dozen much more compact devices that Saddam intended to slot into the nosecones of his Badr 2000 missiles.”