UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

The video is submitted for extensive forensic analysis by an expert and found to be authentic.
This simply means it has not been tampered with or edited. The spend a lot of time verifying that it wasn't doctored. I am happy to grant its authenticity for th sake of discussion. That eliminates the first 8:30 minutes of this 9:40 video.

It isn't until one minute before the end of the video that they consider the content of the video itself.

The uap is calculated to be going 2 miles in 2 seconds, which is 3600 mph!
How did they determine that? They would have to know how near the object is and/or how large it is.

And here's what they say: "based on where it's coming from, we can estimate its speed". And then they immediately launch into an analysis of the range to a valley two miles away.

This is a tried and true technique in these investigative docu-dramas to manipulate their audience. By keeping the narrative pace fast, the whole thing seems strung together logically, discouraging most undiscerning viewers from realizing there's a big hole in the logic.

But the experienced viewer will not be so easily manipulated. The experienced viewer says "Wait a minute. Slow down. How exactly did you determine where it's coming from? Are you sure? No alternate possibilities? Was it not worth analyzing? Not even a single word of discussion?"

Nope. The hole in the logic is deliberately left out, hoping that most of the naive viewers won't think of it.

So, sure if that object came from that valley two miles away, and passed the drone in a second or so, it would have to be going supersonic.

Unfortunately, as noted, there is zero discussion of why they assume that. A telling omission, because ...

... for all anyone knows, the object is first seen from only, say, 50 yards away. That would make it the size of ... a large bug, and doing about ... 40mph.

And the whole "compelling mystery" falls apart, as usual.

But hey, at least it's not a balloon bobbing along the beach...
This simply means it has not been tampered with or edited.

Meaning ofcourse that the video is authentic..

So, sure if that object came from that valley two miles away, and passed the drone in a second or so, it would have to be going supersonic.

Unfortunately, as noted, there is zero discussion of why they assume that. A telling omission, because
That's exactly what they see on the video. There is nothing else to assume. Compelling video of a uap going 3600 mph.

a large bug, and doing about ... 40mph.

LOL! Gigantic white bugs speeding at 40 mph!
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To follow up
That's exactly what they see on the video. There is nothing else to assume. Compelling video of a uap going 10 X the speed of sound.
Ten times the speed of sound now is it? What happened to 3600mph?

You've more than doubled 3600 to 7670mph. Why stop exaggerating there, MR? Why not a million mph?

But sure. What's a few thousand mph in an estimation?
It could be doing 3600mph (rounded up by 4070) to 7670 mph...
or it could be doing 3600mph (rounded down by 3560) to 40mph...
Same same.

Trollin trollin' trollin' While my eyes are rollin'!
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Here's the same Beaver Utah uap footage posted above now slowed down for a better view. Clearly the uap looks nothing like a big bug and is way too large and fast moving. In the slowed down version you can see the white uap in the distance long before it speeds by., No bug would be that visible from that far away. You can also see the flat uap change its position from banking on its side to a flat horizontal position in the distance. Clearly some sort of disc-shaped craft.. The sound effects are added in. The uap as usual was totally silent.

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Here's the same Beaver Utah uap footage posted above now slowed down for a better view. Clearly the uap looks nothing like a big bug and is way too large and fast moving.
How large? How fast? Are you styill sticking to your vastly over-exaggerated Mach 10? I thought you reported evidence, and didn't make stuff up?

Below is a still of the first moment the object is visible enough to be made out in the frame.

There is no evidence it is anywhere near the valley - let alone "coming from" the valley.

Since the entire hypothesis of a "mach 2" UAP is precariously balanced on that initial assumption (which, again, is baseless) - the hypothesis collapses in a heap.


In the slowed down version you can see the white uap in the distance long before it speeds by., No bug would be that visible from that far away
How far way? 50 yards?

. You can also see the flat uap change its position from banking on its side to a flat horizontal position in the distance.
Yes, flying animals, such as bugs don't tend to fly like airplanes. They dodge and weave - which will change their silhouette as they fly.

The sound effects are added in. The uap as usual was totally silent.
As most animals are when flying, yes.

All else aside, it's got to trouble even the most casual observer how they spent eight and a half minutes of a nine and a half minute video deterimining that the video was not tampered with, but the amount of time they spent analyzing the size and speed of the object, and where it emerged from was ... exactly zero. They immediately jumped to an utterly unwarranted conclusion, without the slightest thought. Why would professionals ignore that aspect, unless perhaps, it risked pulling the keystone out of their dramatically theatrical production?
Flying animals will change their silhouette as they fly.
LOL Oh so it's not a big bug now but some "flying animal" banking like it was a flat disc-shaped craft with no visible wings flapping. What could it be folks? A flying seashell perhaps? Stay tuned as Dave comes up with new totally ridiculous explanations for this obvious uap!
Compelling video captured in 2016 by a drone filming for a documentary in Beaver Utah of a uap zooming by at a high rate of speed. The video is submitted for extensive forensic analysis by an expert and found to be authentic. The uap is calculated to be going 2 miles in 2 seconds, which is 3600 mph!

Could the object in this video be a peregrine falcon?
Tell me, Magical Realist: what did you do to rule out the possibility that the video shows a peregrine falcon?

And what did the "investigators" in the video you posted do to rule out that possibility?
Tell me, Magical Realist: what did you do to rule out the possibility that the video shows a peregrine falcon?

And what did the "investigators" in the video you posted do to rule out that possibility?
By looking at the video and seeing the flat white object banking and then becoming horizontal with no wings flapping. And the object in freeze frame looks nothing like a bird. So what did you do to rule that possibility in? Maybe you should consult Dave about his 40 mph giant white bugs..lol
LOL! Gigantic white bugs
How gigantic is that?

Have you done any thinking about this at all?

Do you need another lesson in grade school geometry?
A large bug ten feet from the camera will subtend the same angle as a 747 two miles from the camera.

Or are you just trolling?

When flying horizontally at 3600 mph they do.
Oh good. We've walked back the "10x the speed of sound" claim before you had to be called out on it again.

But there's absoutely no reason to suppose it's moving anywhere near 3600mph, is there?
Without that, the footage is quite pedestrian.

Maybe you should consult Dave about his 40 mph giant white bugs..lol
Let's remember that the "LOL scenario" here is "its gotta be advanced non-human intelligence" and work backward from there.

If it's not moving at a speed better than some as-yet unidentified animal can move, what is interesting about this video at all?
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I ... you ...

You do know that bugs are animals, right?
"What makes an insect an animal?"

"Insects are also animals, but they then diverge from humans and are classified as arthropods (which means jointed legs) and then hexapods (which means six legs). The defining traits of insects are having six legs, an exoskeleton covering the body, and an adult body with three segments (the head, thorax, and abdomen).Apr 6, 2019"
If it's not moving at a speed better than some as-yet unidentified animal can move, what is interesting about this video at all?

Aside from the fact that it was scientifically calculated by a video expert to be flying at a mile a second, it is clear to everyone that it is traveling far beyond any animal or bug speed. You must be totally out of explanations if this is your only debunk. Nobody's buying that that object is going 40 mph for one second.
Aside from the fact that it was scientifically calculated by a video expert to be flying at a mile a second, it is clear to everyone that it is traveling far beyond any animal or bug speed. You must be totally out of explanations if this is your only debunk. Nobody's buying that that object is going 40 mph for one second.
I have seen no data whatsoever showing that the video was not sped up pre or post production. Anyone can make video like that with a couple of drones.

Oh wait, does this video also "clinch it" for you? Have you made up your mind those are real bona fide aliens? Are our attempts just disingenuous?