Trump Watch: The Conservative Condition

a piece that said DJT's mug shot merch has already netted 7 mil.
I don't think the maga are really conservatives wanting to maintain the way things are. The drain the swamp meme is indicative of change but it seems to be a change by returning to the 1950's
That mugshot can be used just as well against the MAGA campaign.

It is apparently public property and can be attached to any message and would adorn many a truthful campaign.

I can imagine some kind of a "Your country needs you" caption below it -followed perhaps by something along the lines of

" Rapist sympathisers and general Sycophants cordially invited to apply for lucrative positions in the upcoming American Reich"
The thing about Donald Trump—

One of former President Donald Trump's long-time assistants told federal investigators that Trump repeatedly wrote to-do lists for her on documents from the White House that were marked classified, according to sources familiar with her statements.

As described to ABC News, the aide, Molly Michael, told investigators that -- more than once -- she received requests or taskings from Trump that were written on the back of notecards, and she later recognized those notecards as sensitive White House materials -- with visible classification markings -- used to brief Trump while he was still in office about phone calls with foreign leaders or other international-related matters.

(Faulders, Levine, and Mallin↱)

—is that, while there is clearly a need to actually make a new thread, and eventually threads, for the indictments against him, the evidence against him is so vast that it will require substantial effort to gather it all. The case against him is only exceeded by the absurdity of the circumstance, that we should even be having these kinds of discussions at all. Just look at that lede.

And it actually gets a little bit stranger:

The notecards with classification markings were at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate when FBI agents searched the property on Aug. 8, 2022 -- but the materials were not taken by the FBI, according to sources familiar with what Michael told investigators.

When Michael, who was not present for the search, returned to Mar-a-Lago the next day to clean up her office space, she found the documents underneath a drawer organizer and helped transfer them to the FBI that same day, sources told ABC News.


Faulders, Katherine, Mike Levine, and Alexander Mallin. "Trump wrote to-do lists for assistant on White House documents marked classified: Sources". ABC News. 18 September 2023. 18 September 2023.

See Also:

Faulders, Katherine, John Santucci, and Alexander Mallin. "Top Trump campaign aide identified as key individual in classified docs indictment: Sources". ABC News. 28 June 2023. 18 September 2023.
If South Park did a segment like this I probably wouldn't laugh but, for Mr. Trump I couldn't help but laugh.

“Trump marks the end of Rosh Hashana with an antisemitic post accusing Jews who voted against him of ‘destroy[ing] America & Israel,’”

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The Shadow Over Americana


2020 campaign t-shirt, at left, with its apparent Nazi inspiration, right.

If South Park did a segment like this I probably wouldn't laugh but, for Mr. Trump I couldn't help but laugh.

As much as I would like to laugh, as American conservatives show their true selves, the only reason we did Nazi this coming would be if we somehow convinced ourselves it was beyond the pale of possibility.

Republicans have already achieved medical experimentation on children in concentration camps, and give Nazis voice in Congress.

And also remember: This is how badly Republicans want a civil war; they'll go Nazi in order to force other people to stop them, and when they complain of being oppressed, the New York Times will write another sympathetic article.

Insofar as it's not funny, the question is how badly our Republican neighbors really want that bloodshed.

In Missouri, ritual fires have begun, with a Republican gubernatorial candidate promising more book burnings if he is elected; two Republican state senators used actual flamethrowers, last week, for a burning demonstration.

It was all of July when America First, the neo-Nazi movement that Republican members of Congress, such as Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14) and Paul Gosar (AZ-09), support, called for a holy war to eradicate Jews. And now rightist businessman and apartheid son Elon Musk seeks to turn a social media platform against Jews.

And it didn't come from nowhere; this sickness does not arise not ex nihilo. It's been with us for a long, long time. There are reasons why Nazis have always been able to find friends in these United States of America.
Fill-In Like a Villain


If you're not watching the House GOP impeachment stunt, well, right.

Still, the part where Rep. Smith (R-MO08) asked, or, as the critic put it↱, rehearsed the wrong question is a useful indicator of how its going.

