A fan does not cool the room. The laws of thermodynamics say so and any experiment you care to run will prove that.
Does a fan cool a person? Yes it does in most cases.
Here are the facts.
1. A fan moves air. Moving air does not cool it. The temperature of the air is a measure of the translational kenetic energy of the molecules, which is vibrational kenetic energy. The fan puts in a bulk movement of the molecues which does not cool the molecules they just move around.
2. The fan has a motor which will not run at 100% efficiency so there will be loss in the form of heat from the motor. So the overall effect of the fan on temeperature will be to slightly increase the temperature of the air. Realistically the slight increase in temperature will in all likelyhood not keep up with the heat loss of the room to the outside.
3. Assuming that you are not sweating at all if the temperature of the air is lower than your body temperature the fan will cool you simply from the heat tranfer. The equation for heat transfer shows this.
$$\dot{Q} = c_p \dot{m} (T_a - T_b) $$
$$\dot{Q} = $$ Heat flow
$$c_p = $$ heat capacity
$$\dot{m} = $$ mass flow rate
$$T_a = $$ temperature of the air
$$T_b = $$ temperature of your body
So if the temperature of the air is lower than your skin temperature the heat flow will be negative which means heat will flow from your body. The higher the mass flowrate the higher the heat leaves your body. The cooler the air temperature the faster the heat flows from your body.
So if the air temperature is higher than your body tempertaure the heat flow will be positive which means heat will flow into your body and you will heat up so the fan will make you feel hotter. If the air flows faster you will heat up more and feel even hotter.
4. If you have any sweat or moisture at all on your skin then a fan will cool you much more effeciently than can be accomplished through simple heat transfer. Even an air temperature above your body temperature will cool you due to the latent heat of evaporation.
Well said!
He won't understand all of it but it was worth a try.