Ahh..so the Mosul orb ISN'T a shadow image as the Wiki article claimed. Here's the actual citation for that information:
"The first video showed a small orb that flew through the camera screen of an MQ-9 drone in the Middle East in 2022. The drone’s camera followed the object as it moved through the sky, coming in and out of the screen.
Kirkpatrick explained that this case was unresolved because there was no other evidence beyond the video. “It is going to be virtually impossible to fully identify that, just based off of that video,” he said, adding that the hope was as more data was gathered on these episodes, patterns could emerge to help explain the unresolved cases.
In the second video from South Asia earlier this year, an object flew by two MQ-9 drones, including one that captured video appearing to have a propulsion trail behind it, which Kirkpatrick said was initially believed to be “truly anomalous.”
But he said after they pulled apart the video frame by frame, his office determined that it was a “shadow image.”
“This is in the infrared, this is the heat signature off the engines in a commuter aircraft that happened to be flying in the vicinity of where those two MQ9s were at,” he said."----https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/19/politics/us-government-ufo-reports/index.html
We already knew about the commuter plane debunk for the second video, So there's nothing new here. Moral of the story: Don't take everything Wikipedia claims as gospel.