It can be seen from dynamic gravity equation that the gravitational force between two objects not only depends on the distance r, but also is related to their velocity and their positions. The universal gravity under the influence of GWs reflects anisotropy.
Precession of planetary orbits
Planets | Newtonian Gravity | Dynamic Gravity | NASA ("/century)
Mercury | 531| 570~572 | 575
Venus | -270~-120 | 200~270 | 204
Earth | 1080~1160 | 1140~1170 | 1145
Mars | 1560~1600 | 1560~1600 | 1628
Jupiter | 600~1000 | 600~1000 | 655
Saturn | 1600~2200 | 1600~2200 | 1950
Uranus | 140~600 | 140~600 | 334