Smith: We know that over two million dollars of Hunter Biden's tax liabilities were paid off by a big Democrat party donor and Hollywood lawyer who is named Kevin Morris. James Biden, the President's brother, told investigators he did not know how Hunter Biden even knew this individual, but was later asked to thank him for the payment, quote, "on behalf of the family". The Biden family. The family. So, how would such payment, that essentially pushed under the rug the President's son's tax problems, at least for one year, be considered a campaign finance violation on the part of the Biden campaign?

Witness: Thank you for the question. I have no idea. I thought you were going to ask me why would Leslie Wolf say "don't look into that", and I think the answer to that probably is that if it's a campaign contribution, then it implicates Political Person Number One, and that, apparently, is a big barrier that had been created throughout this entire investigation.

And as far as it being a campaign contribution, that two million dollars actually was intended to satisfy the liabilities for two years of Hunter Biden's late-filed and unpaid taxes. Um.

Note the setup to Smith's actual question; none of it actually supports the question, which is pretty straightforward and technical: How would certain money paid be considered a campaign finance violation? And the answer is "probably" that the money creates an implication that has been lacking in the investigation, "a big barrier" to moving forward. What does that passive language mean, "a big barrier that had been created"? We might wonder who created the barrier and how it works, because it sounds like an inherent barrier of investigation with prosecutorial intention, to connect the alleged impropriety to the alleged suspect. And, to be clear, while Republicans aren't quite sure what kind of hearing↱ they're conducting—a question of rules and procedure that aren't really so hard to answer as the House GOP pretends—we might reasonably expect that by the time we're ready to conduct an impeachment inquiry, yes, this connection between accused wrongdoing and suspect is supposed to be a little more apparent than grasping at uncertainty.

It should be noted that Rep. Smith did follow up by asking the question the witness was expecting:

Smith: Is it unusual for an assistant prosecutor to say don't ... don't look at this individual, this person's off limits?

Witness: As I mentioned in my opening statement, that is how investigations develop ....

We might remind that Republicans used to be the political party arguing that government doesn't work. This spectacle is yet another exhibit in the catalog; when they said govermnent doesn't work, it wasn't an assessment or projection, but, rather, a threat.

The hardest thing to comprehend is that nobody is actually forcing Republicans to behave this way; it's all their own doing, by their own will.


@Acyn. "This is a great example of how prepared Democrats on the House Oversight Committee are". Twitter. 28 September 2023. 28 September 2023.

@MuellerSheWrote. "OMG they rehearsed the wrong questions Also, it's not a campaign contribution to Joe Biden to loan Hunter Biden money to pay his tax debts. This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen lol". Twitter. 28 September 2023. 28 September 2023.
What It Comes To


"Watch AOC setting an impossibly high bar to protect our corrupt president, asking each guest whether they have direct firsthand evidence of Biden corruption."

Newsmax host Rob Schmitt achieved a particular threshold, complaining that actual evidence of corruption is an "impossibly high bar", and saying so over a chyron explaining that "Dems were desperate to distract from Biden" by asking to see the evidence against him.

American conservatives have been like this for years; the difference 'twixt then and now is that, once upon a time, they were smart enough to not come right out and say certain things, or, at least, try to be subtle about it.

But the idea that one might distract from the accusation by asking to see the evidence is a curious beast; sometimes conservativeas will want to rehash what is always established, but they also think it is unfair that they should have to support their accusations. And one reason to note both those circumstances is the inevitability that, if we don't, some conservative will raise the occasion of rehashing what is already established, and if the answer to why we don't want to see the evidence is that we've already seen and considered it, and aren't going back to go through it again without a substantive reason, that turn is apparently too complicated for them.

And that wretched wreck of the hope is kind of tragic. It's why sometimes the question is not so much one of moral judgment and propriety, but, rather, assessing whether danger is present. And that is a grim assessment of the conservative condition.


@Acyn. "Host complains that direct firsthand evidence is an 'impossibly high bar'". Twitter. 29 September 2023. 29 September 2023.
My take away is that the evidence in the Biden hearings will be as reliable as the Steele report. Politicians love tit 4 tat.
Can you at least summarise what that video is reporting, and its conclusions, rather than require us to sit through 11+ minutes of it??
Why should I summarize what I can show verbatim? 11 min is too long to "sit through"?

