A 1979 NASA paper on field resonance propulsion theory as a hypothetical means of understanding extraordinary ufo behavior and their energy emissions/effects.
Gee wizz! A 45 year old paper that goes "woo" at UFOs!
Sounds plausible from my layman's point of view.
This is from the "Forward" in the paper - i.e. the very first thing you'd read after the title pages:
speculative "propulsion" concept'described in this paper was presented at a special session of the 15th Joint AIAA/SAE/ASME Propulsion Conference(June 18-20, 1979), "Propulsion Concepts for Galactic Spacecraft". The concept was developed as the result of
private, unofficial research. NASA is not involved in UFO research."
In other words, this isn't a "NASA paper". Not if you're being honest about it. It's only a NASA paper to the extent that it was presented to NASA.
It certainly would explain the common observations of ufos making instantaneous accelerations/changes in direction and even teleporting from one location to another.
Reported observations and some speculative guesswork, you mean. Not confirmed observations. (Teleporting, my arse.)
Note that all of this was being studied in 1979, long before the recent upsurge of interest in the uap phenomenon had arisen. Does NASA wake up every day in an entirely new world?
Right. The UFO nuts have had 70 years since the 1950s UFO flap to find some decent evidence of extraterrestrial spacecraft and what have they come up with? Nothing that stands up to reasonable skeptical analysis.
"UFO studies indicate that the unexplained (residual) UFO phenomena may be due to extraterrestrial visitors, parapsychological experiences, or a combination of the two.
Say what?
Studies indicated that, 45 years ago, in 1979? What was being studied, exactly?
Oh, but wait. The studies indicated that the phenomena
may be due to blah blah blah. What was the estimated chance that the UFOs would turn out to be any of the things mentioned, and how was that chance calculated?
Show me the
If some UFO phenomena are caused by extraterrestrial visitors in very advanced spacecraft, then the frequency of visits and the large number of different types of visitors (many different humanoids have been described) imply an ability to cross large stretches of galactic and inter-galactic space in relatively short time frames.
I think the author means
if some UFO phenomena are caused by blah blah and
if there are actually frequent visits and
if there are actually different types of visitors then
maybe there's an ability to cross large stretches of space etc.
That's a
lot of "ifs". Where are the
studies that the author mentioned? All I see here is speculation and imagination.
If the speed of light is a true limit of velocity in space-time, then the potential extraterrestrial visitors must utilize a form of transportation which transcends space and time to keep the trip times short.
Why "must"? Surely the idea of colony ark ships existed back in the good old days of 1979?
UFOs are often observed to disappear instantaneously.
Certainly, there are reports of that.
In a subset of these cases ,the UFO later reappears at a nearby location implying a disappearance from and a reappearance into space-time.
Or implying that a
different unidentified thing was later seen at a nearby location. Or implying that an unidentified thing
moved from one location to another without doing anything especially magical.
The high speed, right angle turns, abrupt stops or accelerations of UFOs,...
... none of which have been confirmed to be due to an actual object in the sky, except in cases where the object was later identified as an ordinary aircraft or similar ...
... and the absence of sonic booms...
... which could indicate just as easily indicate that there was no actual
object moving faster than the speed of sound ...
... despite calculated speeds of 22,000 mph or more ...
... estimated speeds, calculated based on various assumptions and guesses...
... suggest that UFOs may generate an artificial gravitational field or otherwise use properties of space-time which we are not familiar with...
Well, we're certainly putting the cart before the horse here, aren't we? And there's the word "may" again. Every time we see "may" in this paper it would be wise to add a mental "or may not".
... UFO propulsion systems ...
... of which not a single example has been studied, because the "U" in UFO means "Unidentified"...
... appear to involve electromagnetic or hydromagnetic processes as evidenced by radiative effects on the environment such as burns, dehydration, stopping of automobile engines, TV and radio disruption, melting or alteration of ground and road surfaces, power disruptions, and static electricity effects.
And as we all know, only mysterious propulsion systems can possibly produce radiative effects on the environment, dehydration, the stopping of automobile engines, TV and radio disruption etc. etc. And all this time I was under the impression that potholes in the road were caused by rain! It's the aliens, I tell you! The aliens!
This data suggests that the unknown relationship between electromagnetic and gravitational fields may be used in UFO propulsion systems."
What data could possibly suggest a specific
unknown relationship?
How did the author know about unknown relationships?