Tyranny of Words

Who was Stuart Chase?

Have you heard of the New Deal from FAR?

Chase wrote a book in 1931. It was published in 1932 titled A New Deal. FDR made his New Deal speach in 1932. Chase was a member of FDR's "brain trust".
Has anyone read The Tyranny of Words (1938) by Stuart Chase?


If so what did you think of it?
Have NOT read the book. Mr Google has this to say

A popular approach to semantics in which the author discussess how to clarify the meaning of words and achieve more exact communication.

Originally published in 1938 so unless updated may be outdated

Educational? who knows? Like "How To Win Friends And Influence People" a book for its moment which is not now

But not having read and relying on experience of similar situations with educational popular material little of the book will be of use today

Originally published in 1938 so unless updated may be outdated.

It is better than 1984 but interesting in relation to our times.

Now we have NLP, Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

The Tyranny of Words is more likely to make people immune to that bullshit.
He also wrote the book:

Danger -- Men Talking! a Background Book on Semantics and Communication. (1969)

But I have not found it.

When was the last time I read a paper book?

It's been years.
I read the JB Hi-fi magazine at odd moments

The electronic version of NT News newspaper daily

Was idly looking through eBay. Saw nice green Android. 5.5 screen, specs not to shabby for a backup phone $86. Dug bit deeper ONLY 3G.:eek: Took it out of basket and off watch list :(

Also phone was running Android 9 and currently we are at Android 12
