I'm very confused.
I'm not sure why PI!'s post has triggered any reaction.
Because he posted something worth responding to. So I did. In a discussion forum. On the internet.
Do you really think this forum is operating in a microcosm, that it is not representative of the current situation with regard to what this word "tolerance" is really all about?
That's very limited thinking, if so.
So given the variance and vagaries of international outlook, are you now going to tell me your response (and that of the administration, and with particular reference to cultural differences with regard to humour) is limited to only that which you have an immediate grasp of? Are you really here to learn? Or to push an agenda?
That's a genuine question.
I'm not sure what or who "everyone" is talking about.
Plazma and his attempts to revitalize traffic have been mentioned several times now in the latest "sciforums failings" thread. I've mentioned my support of his attempts. I've responded to them more than most have. I'm fucking
trying, which is more than most are.
And you're attacking me for it.
Nice moves.
With all due reference to the fact that a discussion forum is only going to survive if it is indeed a
discussion forum. As opposed to someone's blog.
If someone's blog is all this place is anymore, then just be honest and say so.
Intelligent people will acknowledge futility and go away. They already are.
I'm starting to think I'm about as smart as a box of hammers, in that regard.
I'm not sure if any of this is meant humorously.
Well.... what can I say, really?
did I say, in that first response?
It's me who really can't understand, you know.
Why you didn't get it.
Why you're here, now, saying these things.
Hell, there have been other Australians who might have been n my side in this particular thread. But they're mostly all gone now.
The only ones left are those... well. They speak for themselves. Or, rather, for you.
Goddamned Quislings.
And I'm not sure why I've just been told to f-off and die.
Exasperation. Show me what you have. Show me your understanding. Show me your appreciation of other cultures. Show me your
Who are you, and what are you all about, Bluey?
I mean, if "tolerance" simply means pandering to the latest state-sponsored bogeyman, then by all means say that. I simply wasn't aware it applied to Australian humour as well. Given everything I've just tried to explain to you, Scotty.
Let's sum this up.
Plasma posted something of interest.
I responded. I shot myself all to hell, had a laugh at me, questioned my own posting style and acknowledged that "psychology" has a point in this instance. In doing so, asked a question of that psychology - and of the site administration..
Y'all coming down like a ton of bricks because you didn't get it.
Fuck, man. Go ask Bells. She's Australian. She'll tell y'all what you want to hear.
I'll just go away from this thread and be all sad and shit. Y'know?
All sad and shit.