Trumpism Fading?

This is the truly scary part.

Trump is one guy.
But 71 million people out there decided they want more of that.
And they're still out there.
I'm a Brit, the Trump Derangement Syndrome was phenomenal, our news was jammed full of Lefty American melt down tantrums. You guys need to move on.
I'm a Brit … You guys need to move on.

Yes, of course the Brit offers support for criminals in the United States.

How unsurprising.

There's a reason we threw y'all out, y'know.
I'm a Brit, the Trump Derangement Syndrome was phenomenal, our news was jammed full of Lefty American melt down tantrums. You guys need to move on.
The "Left" will move on when the "Right" in the US does so by finally admitting that Trump lost the election.
I'm a Brit, the Trump Derangement Syndrome was phenomenal, our news was jammed full of Lefty American melt down tantrums. You guys need to move on.
Unfortunately a lot of what was broadcast as news was untrue so it will be awhile before we can move on. The wild accusations on both sides will take time to heal. We will get there someday.
Based on the activity in this forum, it appears that Trump is fading away. (I hope so.) Is it true?
As with the "Tea Party", the rightwing "Independent", the "Lincoln Project", and other terms of the propagandist's art, "Trumpism" does not exist. It is another in the long list of disinformation terms coined by the propaganda wing of the American fascist movement that has co-opted the Republican Party, for the purpose of concealing the agenda and operations of said movement and its Party - separating it from accountability, and its members from personal blame or responsibility. This allows it to continue, even expand, its scope of action (such as the hundreds of vote suppression bills currently percolating through dozens of State legislatures).

As with the "fading" (and multiple fadings - see "The Gingrich Rules") of Limbaugh, Gingrich, Cheney, W, Bush, Palin, Luntz, Dittoheads, Bachman, Coulter, the reality of Reagan, and so forth, the "fading" of Trump is an aspect of a delusion. The delusion is "Bothsides".
Yes, of course the Brit offers support for criminals in the United States.

How unsurprising.

There's a reason we threw y'all out, y'know.
I don't support any politician, ALL politicians are crooks, only a dummy would think otherwise.

I'm just thinking of your mental health.
I don't support any politician, ALL politicians are crooks, only a dummy would think otherwise.
AOC shows little sign of being a crook, at my distance. Likewise Tim Walz, so far. Paul Wellstone was not a crook. Al Franken was not a crook. Lots of elected politicians in my region were and are not crooks. If all your elected politicians are crooks, it's time to take a look at what happened in your elections.

And not all crooks are equivalent - being too lazy and ignorant to evaluate comparative crookedness in ones's politicians hands power to the more crooked, who profit without penalty.

Besides, the sentiment is bullshit - it's a lame excuse for abetting the betrayal of one's neighbors, most recently by voting for (or failing to vote against) the takeover of the Republican Party by fascism. And that's why that particular meme - "both sides" are equivalent in crookedness - was promoted and sold to the suckers of white male America by the propaganda wing of the Republican Party: that betrayal was its agenda.
Some of the Right do, some of the Right don't.
Agreed there. There's a pretty clear distinction between Trump supporters and the more rational right.
I don't support any politician, ALL politicians are crooks . . .
Ah! So your right wingers are the same as ours here.

Liberal does something stupid - "See? Liberals are LIARS and CHEATS! Also fools. Too bad liberals can't take democracy and law and order seriously like conservatives."

Conservative does something stupid - "Eh, all politicians are crooks. Same-same."
Trumpism is very slowly fading, because his older supporters are dying from covid, because the morons won't get vaccinated.
Trumpism is very slowly fading, because his older supporters are dying from covid, because the morons won't get vaccinated.
Yes, in the US you have the freedom to die from stupidity. If you complain about a government mandate to wear a face mask or prohibition of smoking in public places, you have the right to experience losing a lung from cancer or die from asphyxiation from covid. Have at it, just don't burden me with the medical bill because you believe that carrying health insurance is another burden placed on you by the government. Because my rights are equal to yours and I follow government guidelines. I still believe the government works for the people and not for some narcissistic despot who cries "make America great again", so that he can cheat on his taxes and stick it to the people who work hard for their meager incomes.
Trumpism is very slowly fading, because his older supporters are dying from covid, because the morons won't get vaccinated.
I wouldn't want to have to rely on Trump supporters taking themselves out of the gene pool. It would be better for the US if Trump was not relected in 2023, all things considered. And all indications right now look like Trump is still very much the Sun that the Republican party orbits around.

