UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

It's not a ridiculous claim, MR. Venus is quite often visible during daylight hours, with the naked eye. At least here in the UK. It can be surprisingly bright in the sky.
Here's another article about viewing it during the day:
It's not a ridiculous claim, MR. Venus is quite often visible during daylight hours, with the naked eye. At least here in the UK. It can be surprisingly bright in the sky.

As posted in a video already and seen on your posted website, Venus is so pinpoint and tiny in the daylit sky it can barely be seen without a zoom. And the bright orb moving thru the clouds looks nothing like that. Detailed video analysis already confirms it. So the claim that they are the same is clearly desperate BS for lack of any other explanation. Why is it so hard to admit the reality of the uap phenomenon?
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As posted in a video already and seen on your posted website, Venus is so pinpoint and tiny in the daylit sky it can barely be seen without a zoom.
This is false. Please read before posting. I've addressed this.

Venus is a naked eye object. Brighter than anything except the Sun and Moon. It's so bright that, with good eyes, its disk (or crescent) can be resolved with the naked eye.

And the bright orb moving thru the clouds looks nothing like that.
To you. But you have no experience with this, as you have amply demonstrated just in the last page or so.
So you'll forgive us if we don't give your particular brand of insight more weight than warranted.

Detailed video analysis already confirms it.
No it doesn't.

The dude that did this "detailed video analysis" made quite a number of stupid statements. I listed just a few. He is either incompetent or dishonest - it doesn't matter which.
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To you. But you have no experience with this, as you have amply demonstrated just in the last page or so.

LOL I see the orb moving thru the clouds, and the eyewitness confirms it was moving. I have no reason to think otherwise. But then I'm not cherrypicking the evidence to back my conclusion that it is the planet Venus either.
Magical Realist:

You forgot to post the apologies that I asked you to post as soon as you got back from your latest little break from the forum.

Just to remind you, this was from 6 December:
James R said:
The first thing you need to do on your return is to publish a full public apology in this thread thread for your behaviour regarding the peregrine falcon video. You need to apologise to all the people who you told were wrong when, as you found, you were wrong.

You also need to publically undertake to discuss evidence for and against UAPs (and other kinds of woo) honestly, and to avoid making definitive claims about things being true (or impossible) when you haven't actually done any analysis.
That one must have slipped you mind, or maybe you didn't get around to posting your apology because you got yourself banned again so quickly after you returned from the temporary ban you got yourself when you got so worked up about your mistake about the peregine falcon.

Then, there is this from 22 December:
Please make sure that you acknowledge that you made up the part about the orb "moving about erratically", since the eyewitness mentioned no such thing.
For context, feel free to look back over posts from that date.

On the same date, there was that nonsense that got you your most recent ban, if you recall. You repeatedly lied about a screen grab of a photograph being "an exact duplicate of the original", which was just a blatantly stupid thing to lie about, given that the screen shot included, among other things, a very obvious image of a computer cursor superimposed over the top of the photograph, which wasn't original anyway. You might like to apologise to your readers for tripling done on that particular lie, too, but this one is optional.

I think it is more than fair to allow you 24 hours for you to post the required apologies, given that they are already long overdue, don't you agree? After all, one of them is overdue by an entire month at this point.

It's important that you do this. We can't have this pattern of you telling lies unrepentantly continue on and on. That behaviour is a clear breach of our site positing guidelines.

If you feel like you can't bring yourself to post these apologies, I will permanently ban you. Let me know - or just let the deadline go past - if you want to opt for that outcome.

Over to you.
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There's nothing to apologize for as I was never proven wrong. In fact I showed how your posted Reddit post about the uap being a falcon based on a faulty AI program was totally wrong. And as far as the photo being an exact duplicate of the original one, are you claiming a cursor is part of the photograph and not an icon imposed over it by a computer? If not, then the photo IS an exact duplicate of the original and again there is nothing to apologize for. So do whatever gets you off. I couldn't care less. You always have.. because that's just the piece of shit that you are.
Magical Realist:

Once you're done apologising to us all, perhaps we can discuss your latest closed-minded blunder: the Atlanta "orb" video that you posted from the rookie UAP analyser dude.

Clearly, the "orb" in that video is most likely a simple sighting of the planet Venus. What is most interesting about the subsequent discussion is the amount of rationalisation you have displayed when confronted by a few facts that, apparently are new to you, along with the anger you have displayed upon learning that, once again, you have made something a clown of yourself.

