UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

Seems to me what is called "critical thinking", as commonly practiced here, is just the art of finding excuses not to believe in something you already don't believe in.
Yes...thousands of times on video. And so have you.
That's not personally.

You see the hypocrisy now. You keep moving the goalposts for what you accept.

You deny a balloon on a beach - even though you are personally acquainted with both ballooons and beaches, and know perfectly well that they are certainly not incompatible. You deny it so vehemently that you LOL at the very idea.

But, despite never having personally wtinessed a UFO, you suddenly decide it's OK to believe in things that don't personally exist for you.

That's not logic, that's wishul-thinking. (Actually, it's trolling, because we know you know all this, and yet you do it anyway.)

If the flaw in the logic escapes you, that's your problem. We've explained it enough. It doesn't escape anyone else, and we're tired of you wasting space pretending to be dumb.

Reported to have the last two pages split off into a new thead called "Magical Realist Doesn't Understand Critical Thinking."
Seems to me what is called "critical thinking", as commonly practiced here, is just the art of finding excuses not to believe in something you already don't believe in.
So, you still have not looked at what entails critical thinking and are clearly not planning on using it anytime soon, if ever. Stupid is as stupid does, or does not.
Seems to me what is called "critical thinking", as commonly practiced here, is just the art of finding excuses not to believe in something you already don't believe in.
That's because you know if you actually started using critical thinking skills, your fantasies, delusions and irrational, unsubstantiated beliefs would sail right out the window, gone forever and you'd be left a shell of man.
So, you still have not looked at what entails critical thinking and are clearly not planning on using it anytime soon, if ever. Stupid is as stupid does, or does not.
I've seen it in action here. Sky lanterns with coleman lanterns, river mirages in the sky, tree stumps in botanical gardens, and helium balloons that never rise. Yeah...critical thinking. Can't say I'm very impressed. :(
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I've seen it in action here. Sky lanterns with coleman lanterns, river mirages in the sky, tree stumps in botanical gardens, and helium balloons that never rise. Yeah...critical thinking. Can't say I'm very impressed. :(
Of course you're not impressed, the explanations don't coincide with your fantasies, delusions and irrational beliefs. You don't want to hear your unsubstantiated claims getting debunked as that would shatter your fragile worldview. To you, common sense is a psychosis to be eradicated, logic is a disease to be vaccinated against and reason is something you would shoot with a gun if you could. For you, reality is nonsense.
Seeing it on video is just as good as seeing it firsthand. Why wouldn't it be?
Notice that we now have 4K video technology in our phones and that new videos of suspected alien activity have diminished substantially.

If a highly advanced, and they would have to be extremely advanced, species visited Earth and didn't want to be seen, they would easily make that possible or if they didn't care to be seen, then we would see them.
Nobody knows the probability of anomalous events. They could happen at any time.
Lol, what a hypocrite! You invoke probability yet completely ignore it when people who are vastly more intelligent, knowledgeable and experienced than you in disciplines that involve probabilities, tell you how incredibly low the probability of aliens visiting Earth.
Seeing it on video is just as good as seeing it firsthand. Why wouldn't it be?

I don't believe you are this clueless. I am certain you are trolling.

You are literally saying that - because you personally have not seen balloons and beaches in the same place at the same time - it is so unlikely an occurrence - you can't conceive of it, and you mock others for considering it without bothering to ask if they've seen balloons at beaches - and jump to conclude it's probably advanced non-human intelligence at work.

And further, that if a video is enough to convince you of anything - as you claim - you haven't just Googled "balloon on beach".

You are trolling.
These spheres have been observed speeding horizontally thru the sky up to Mach 2 and performing "very interesting" maneuvers.
Who measured a speed of Mach 2? What equipment did they use? How did they verify that the "sphere" was actually going at Mach 2?