Of course, Trump's legal troubles might remove him from contention.
It would be better for the US if Trump was not relected in 2023
Amen to that! I always just assumed that American democracy was rock solid and would last forever (a naive and simplistic notion). Trump has made me realize just how fragile our democracy is.
I always just assumed that American democracy was rock solid and would last forever (a naive and simplistic notion). Trump has made me realize just how fragile our democracy is.
Unfortunately, the rot started long before Trump arrived on the scene to take advantage of it.

The factors that led the United States to this point are complex and varied. There are entrenched inequalities in America, while democracy relies at least to some extent on a level playing field for its voters. There's also political corruption that impedes the free expression of the will of the (sensible, mainstream) majority. Democracy, to work effectively, actually requires a certain minimum level of education about the relevant democratic processes and institutions themselves, which is lacking among some segments of the US population. Lack of education also makes some citizens susceptible to various kinds of political propaganda. The major media in American has been deliberately politicised and polarised to a greater and greater extent in recent years, by people who know exactly what they are doing and what they hope to achieve by it: pushing citizens out of the political centre towards the extremes. Not all factors are internal. Foreign actors succeeded in influencing the outcome of the 2015 election. But there are also powerful social and cultural forces in play, including racism and religion.

In times of uncertainty, people get fearful. That fear can be and has been exploited in the United States. The far Right has done that particularly effectively in recent years. Some people are looking for any "strong man" who they think will solve their problems and are apparently willing to sacrifice democracy to put one in office. Again, I think that a lack of education and the wisdom that comes from understanding something about history means that some people are being led to repeat actions that have proven disastrous many times in the past.

On the bright side, the US is not yet a lost cause. Many good people are striving to preserve democratic institutions and to fix the problems that threaten them.

Things could still go either way. A large part of the world (myself included) lives in the hope that the US democracy can weather the current storms.
Democracy and Capitalism are incompatible in practice.

Fundamentally, Capitalism is an autocratic socio-economic model.
Trumpism is alive and well. Although things seem to have quieted down for a few months, they are recently ramping up again -- at least based on the recent CPAC straw poll. 98% of Republican poll respondents gave him a positive approval rating and 70% said that they would vote for him if the Republican presidential primary for 2024 were held today. That is really, REALLY bad. There was even talk of installing Donald Trump as Speaker of the House because apparently, appointing an actual Congressman as speaker is only a tradition rather than a requirement. Some see this as a pathway to "reinstating" him is president or some such idiocy.

So the answer to your question, OP, is no; Trumpism is not fading. Donald Trump and his lunatic followers are not going anywhere anytime soon.
AOC shows little sign of being a crook, at my distance. Likewise Tim Walz, so far. Paul Wellstone was not a crook. Al Franken was not a crook. Lots of elected politicians in my region were and are not crooks. If all your elected politicians are crooks, it's time to take a look at what happened in your elections.

And not all crooks are equivalent - being too lazy and ignorant to evaluate comparative crookedness in ones's politicians hands power to the more crooked, who profit without penalty.

Besides, the sentiment is bullshit - it's a lame excuse for abetting the betrayal of one's neighbors, most recently by voting for (or failing to vote against) the takeover of the Republican Party by fascism. And that's why that particular meme - "both sides" are equivalent in crookedness - was promoted and sold to the suckers of white male America by the propaganda wing of the Republican Party: that betrayal was its agenda.
My statement stands.
Agreed there. There's a pretty clear distinction between Trump supporters and the more rational right.

Ah! So your right wingers are the same as ours here.

Liberal does something stupid - "See? Liberals are LIARS and CHEATS! Also fools. Too bad liberals can't take democracy and law and order seriously like conservatives."

Conservative does something stupid - "Eh, all politicians are crooks. Same-same."
All politicians are in it for the money. The more willing you are to stab your own mother in the back, the higher up the political ladder you get.