Time Does it exist?

EmptyForceOfChi said:
no im sorry but your incorrect man,

this does not prove that time exists, simply that events take place you might be getting things mixed up a little, i can dissprove time theory right now just let me try to explain a little further indepth,

ok you see light, and traveling at light speed yes.

if you are say 4 million lightyears away from me in point B, and i am in point A the same 4 million lightyears distance away, following?.

a star explodes near you (i dont know it spontaniously combusted hypertheticaly) i would not see the flash of the explosion until 4 million years when the light beam travels here to my eyes,

this concludes that the light took 4 million years to reach here, but that event still happend in the universe, whether you were at the current location in its solar system with the star, or 20 million lightyears away, the even still happened at the same "time" everywhere, its just the effects of the event will not be seen until light has travelled there, do you understand?.

i could do with one of your little diagrams here QQ that shows time as a central point with no location,

time is a nice tool but it has no body/force/energy or physical effect on aanything, there is just events and run off events, action and reaction,

if time exists will you please show me some evidence of an actual force at work,

will people be telling me next that 1 mile exists as anything but a measuring tool for locational distance?, and there is such an energy as 1 mile.


She's on the right track and it's not 1 mile long either. Time doesn't exist. decrepitude is a reaction - distance is measured by a consciousness. We call ours time.
devils_reject said:
Listen I am not interested in cajoling you, believe whatever you want to believe. All I know is that forces exist, and as long as forces exist...motions exist, and as long as there is motion there will always be time to record it. Also quantum mechs says space is the same as time, you move from one space to another you move from one frame to another, a frame being a block of space whether three or two or one dimension, and time is a way to keep record. Saying time exist or not is not more relevant than the importance and uses of time. As a utilitarian time definately exists. What say you?

Consciousnesses... That's all it is. You're aware - I'm aware. There's no proof anything exists - especially our perception of time. It's motors, cogs, going click, tick, tick. Your awareness of time maybe different to mine. All we really do is depend on a clock(s) for equal assumption that we live to an organised plan or disorganised plan etc... It's a measurement that all our consciousnesses identically relate to.
If this universe were a vacuum, time would not exist. Without matter, inertia, motion, it would be frozen. Infinitum=0 immeasurable. There would be no point A to point B as even linearity would be nonexistant. Matter would not exist to create a watch to measure time=change. Therefore, time is relative. Time itself does not exist. Our experience of time exists only in a subspace dimension, a construct of universal law. Theoretically, in another universe laws as we know it may not exist or be of a completely different nature altogether. Within the space of a millisecond lies infinity. As well, it could be that our measurement of a second may equate to a billion by their measure and vice versa.
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I would explain how time is indispensible to life, the universe, and evrything, but I just don't have the time.

Maybe next time.
I am new to this forum, and find it fasinating. As a person with no real sense of "time, " I am often considered late for appointments, work, whatever. I have been searching for these answers all my life, and have finally found some arguements worth printing out and taking to work with me the next time I am considered "late." And use your arguments that time is actually relative, and that our society's linear sense of time is really just a distorted, limited measurement to be used by lower-thinking individuals who have no real sense of the importance of my entrance as related to the actual "time." Brilliant, and Thanks guys!!! :)
Copied from web:

Does time exist

"time is measured in the mind. It is not an event itself that is measured but the impression that it leaves on the mind. The mind expects the future, which becomes the present, which the mind attends, and then becomes the past, which the mind remembers. The future and past do not exist, but in the mind there is expectation of the future and remembrance of the past. The present has no duration and still the mind's attention persists. So it is not the future which is long but a long expectation of the future. Likewise, it is not the past that was long but a long remembrance of the past. St. Augustine ended his discussion of time with the conclusion that it is something measured in the mind, a human conception. This is all the further one can go based on logic alone"

and also copied from web:

"Does Time Exist? Page 34.

redetermines its position if one body of mass increases, we suggested light waves and all waves must move as gravity waves. You might like to think of it like a Mexican wave in a football stadium; each person stands-up, and then sits back down, but because they each slightly oscillate at different periods in their own history, it offers an impression there is an entire body of transferable movement, when in fact the only thing to move is an impression of transferable movement.

If gravity then applies the same logic, we could assume what we see is an elementary movement of gravity itself. And if all standard waves, became gravitational waves, then natural waves of gravity should theoretically permeate our planet, and universe beyond as a whole. Add on to the philosophy, time does not exist, and the past merely decays, and the future is already there just not moving at the correct speed to make it visible, then these gravity waves should be able to either advance or slow standard particles in their own time frame.

You could imagine it like walking in a nice new pair of springy trainers, with the wind behind you, or trying to struggle down the road in a pair of heavy leadboots with the wind in your face.

If we were to visualise a strong gravity wave passing over any specific area, at that precise moment, then the particles: Atoms could literally increase their density. And if they did, then theoretically, the volume of mass would increase and an object become visible.

