Universus ordo succedentium Theoria

Blake Weber

Registered Member
Universus ordo succedentium Theoria.
Blake A. Weber

*This Theory contains work that is subject only to the ownership of Blake Aaron Weber.

This Theory unlocks the secret to Accerlating Universal Expansion. It includes, and incorporates, Theories of Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Sir Isaac Newton, and the creators of other stated ideas.

First off, the main thing incorporated into the Theory is Albert Einstein's theory of how space bends around objects. The space around the object reacts with the subject matter causing the force I have proposed to be "Weberty". This force is most likely explained to be the opposite of Gravity, and is indeed stronger than Gravity. Considering what I call the 3 main forces, they are not the only ones, Weberty is unable to rip apart all matter in the Universe. The 3 forces are the following, Gravity, Mini Black Holes, and Gluons. (This works on a microscopic level.) The force is exerted only in outer space, and I conclude that Weberty works on a Galaxial Level, meaning that all of the matter in one Galaxy works as one. This allows the Galaxies to move to were they are going without drifting apart, and as I said, the 3 forces that work against Weberty in material instances keep it held together.

I believe that this Theory also explains not only what's going on now, but what has happened in the past. Let me explain, in the past I believe that it started out by arranging all of the subatomic particles together to make atoms, then it arranged atoms into matter that grew together over time, then the planets, stars, solar systems, galaxies, and now the entire Universe itself. We just happen to live in the era of time were the Universe is the thing that is being arranged at this time. Now that the Universe is at this scale, I can only propose that this acceleration of the Universe won't last forever, but will slowly start to slow down.

In Einstein's theory of space wrapping around an object to make orbit, you see how it makes it were matter doesn't "touch" outer space. Considering that space is all around us, this force goes out on all directions, which adds to the force of Weberty. Also, since space is all around us it makes a kind of "bubble" around objects, were the space between matter and outer space is something I like to call the "Hawking Zone".

Moving on to Weberty itself, I have incorporated it into normal sized black holes. I have said that once Gravity has compressed Weberty so much, it has a breaking point in which it makes a black hole. On the other side of the black hole, a white hole, Weberty is super concentrated, were as Gravity is no longer in effect, but it is Weberty's pull from the other side that "sucks" things in, so with Gravity out of the picture in this circumstance, you can see why not even Light can escape, that is how strong Weberty is by itself.

After thinking about that, I thought of a new way in which Universes could be made, what if a black hole sucking things in, leads to a new,separate, Universe in which the process of my theory is taking place from the beggining, were subatomic particles are being arranged.

*This is NOT all to the Theory, there is too many incorporated works and fixes into which this Theory is bound upon, This being said, the Theory is NOT finished at the moment, but is currently being worked upon, by me of course.*

You now see how the Accelerating Universe works.
Thank You for reading.
Blake A. Weber
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After thinking about that, I thought of a new way in which Universes could be made, what if a white hole sucking things in, leads to a new,separate, Universe in which the process of my theory is taking place from the beggining, were subatomic particles are being arranged.

Blake A. Weber

White Holes are a purely theoretical concept that blow and do not suck....the reverse of a BH no less.
White Holes are a purely theoretical concept that blow and do not suck....the reverse of a BH no less.

Sorry, I just realized my horrid mistake, for I unpurposely labeled white holes in the place where black holes belong, thank you for pointing out my unwilling mistake, I am fixing it, again, Thank you.