Let's trace the history of this, shall we?

First, there is the original video itself. You haven't been clear about who took this particular video. There was something about Newsweek that you posted, but when you were asked whether that article referred to the same video, you wouldn't answer the question, so we still don't know whether there's any connection. Perhaps you don't know, yourself, and don't care.

Anyhoo, there's the rookie guy's analysis video of the original video, which is what you posted.

Rookie guy makes a number of amateur blunders in his "analysis". He doesn't consider simple explanations. He doesn't twig to the fact that he might be looking at a planet. He guesses at the size of the "object", saying he thinks is might be as big as a school bus. But he has no idea how far away it is. He notes that the object is above some clouds, but he badly underestimates just how far above the clouds it is. So, school bus - no! Planet a fair whack of the size of Earth? That's more like it!

Then we come to you, Magical Realist. When DaveC suggested that the "orb" was probably an out-of-focus shot of Venus, you started by denying flat-out that Venus can be visible during the day:

The Atlantic City orb was clearly filmed in daylight. Tell me how anyone can film the planet Venus in daylight. And it's also clearly moving.
DaveC told you that the planet Venus is often visible during the day.

Also, you added your own assumption, again, that it was the "orb" that was moving and not the clouds passing in front of it, based on nothing, just like Rookie Analyser Dude did.

After you learned - apparently for the first time in your life, if we are to take your clown act at face value - that Venus can be seen during the day, you tried to switch things up by claiming that it could only ever be a "small" object if photographed:

LOL A thin faint little crescent only seen zoomed in with a camera. Nothing like what we see in the footage of the orb. This thing is bright and moving. Anybody else agree this looks like the planet Venus during the daytime? Be honest now..
Nervously, you LOLed. That's the tic that shows you're thinking about whether to double down on a previous error you made. "But I'm just back from a temporary ban for telling knowing lies. If I'm going to lie about this, too, I'd better be subtle about it", I imagine you were thinking.

So, you post the usual clown-act blanket claim that you always make: that this thing we're examining is nothing like what it almost certain is. No analysis. No reasons for your conclusions. Just a bald-faced claim that you can't and won't try to support.

And, of course, you double down on your claim that it was the "orb" that was moving in the video, even though DaveC supplied you with the exact information required to cause any rational thinker to avoid jumping to that conclusion (which is, in fact, incorrect in this case).

DaveC patiently responds to you, but you're not willing to learn anything new from him. So you just double down on your new claim that, whatever this "orb" was, it was "clearly NOT the planet Venus":

The video itself shows the orb clearly zoomed out compared to the clouds and then zoomed in. Clearly NOT the planet Venus which is invisible in daylight when zoomed out. Also those aren't clouds moving by. The witness said the orb was moving and that is exactly what the video shows..
This is very instructive. You just learned that Venus is actually visible during the day, contrary to what you previously thought. But instead of pausing to let that new information sink in, you try to rationalise the inconvenient fact away: "Well, even if Venus can be visible in daylight, if it's visible it must only be visible when 'zoomed in' with a camera."

In other words, you were so desperate to try to deny what had just been taught to you - and so desperate to maintain the conclusion you immediately jumped to that the "orb" can only be the woo - that you're now willing to invent new "facts" that you know nothing at all about. That is, having had an area of personal ignorance exposed to your view, you decided that - instead of trying to learn something new - you will push the new knowledge to one side and just make some shit up to prop up your prior, demonstrably wrong, belief.

This really is about as closed minded as you can get. Can anybody really be this stupid, or is this all part of the Magical Realist clown circus? I think, after all this time, it can only plausibly be the latter.

Notice, also, that by this point you're tripling down on your unsupported assumption that the clouds in the video weren't moving. Sure, "the witness" might have made the same mistake you made, but that just shows how witnesses are often unreliable when it comes to their interpretations about what they saw.

One shouldn't blindly trust the judgments of witnesses - especially non-expert ones.

Next, there was a bit more back and forth between you and DaveC, in which DaveC patiently tried to educate you about the many errors you'd made up to that point in the discussion. Instead of thanking him for teaching you some new things, you react with anger at him.