If we understand that a universe is a preset entity, only visible to our eyesight at given times when the volume of mass permits, we might deduce ghosts are not actually ghosts as we determine them, but are simply impressions in the fabric of time, as its gravitational levels change.

And the same analogy might be true of Ufo phenomenon; but I wish to tackle that, and visitors in time, in another chapter. But what we will conclude from this chapter, in summary, is that time is not as simple as we might have first thought.

We have shown from the transmission of light, we can cancel time altogether, yet still apply it in other directions. We showed how everywhere in our universe can be today, and their be no such thing as tomorrow or yesterday. We made it possible by cancelling time for Ufos to cross the universe with a philosophy to show light not a constant in a vacuum.

And that was the most important part of this chapter, as we applied specific predictions for science to measure the concept. We achieved something together, an ability to rewrite special relativity, a concept clung desperately to for nearly a hundred years.

But more importantly, we truly showed with this astounding proposition, that it is us that truly are the masters of time, and not time itself."
EmptyForceOfChi said:
go on then, propell yourself at high speed and come back roughly the same age in 40 years when im 61,

then i will say your correct and you win the debate,

in all seriousness now, can you prove this please with evidence and results of experimentation please?


Chi's hard-headedness is annoying.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
my personal opinion is that time does not exist whatsoever
Look at a clock. See the little fuckin' number change? That's time.

so does time exist yes or no?
Yes time fuckin' exists. What're you, dense? Time is one of the first concepts we learn as children.

do you know whats really annoying?

when you think you know something but you cant prove it exists, so you use insults instead,

is that the best you guys can come up with?, a clock? ............. please

does it make you feel unneasy when i question your scientific beliefs in time?.

can i ask you one little question, prove time exists, and no a clock dosent actually prove anything,

do you guys know the mech of a clock? i wasnt aware it was powered by the mystical force of time itself, thats amazing :). i thought clocks were powered by quarts crystals and battery,

If time did not exist, you could not read this post. You would be stuck forever on looking at the first letter of the first word.

Tell me, did you read this post, or, not?
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watched this documentary all about 'TIME' last night presented by the theoretical physicist, Dr Michio Kaku

according to him. time is flexible. forexample, say your on a tram. and tram goes near seed of light. you on trram experience time as flowing 'normally', but if you were outside looking into tram, you would see the people as if in slow motion

he also theorized tha say you fell into a blckhole, timewould cme to au fell into a blckhole, timewould come to a stop

BUT people. all tis istheories. interesting, sure. but if yu RELLYwant to explore the srangeness if yu RELLYwant to explore te srangenes of time/eternity, i suggest you take the plunge and try some psychedelic!
CANGAS said:
If time did not exist, you could not read this post. You would be stuck forever on looking at the first letter of the first word.

Tell me, did you read this post, or, not?

explain the science behind that please.

time hasnt yet been proven to exist as an actual force,

can you prove that time is anything more than a abstract of the human mind?.

i move my hand from point a to point b, i used fuel, traveled through location, why would you need to say it took 2 seconds,

it time does exist, it must be infinite, because using the logic of science itself, it would be impossible to start something such as time, due to a pre time scenario, motion and energy existence would be impossible due to time not bieng present,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
time hasnt yet been proven to exist as an actual force,

can you prove that time is anything more than a abstract of the human mind?.

i move my hand from point a to point b, i used fuel, traveled through location, why would you need to say it took 2 seconds,

it time does exist, it must be infinite, because using the logic of science itself, it would be impossible to start something such as time, due to a pre time scenario, motion and energy existence would be impossible due to time not bieng present,

OK, say we are working in a hospital. ad wehave a prson whose been in an accident, who is strapped to a stretcher. we need to transfer the prson CAREFULLY from stretcher-trolley to operating table. there are about 6 people who are going to move the stretcher making sure we dont drop te subject nor disturb her back etc. so a person says 'on the cpunt of 3'....'1, 2, 3' then we all lift ad place subject safely on oter surface. so what is the '1,2'3'?
that proves what?

that people can synncronise due to intelligent brains,

i dont see how that is proof of time existing.

when you can travel back in time and get me lao tzu,s autograph i will say you win thats proof.

EmptyForceOfChi said:
that proves what?

that people can synncronise due to intelligent brains,

i dont see how that is proof of time existing.

when you can travel back in time and get me lao tzu,s autograph i will say you win thats proof.

it proves, that there is chronological time, an psychological time.
that we CAN agree to meet in '5 minutes'
but tat same 5 minutes can be EXPERIENCED deifferently according to how each individual experiences it
EmptyForceOfChi said:
so your saying time is subjective? and can be controlled by human perception?,

i am rather saying it is neither wholly objective nor wholly subjective---as is case for all reality
time exists when time is over
the way i see it
like infinity
as far as we can count up to this point everything can be counted
but it will continue to grow forever
unless if it ends
once it ends it can be counted