Trees reduce stress

Plazma Inferno!

Ding Ding Ding Ding
Natural scenery has long been accepted and utilized in mental health circles as an effective tool for the reduction of psychological stress. However, the exact nature of this relationship has yet to be thoroughly examined in academic literature.
A new study helps to lessen this deficit by employing a dose-response curve model to analyze the link between tree canopy coverage and stress reduction in an urban environment.
In the experiment, 158 subjects were first exposed to a mild stressor and then viewed an urban scene with varying amounts of tree coverage using a 360-degree headset. The researchers were careful to exclude potential subjects with depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as these conditions could have had an undesirable impact on the experiment (and vice versa).
Results of this study added further support for the beneficial effect of natural scenery on stress reduction, while helping us to better understand the fundamental structure of the association.

Study abstract:
People who feel more connected to nature also tend to feel less anxious, according to new psychology research from Australia.

The preliminary study, conducted by Patricia Martyn and Eric Brymer, found that feeling connected to nature was directly related to small reductions in anxiety.
Researchers say that the results of this study align with recent research and theoretical perspectives that posit health and well-being benefits from engaging with nature.
But why is there a relationship between nature and anxiety?
Psychologists have theorized that the busyness of urban environments overwhelms our attentional capacities, while natural environments do not. Others have suggested that humans have an innate preference for natural scenery, which is associated with comfort and safety. And some have argued that humans evolved an instinctive tendency to seek connections with nature and other living things.
I wonder if there's something comforting about the canopy coverage that has a "safety from predators" vibe leftover from our ancient arboreal ancestry?