Useful Links/Resources

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Two more links to add!

The first one was given to me by Chagur which is a net copy of the United States Constitution:

The next is absoluetley the most impressive site I've ever seen for military history. This rivials the History Channel, it contains links, tables, pictures all sorts of things. Even give the conspiracy theory part a look over if you like that sort of thing. WOW!
Actually, thecurly1 ...

The URL you should have posted for the Constitution of the United States is this one:

The other URL just takes you to a section.

For those interested in what's going on in the Middle-East, check out the following for a list of players and related history:

And then there's an 'On-line Dictionary of Computing' that's the most complete and current I've seen to date:

NOTE: This is a pretty big file; suggest saving it as a text file after its been downloaded which will make it a lot easier to search for the information you want.
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Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse
This is avery useful site an has a book that the site owner wrote
That explains about Mindcontrol equipment and black ops experiments that have caused people to be classed as mad and even caused them to do things they wouldn't (Murders, Bombings, Suicides etc)

Google, My personal favourite Search engine at present It's help me find a lot of stuff.

Dog Pile yes another search engine, which I only mentioned because of the stupid name... still it does tend to come up with the biggest pile of....... possible answers to your search. I couldn't work out what this was.... No seriously... it's the FBI's website, and the best way of keeping up with particular info, especially with recent events.

Bot Spot So your a budding AI designer, or you want to make your server start serving up spiders to hunt around for the information you desire and email you with the results, Perhaps you want to learn what an agent is so you know how comes your e-mail address is constantly spammed by silly adverts, then perhaps you can find this resource rather useful for answering some of the questions you might face (Including spaghetti logic).

Anti-Mind control Beanie Yes you too can now wrap your head up in tin foil, and make it that much more easier for people with the right equipment to bake your brain like a potatoe. The idea might be good, as we might need Mind Shields in the future, but I'm not going to say "invention" works, it's gimicky but a fun page to look at.

Universities and Academic Institues Cavendish University in Cambridge. An astronomer's paradise, and quite a few theorists stalking ground. Reading Cybernetics, In Reading of course :D Los Alamos (Birthplace of Chaos theory supposedly.) a Rutherford Appleton Laboratory at Oxford (well a website with info about Quantum particles etc and the reasearch they do) If you don't know of CERN then you obviously don't know about the largest particle accelerator. Again another theorists stalking ground. Imperial College in London. Council for Science and Technology, England.

European Space Program

I'll have to kick around some thought into other sites as for now I've forgotten all the best ones (or they've changed their pledges)
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Heres one to add to the list, like Bowser's...
Well as you can guess it's the website to Afghan Radio.. supposedly... Anyway, I found it a few weeks back when this trouble first started and well theres no time like the present to see whats going on.
Yes, I have a link too.
Don't know if you all like it, but it is more for fun then for serious...
So you know, and not complain later.
Ok, then...

Well, I hope the link works..I am a stupid Banshee on pc, so if it doesn't work, I will try to edit it.
If it not works after that, then it is just my stupidity with pc's.
That can happen.
Don't start to shout immediately...
Well, the link works.
Scroll down and click on 'remote' and 'government' and so on.
Then there are nice things to be found there...
If you like it.