It's understandable, I suppose, for somebody so resistant to learning anything new, to get frustrated and angry at himself for making the same kinds of simple errors over and over again, such that he tries to blame other people. But there's an easy fix for that, Magical Realist.

It's also possible that you're just angry that DaveC keeps "winning" the battle of wits with you about your woo, because you think you're smarter than him. Probably, you're also angry because none the woo you believe in ever really comes up to snuff when you present it for evaluation by some experts. And you are really, deeply invested in that nonsense.

You will never learn anything if you stay closed minded, Magical Realist. My advice to you would be to drop the personal bullshit and open yourself up to actually learning something, for a change. Don't let your baggage turn you into a clown for real. Engage with another human being in an honest way for a change. You'll feel better about yourself if you do. I guarantee it.

Anyhoo, where are we at? There was this:

You must be such an embarrassment to your skeptic team. No wonder nobody ever says anything about your ridiculous claims: "Venus in the daylight!" lol! Yeah...
That's just you being a big baby, Magical Realist. At a loss for anything that supports what you want to believe about the "orb" video, you're reduced to just throwing a temper tantrum, lashing out at people trying to help.

I'll leave you with this:

The irony in this whole latest debarcle of yours over your silly claims about the visibility of the planet Venus is that you could easily check for yourself.

If you got your arse up from your computer and went outside at the right time, you could probably get a decent look at Venus for yourself. You could directly find out how bright it looks in daytime sky. You could even take a real video of it at various levels of zoom and compare it to the UFO "orb" video.

But you won't do any of this, will you?

I'm almost flabbergasted that a man of your age has never looked up in the sky and seen Venus during the day. Maybe you didn't know what to look for? Maybe you have lived your whole life in a big city with lots of pollution that means you can't see stars and planets very well? Or maybe it has simply never occurred to you to look up in the sky to see what you can see if you really take a good proper look?

Surely it's not that you're actually too damn stupid to look around yourself once in a while. Tell me it's not that.
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There's nothing to apologize for as I was never proven wrong. In fact I showed how your posted Reddit post about the uap being a falcon based on a faulty AI program was totally wrong. And as far as the photo being an exact duplicate of the original one, are you claiming a cursor is part of the photograph and not an icon imposed over it by a computer? If not, then the photo IS an exact duplicate of the original and again there is nothing to apologize for. So do whatever gets you off. I couldn't care less. You always have.. because that's just the piece of shit that you are.
Thanks for your reply, Magical Realist.

I'll still allow you a 24 hour cooling-off period for you to think about this when you're not in a state of incoherent rage.

Then you can apologise to me personally for calling me a piece of shit, too, because that was quite uncalled-for.

In the meantime, please enjoy reading my post about your UFO orb, above.
As posted in a video already and seen on a website posted by Sarkus, Venus is so pinpoint and tiny in the daylit sky it can barely be seen without a zoom. And the bright orb obviously moving thru the clouds and described as moving by the eyewitness looks nothing like that. Detailed video analysis already confirms it. So again, the ridiculous "daytime Venus" canard collapses..Here's the photo of the orb again. Nobody can seriously claim that looks anything like the "daytime Venus," It's not even the same color. Venus is white not orange because it is covered in CO2 clouds..


Here's the video of the moving orb zoomed in and out. Clearly nothing resembling the faded white daytime Venus:

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Magical Realist:

I see that you're still unwilling to learn new things about the planet Venus. Actually, your ignorance about it probably goes a long way towards explaining why you failed so badly when I showed you how cops were chasing the planet Venus in the Portage County UFO case, a couple of years ago. (Remember that?)

.... Venus is so pinpoint and tiny in the daylit sky it can barely be seen without a zoom.
Get up. Take a walk outside once in a while. The best times to see Venus are just before sunrise and just after sunset, since it's quite close to the Sun. However, it can also be seen during the day at times, as you have learned.

You're quite wrong when you claim that it can "barely be seen without a zoom". As the third-brightest thing in the sky, it is often clearly visible to the naked eye.

Also, if you look at it carefully, you'll notice that it is not a "pinpoint". You've even been shown a photograph showing a crescent Venus, which couldn't exist if Venus was a pinpoint.

Venus and the other planets are way closer to us than the stars in the sky. The stars, being so far away, do look like pinpoints. But the planets Mars and Jupiter, along with Venus, are bright and not pinpoints, either.

