Trump Watch: The Conservative Condition

I asked you for your view of what Trump said in the video that you posted, not for a link to a post where you just post sections of an article from, again without any of your own views.
Please can you provide your view of what Trump said in the video that you posted, that you wanted people to spend 11 minutes watching?
Do you even have a view???
And, besides, it's not a Jordan Peterson video, and people who would recommend an hour of JoPe won't sit through eleven minutes of a Black woman telling them what they don't want to hear.
Well, that "Black woman" is named Joy Reid and happens to be Harvard graduate, well worth listening to.
Reception and honors
In 2016, The Hollywood Reporter said she had the "ability to break down complex issues in a way that makes them digestible and accessible."[24] In 2018, The New York Times stated that "Ms. Reid, the daughter of immigrants, has emerged as a 'heroine' of the anti-Trump 'resistance'."[4]
Reid was a 2003 Knight Center for Specialized Journalism fellow.[25] In 2018, Reid was nominated for three NABJ Salute to Excellence Awards. One for her segment where a pastor is pulled to safety at the Charlottesville white nationalist march, for Reid's reporting on the damage caused by the hurricanes to the US Virgin Islands and lastly for the segment that won her an award Tragedy of 'Time: The Kalief Browder Story' where Reid sat down with Kalief's brother Deion Browder and filmmaker Julia Mason.[citation needed] In 2016, she received the Women's Media Center's Carol Jenkins Visible and Powerful Media Award.[26]

Wow, I'm surprised!
It's not what I think that matters, it's what Trump and his minions think that does matter.
One must listen to him personally and verbatim. No comment is necessary.
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You are completely wrong there.
Do you think Trump is a legitimate contender? Then you have no clue what Trump is all about.

Have you actually listened to this charlatan? I do take the time to listen to the "horse's mouth" and compare it to what "sane" people have to say.

This little speech has probably about 30 lies

Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years

So, what do you think about that?
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Why should I summarize what I can show verbatim?
To give people some inkling of a reason why they might want to watch it.

If you don't know why you watched it, why do you think anybody else should care?
It's not what I think that matters, it's what Trump and his minions think that does matter.
By posting videos of what Trump says, without comment, you're just boosting his view count, exposing more people to his messaging.

Besides, you get to vote for the next President, don't you? It would seem to me that what you think about that does matter. You and a couple of hundred million other people.
One must listen to him personally and verbatim.
I'd rather go boil my head in a bucket.
Do you think Trump is a legitimate contender?
A contender for what?
Have you actually listened to this charlatan?
Unfortunately, yes. There was very little choice for a while there, because what he thought and said actually mattered for 4 years. I'm aware that approximately half of you people have the good sense not to want to repeat that little adventure, but I'm worried about the other half. Not to mention the people who are too stupid to be able to make an informed, sensible decision between a Biden and a Trump, who will most likely be the ones who decide the matter one way or the other.
This little speech has probably about 30 lies
Seems like par for the course, give or take.
What do you want from me?
Something relevant about the video you told us all that we should watch, perhaps? Is that too much to ask?
OK then we are done here! You are wrong, and we can move on.
Where am I wrong?
We are not done here by a long shot. Just as we are beginning to examine "evidence" you want to "close it down" and "move on" to what?
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Well, yes, he's a contender for that. Of course, if you lot decide to vote him in as President again, he might be able to pardon himself for at least some of the crimes that might otherwise land him in prison.
Aren't we discussing the content and it's implications?
I haven't watched the video. You haven't persuaded me that I should watch it, yet.
I haven't watched the video. You haven't persuaded me that I should watch it, yet.
It is a study in clinical narcissism,


What are the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder?

  • Sense of self-importance.
  • Preoccupation with power, beauty, or success.
  • Entitled.
  • Can only be around people who are important or special.
  • Interpersonally exploitative for their own gain.
  • Arrogant.
  • Lack empathy.
  • Must be admired.
One thing I always do tend to hope for is that ****s like Trump live long enough to witness their eventual downfall. I've been following a few of his current trials, especially the fraud trial in New York, which he seems to be attending quite often, but have wondered, given that Trump will inevitably fight any negative ruling for years, whether he will ever experience his own downfall. Fingers crossed. ;)
One thing I always do tend to hope for is that ****s like Trump live long enough to witness their eventual downfall. I've been following a few of his current trials, especially the fraud trial in New York, which he seems to be attending quite often, but have wondered, given that Trump will inevitably fight any negative ruling for years, whether he will ever experience his own downfall. Fingers crossed. ;)
Hopefully his access to funds and willing lawyers will dwindle and we can start writing nursery rhymes about the "Mare from Mare Loco"