Time Does it exist?


my personal opinion is that time does not exist whatsoever,

there are just actions and events, one big cycle, time is just a human tool of the mind to measure periods of events, but we have kind of adopted the notion over "time", that time is actualy a real force that exists, to me time is just like a ruler, yes 1 CM is a length but it dosent actually exist, its just a measuring tool.

so does time exist yes or no?

we devised a clever way to measure lengths of events and actions using the earth sun and the moon, we shouldent confuse a measuring tool with an actual force, as time has no actual force we cannot assume it exists just because our clocks say its 10:30,

So if you question timeas a measurement of
the conceptual measuring mind, do you also question the measurement of science which is taken as sacrosanct by materialistic science?
"Time" is just a dimension. What do you mean by "exist"? There's no universal clock.
you're partly right, but you need to keep thinking. time is a human measurement, but it measures something that is real. it measures change. just like the y axis measures vertical movement, the time axis measures temporal movement. so time is not real, but what it measures is, so that means that time is as real as all of our other descriptions of real things.
Time is a measurement of rate of change...

and since two objects seperated in space, do experience the same rate of change on a sub-atomic level...

such proves that time flow exists... and it is a universal quality of the spatial enviorment we are in.

(all of which is temp and velocity dependant.)

Mosheh Thezion said:
Time is a measurement of rate of change...

and since two objects seperated in space, do experience the same rate of change on a sub-atomic level...

such proves that time flow exists... and it is a universal quality of the spatial enviorment we are in.

(all of which is temp and velocity dependant.)


i dont see where the proof is, that time as an actual force exists. say you have 2 cakes, you leave them 20 ft apart for 10 days, they go mouldy and stale right, this means that time must exist because they both were effected by the time of 10 days, this just means they were both subject to bacteria and mould eating away and growing on it, just a cause and effect chain,

could somebody actually prove that time is anything more than a measurement with no real body,

Well, I can just as easily say, without time's universal influence, all those fancy cyclistic events and actions in your idea would just happen all at the same time because there would be nothing to keep them apart. So, it takes time to move through space, our earth for example need 365 days (give or take some hours) to move around the sun once. That is not just a human concept, granted, we defined how long a day is, but still the earth needs time to move. Negate time, and earth would be everywhere on its orbit around the sun at the same time...
Dreamwalker said:
Mosheh Thezion said:

What U both are talking about is nothing but properties of matter elements which happen to be governed by not time.

Time :

The registering the change of state of objects stored in brain by the mind compared to the initialy stored states.
Dreamwalker said:
Well, I can just as easily say, without time's universal influence, all those fancy cyclistic events and actions in your idea would just happen all at the same time because there would be nothing to keep them apart. So, it takes time to move through space, our earth for example need 365 days (give or take some hours) to move around the sun once. That is not just a human concept, granted, we defined how long a day is, but still the earth needs time to move. Negate time, and earth would be everywhere on its orbit around the sun at the same time...

no im sorry but your incorrect man,

this does not prove that time exists, simply that events take place you might be getting things mixed up a little, i can dissprove time theory right now just let me try to explain a little further indepth,

ok you see light, and traveling at light speed yes.

if you are say 4 million lightyears away from me in point B, and i am in point A the same 4 million lightyears distance away, following?.

a star explodes near you (i dont know it spontaniously combusted hypertheticaly) i would not see the flash of the explosion until 4 million years when the light beam travels here to my eyes,

this concludes that the light took 4 million years to reach here, but that event still happend in the universe, whether you were at the current location in its solar system with the star, or 20 million lightyears away, the even still happened at the same "time" everywhere, its just the effects of the event will not be seen until light has travelled there, do you understand?.

i could do with one of your little diagrams here QQ that shows time as a central point with no location,

time is a nice tool but it has no body/force/energy or physical effect on aanything, there is just events and run off events, action and reaction,

if time exists will you please show me some evidence of an actual force at work,

will people be telling me next that 1 mile exists as anything but a measuring tool for locational distance?, and there is such an energy as 1 mile.


So, by "disproving" whatever I said, you do say that tomorrow already happened?

I do not disagree that a star exploding occures in only one moment, of course one would only see it 4 million years later, I do not disagree with that. But that also does not have much to do with what I wrote earlier. I merely said, that without time, everything would happen simultaneously. I do not disagree with you on the terms of events, actions and reactions, I merely said that they obviously do not happen at the same time, because they take time.

Of course, one might say that time is just a human concept and all that, but so are events, actions and reactions just human concepts. Also, I do not see where in your posts you disprove anything about time.
everything cannot just happen all at once, it takes an action for a reaction to be caused,

just becazuse events take place within the universe annd have cause effects it dosent mean there is such a force as time, it just means a whole bunch of stuff happend, there is just a now, no past or future the future will never come and the past will never be, there is just location and now,

if there is such a thing as time, could you actually prove its force to me in a way of experimentation with hard evidence of a force or body please>?

How about the effect of time moving slower when travelling faster? That is scientifically proven and not a theory.

Let us assume I am travelling at bvery high speed through space while you just sit here, I will return after about 60 years, you then will be 60 years older, but for me, just 5 years would have passed. That would be hard evidence for the effects of time on a body.
Also, experiments show that time is affected, one could say bend, by gravity.
go on then, propell yourself at high speed and come back roughly the same age in 40 years when im 61,

then i will say your correct and you win the debate,

in all seriousness now, can you prove this please with evidence and results of experimentation please?

and remember when you do an experiment it has to be fair, same conditions on both ends,

so remember on earth you would come across more bacteria high gravity, it might just be lack of gravety in space, and different particals in the air, wear n tear of earth life would age you more,

so test this fairly under exact conditions like a true experiment should be held, this would be based on assumption, and assertions theorys infact, you realise there are alot of factors that it would detail not just speed and time, take account of all the other scientific possibilities?

if i were to accept time is real as a force and can be manipulated, and believe it, thats basicaly proving god exists isnt it, think about it properly, it means the possibility for omnipresence infact if it can be slowed down and sped up then it can be stopped reversed no?, so that means god is most probable if time is a true force,

i dont believe so easily, i believe in nothing, that is everything real

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thats just because ice covers the body, keeping the body at low degree temperature, it stops bacteria and particals from the air wearing down the body,

are you serious by the way or are you playing a joke>?

ice isnt some kind of time capsule device is it now, so your freezer in your kitchen holds the answer to time force?

there dosent need to be a super long debate, if you say timme ezixts and its scientificaly proven to be correct, just show me hard evidence that i cant argue with then, and shut me upp with real hard proof and a body,

then i will accept it,

time, t, is a convenient parameter in equations used to relate observables but not observable its self. Thus in the sense that anything which is undetectable does not exist, time does not exist.

If you like, you could invert or "solve" all equtions for "t" then reduce the set of equations by one and have eliminted any reference to time t parmeter in all of physics or all discriptions of everything. E.g. the position of a falling rock is directly related to motion of sun in the sky, not a function of the parameter t.