Right now, the planet Jupiter is very prominent in the night sky. It's in Taurus, near Orion. It's easily spotted since it is so bright. Go outside at night and take a look. (Caveat: perhaps it isn't currently visible from the northern hemisphere. You'd have to check.)

And the bright orb obviously moving thru the clouds and described as moving by the eyewitness looks nothing like that.
There's no way to tell from the video whether it is the "orb" or the clouds that are moving. In this case, it's the clouds that are moving, because the "orb" is the planet Venus, which doesn't move that fast across the sky.
Detailed video analysis already confirms it.
It couldn't possibly do that.

Where can I see this "detailed video analysis" that you're referring to?

Obviously, the person who did this "analysis" must be a rank amateur to make such a basic error. But I can take a look and see where he went wrong, if you like.
So again, the ridiculous "daytime Venus" canard collapses.
Are you going to triple down on your claim that Venus can't be seen during the daytime, that it can never be out of focus in a video, and that atmospheric scintillation does not cause images taken from the ground to "twinkle", just like we see Venus doing in the video?

I assume you're familiar with the rhyme "Twinkle twinkle little star", Magical Realist. Do you know why they twinkle? If not, would you like to learn something new? Or would you prefer to stay ignorant about that, too?

Here's the photo of the orb again. Nobody can seriously claim that looks anything like the "daytime Venus,"
It looks a lot like that. You just need to understand why it looks that way.

Do you want to learn something new? Or remain ignorant? Let me know.
It's not even the same color.
Correct. Any ideas why that might be - other than that it's the woo, I mean?
Venus is white not orange because it is covered in CO2 clouds..
It's white if you see it from space. Are you in space, Magical Realist? Was the guy who made the video in space?

Want to learn something new? Let me know.
The best times to see Venus are just before sunrise and just after sunset, since it's quite close to the Sun. However, it can also be seen during the day at times, as you have learned.

You can't be this stupid. We are talking daytime Venus. Not predawn or postdusk Venus. And as I have already posted (see below), unzoomed in it is just a tiny faded point of white light if even that! Nothing like the huge bright orange orb moving across the sky. Again you're just blabbering nonsense because you can't handle the fact that this is an orb uap. Give it up James. You're way out of your depth here. All your Venusian fetishism won't save you here. Go make yourself useful and look at the other two videos I posted analyzing orbs:

Here's the daylight Venus zoomed out again. Where the hell is it? Tell me again honestly that it isn't a tiny hardly visible pinpoint of light at that point. And even when totally zoomed in it is totally white and not orange like the orb just as I said.

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You can't be this stupid.
More insults? Not a good look, Magical Realist. You should be thanking me for helping you, not trying to insult me.

Nothing I have said about viewing the planet Venus in the last couple of posts has been stupid, as you are aware.

Park your baggage and try to discuss this like an adult rather than like a baby. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking. If your final decision is to leave this place permanently, you don't want to come across looking like a dick at the end, do you?
We are talking daytime Venus. Not predawn or postdusk Venus.
I wasn't, there, obviously. I was teaching you about the best times to see Venus, if you care to look for it. This should have been clear to you from what I wrote. Did you not understand?

Also, I see you have ignored my generous offer to teach you a few more new things. Perhaps you'll learn something anyway, unintentionally.
And as I have already posted, unzoomed in it is just a tiny faded point of white light if even that!
Stop clowning. Make sure, when you get the chance, to go outside, find Venus in the sky and look at it.

Then maybe you won't keep making a fool of yourself on a public forum. Or maybe you will, because you've never demonstrated that you can learn from experience before.
Nothing like the huge bright orange orb moving across the sky.
The orange orb in the video is not "huge". The video is "zoomed in", as you would put it.

Didn't you realise that? There, you just learned another new fact, in spite of yourself.

Again you're just blabbering nonsense because you can't handle the fact that this is an orb uap.
Stop clowning. Nothing I have written has been nonsensical. If it had been, you would have at least been able to start to attempt to explain why it was nonsensical. Instead, you're just clowning, because you're angry and irrational right now and this is what you've reduced yourself to.
Give it up James. You're way out of your depth here.
Why is it that, demonstrably, I can keep teaching you stuff you didn't know before, then?
All your Venusian fetishism won't save you here.
Are you trying to troll me? Not a wise choice at this time. You could receive an official warning for that, and you have accumulated quite a few warning points.