Start watching @ 4:30, saves a little time.
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Can you at least summarise what that video is reporting, and its conclusions, rather than require us to sit through 11+ minutes of it??

The answer is "no" of course. After all, that would involve engaging brain and then the critical faculties module, which burnt out long ago. :rolleyes:
Why should I summarize what I can show verbatim?
It's called etiquette.
11 min is too long to "sit through"?
Yes. I can waste my life on other things than this video.
Start watching @ 4:30, saves a little time.
What point, specifically, are you trying to make with the video? You say the video might indicate Trump's plans for the US - so what do you think those plans are? Simply put, if you're not prepared to at least summarise a video, don't expect people to watch it.
Why should I summarize what I can show verbatim? 11 min is too long to "sit through"?

Arguing by video is lazy.

And, besides, it's not a Jordan Peterson video, and people who would recommend an hour of JoPe won't sit through eleven minutes of a Black woman telling them what they don't want to hear.

And, honestly, that naïve justification, "Why should I summarize what I can show verbatim?" is just stupid. Five, six, seven years ago, presenting one's own argument in the form of other people's videos was the in thing to do, but nobody ever did it well because it was never really meant for actual communication: "This may be an indication of Trump's plans for the US", is about as uninformative as you could possibly make it without saying nothing at all.

Eleven minutes discussing the rising right-wing call to violence, and how the insurrectionist chatter eolves beyond mere chatter, is not unimportant.

And also remember, if I were to glean that segment and make a post that takes less than three minutes to read, say, citing all of Reid's sources so a reader could have the summary at a glance, there are some who still think that's too much. So, no, eleven minutes of what they don't want to hear is a sentiment I can appreciate. Sure, Joy Reid ain't Carl Benjamin, but remember where you're at.

As much as I might sympathize with the post or segment, arguing by video is a failed, noncommunicative, and possibly anti-coomunicative method. It was an interesting exercise in SEO, and people should pay attention, but it's not effective argument. And, "This may be an indication of Trump's plans for the US", could be telling me about history and politics, or pitching me nutritional supplements.
Eleven minutes discussing the rising right-wing call to violence, and how the insurrectionist chatter eolves beyond mere chatter, is not unimportant.
That's not fair.
That black woman is a respected news reporter, but the words come from the original source, in this case Trump.
I even added the time on the video to hear Trump speak and express his views and lies.
Because this is a discussion forum, not Youtube.
Are we allowed to quote verbatim? Is it allowed to present video of the author himself?
What point, specifically, are you trying to make with the video? You say the video might indicate Trump's plans for the US - so what do you think those plans are? Simply put, if you're not prepared to at least summarise a video, don't expect people to watch it.

And now, instead of watching a 10 min clip, we have wasted an hour deriding my presentation, without a single comment on the content of the actual words by Trump. Is that an efficient use of precious time?
That's not fair.
That black woman is a respected news reporter, but the words come from the original source, in this case Trump.
I think you misunderstand what Tiassa said. He's saying that what the reporter says is worth listening to, and that it is important. Which is more than you did when you originally posted it. Or when you advised skipping to 4:30.
I even added the time on the video to hear Trump speak and express his views and lies.
Yet you could have done that at the start. Additionally, you could have said why the video is worth watching, why the news reporter in your view makes good points - and perhaps articulate what those points are, in summary at least. Otherwise it becomes just another video to ignore: why watch your 11 minute video rather than any other video that is posted without commentary here? Or do you advocate watching all videos that aren't supported by any real indication of what is included?
If so, have a view of this, and I do expect you to watch it all of course:
Are we allowed to quote verbatim? Is it allowed to present video of the author himself?
Yes, of course you can quote verbatim - as long as you credit the person. And hopefully if you quote someone there is a reason for doing so, and you actually explain that reason - e.g. to express outrage, or agreement, or to question the sanity of the person etc.
And now, instead of watching a 10 min clip, we have wasted an hour deriding my presentation, without a single comment on the content of the actual words by Trump. Is that an efficient use of precious time?
Helping someone is never a waste of time. Unless it becomes obvious that that person will never learn. In such cases it would be madness to continue to help, and certainly not an effective use of one's time. Are you beyond help?

As for Trump's words: what is your view of them? How about we start there.