What are you trying to imply by claiming I have a "Venusian fetish"? Is that just a mindless insult intended to hurt me? Are you just lashing out because this is the best you have to offer?

It's sad that this is what you've become. And for what, exactly? All this so that you can keep deluding yourself that the woo is real?

Tell me how you became so invested in all this nonsense. Tell me why you can't let it go. What's the emotional hook it's got in you?

Here's the daylight Venus zoomed out again. Where the hell is it?
Have you ever noticed that when a camera is zoomed out, there is a loss of fine detail in the resulting images? (i.e. objects in the far distance are reduced in size). If something is far enough away and small enough in the field of view, it might not even register as a pixel on the image sensor.

You've unaware of this, are you? No experience with cameras? Never been outside long enough to look at things that are very far away, even with your naked eye?

I'm not buying your village idiot clown act any more, Magical Realist. I'm onto your silly games. It annoys you, doesn't it, that you've been found out?
And even when totally zoomed in it is totally white and not orange like the orb just as I said.
How could you possibly know that? You, a man who a minute ago wasn't even aware that Venus can be seen during the day.

But hey, it's you. So, play the clown. Double and triple down on the stupid. Just add one more inane, unsupported claim after the next. And try to make people angry while you're doing it, because that's what trolls do, right?
Have you ever noticed that when cameras a zoomed out, there is a loss of fine detail in the resulting images? (i.e. objects in the far distance are reduced in size). If something is far enough away and small enough in the field of view, it might not even register as a pixel on the image sensor.

And yet when the orb is zoomed out in the camera it is still big and bright and definitely registering pixels on the image sensor (see below) unlike the zoomed out Venus which we can't even see. Now why would that be? Hmmm...well here's a clue: They're not the same object! One is a huge orange bright moving orb and the other is the planet Venus that can't even be seen. Once again daytime Venus crashes to the ground. When are you gonna give up James? No amount of circumlocutious verbiage and hubris about somehow teaching me something will undo what the videos irrefutably show.

And even when totally zoomed in it is totally white and not orange like the orb just as I said.
How could you possibly know that?

You can see it in the video I posted above. Are you now suddenly incapable of visually distinguishing colors of luminous objects on video? lol

Not a wise choice at this time. You could receive an official warning for that, and you have accumulated quite a few warning points.

Your pathetic threats have no effect on me anymore. This is my last night on Sci Forums as per your own arbitrary whim. I have absolutely nothing to lose.
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Magical Realist:

And yet when the orb is zoomed out in the camera it is still big and bright and definitely registering pixels on the image sensor (see below) unlike the zoomed out Venus which we can't even see.
That's because the guy who took the "orb" video didn't have his camera in focus. In contrast, the guy who made the video to demonstrate the zoom lens on his camera seems to know what he is doing.

Also, it's very likely that the "orb" video was taken with a phone camera or something like that, which is inferior in many ways to an SLR camera with a decent zoom lens. You should research cameras.
Now why would that be? Hmmm...well here's a clue: They're not the same object!
How could you possibly know that? Think about your statement in the light of the third new fact I've taught you today, which you didn't know before now.
One is a huge orange bright moving orb and the other is the planet Venus that can't even be seen.
You shouldn't tell lies, quadrupling down on your silly claim that Venus can "never be seen". Just because you have never got your arse off the couch long enough to look for it doesn't mean it can't be seen.

Please stop lying about the visibility of Venus. You've been told, so you no longer have the excuse of being ignorant. You even know how to check whether it's true for yourself. So now, if you persist in your lie, you will be knowingly lying again. And that will undoubtedly lead to you being banned again from this place, even if you man up and apologise to everybody like you ought to.

So, no more lies from you about Venus being invisible, okay? Am I making myself clear enough to you?

When are you gonna give up James?
It's looking like I'll be done with you permanently in about 18 hours from now. Unless you decide to apologise and stick around. Of course, if you want to quintuple your latest lie, that will mean another temporary ban for 1 month, but that will be a choice you are free to make, like the other one.

It's not like you haven't been encouraged to try honesty, Magical Realist. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

So, the ball's entirely in your court, as it has been all along. Where do you want to go from here?
No amount of circumlocutious verbiage and hubris about somehow teaching me something will undo what the videos irrefutably show.
I have explained to you what the videos show. I think you're smart enough to understand it.

The only remaining question is whether you will now knowingly tell lies about what you now know to be true. Given your track record, I don't hold out high hopes that you're going to change before tomorrow, but we'll see.
Are you now suddenly incapable of visually distinguishing colors of luminous objects on video? lol
You're nervous again. I suppose that this time it's because you remember that I previously (just a few hours ago in this very thread) explicitly addressed the colour of the "orb". I didn't ignore it or try to brush it aside. And you're worried about getting caught out again, this time for trying to promote the lie that I ignored that aspect of the video. See, I know you, Magical Realist.

Moreover, I agreed with you that the "orb" in the video looks yellowish, not white.

I directly offered to explain the colour difference to you, but you declined my offer (by pretending to ignore it). Nevertheless, being the educator I am, I gave you a hint about the answer anyway.

So, you have enough information to work it out for yourself, even though you're too proud to directly ask for my help. You have only your own stubborness to blame if you can't work it out from here. (There's also your stupidity, if what you present of your intellectual capacity is actually real, but I don't think it is. I think you're smarter than the clown act you present.)

I'm still willing to just tell you, if you ask me nicely. Let me know.
Your pathetic threats have no effect on me anymore.
There is no threat. I have told you what I will do if no apology is forthcoming from you.

It's a pity that it is necessary to treat you like a child. It is a pity you can't or won't man up. But this is where you've sunk to.

The choice you have before you is clear. You can die on the hill of those couple of petty lies you told, or you can man up and take responsibility for your sub-standard unethical behaviour, for once.

The ball is in your court. I think I have mentioned that enough times, now, that even if you're the dim bulb you pretend to be you should have got the message loud and clear.

This is my last night on Sci Forums as per your own arbitrary whim. I have absolutely nothing to lose.
There's nothing arbitrary about this. I first asked you to post a specific apology one month ago. You had a month to think it through. You even had another couple of sciforums-free weeks to think it over. And remember, the reason I asked you to apologise was because you weren't smart enough to avoid telling some silly lies again, about something that isn't even that important in the grand scheme of things. You couldn't contain yourself. Your self-control is either non-existent or else you can't restrain your worst impulses. Whatever the reason, the position you find yourself in now is entirely one of your own creation. It's not hard to be honest, Magical Realist. It's not hard to have some personal integrity. True, many people prioritise other things, but when they do that it often ends up being self-defeating. They get found out. People don't like them. etc.

As for having nothing to lose, by all means go to town if you like. Enjoy yourself in your last 18 hours here.

If you want to send me a nasty "Goodbye and good riddance" private message full of bile and advice about where I can stick the forum, etc, please feel free to do so, if it will make you feel better about this particular life choice it sounds like you're making.

Try to keep it civil on the public forums, though, please. Otherwise, I might have to delete something and take pre-emptive action to ban you.

Don't bother pretending that you have no agency in this, Magical Realist. Leave or stay will be your choice on this occasion. Nobody else's. Don't kid yourself, either. Man up. Own whatever choice it is you decide to go with.
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I think that some people have a problem with separating fact from fiction or worse yet, incorporating fiction into their own worldview. There are also real scientific discoveries and inventions that some seem to extrapolate on, like acoustic levitation, a real thing but in its infancy with only an ability to hold small objects off the ground. I can see how something like that might cause a UAP/UFO proponent to think aliens have taken levitation to a futuristic level. Here’s what Google AI says re separation of fact and fiction:

Separating fact from fiction can be challenging, especially when it comes to news on social media. Here are some tips that can help:

  • Check the source: Responsible researchers will always name the source of their information.

  • Think critically: Be especially cautious of big claims.

  • Be skeptical: Be wary of news stories that are sensational or seem too good to be true.

  • Check the date: In a pandemic, information changes quickly, so it's important to check the date of news stories.

  • Consider multiple sources: When you discover new claims, check a secondary media source that obtained the information independently.

  • Be aware of manipulation: Accounts may distribute manipulated or fake imagery, especially when all footage of an event goes viral.

  • Consider state actors: State actors may share staged or unreliable footage.

  • Remember that news organizations can make mistakes: News organizations and leading figures can sometimes use each other's quotes as sources.
Facts are verifiable truths based on reality, while fiction is imaginative storytelling that can stray from reality.