Let me just say that I'm a kid in the eighth grade and have no scientific background of any sort, I'm not distinguished in science or mathematics or anything and I don't plan to be, however I did come up with this really cool theory. Tell me what you think, but remember that I AM THIRTEEN YEARS OLD.
Theory of Inter-dimensional travel
There are as many dimensions in existence as there are Pico seconds in between the beginning of time and the end of it. To visualize how these dimensions exist, a graph is drawn:
Here are five lines, each at different lengths. These will represent dimensions. Lets say the one at the very top is now. The one below it is one hundred years ago, and the one before that is a hundred years before that, etc. etc. Each and every dimension is at a different point in time, aligned next to a dimension a Pico second before it and a Pico second behind it. To travel from now, to say, one BC, a person would simply have to travel to whichever side the past is in. When there, one would be in a completely different dimension, but would not have to worry about messing up the future of that particular dimension, because in that dimension the future does not exist yet. We’d have to assume that each dimension follows the same course of history as ours, because in this writers opinion the idea that each dimension is ‘slightly different,’ meaning that maybe in an ‘alternate’ dimension one would have a different color of hair is simply ludicrous. All dimensions follow the same course of history as the next unless they are toyed with. Each one could be toyed with to experiment and find out how the course of history would change because there is a virtually endless amount of ones to experiment with. Anyone could travel to anytime and nuke the planet Earth, but when they returned to their original dimension everything, EVERYTHING would be the same because all of the dimensions are not linked in any way; they simply follow the same fate because of something related to the chaos theory (successfully predicting random events) and that each and every event in human history is random but is always the same. Nothing is preset, there is no fate, and it’s just how history will occur unless ‘outside’ help is used to change the course of history.
How can the writer sum this up? There are as many dimensions as there are Pico Seconds. If one traveled to one dimension and saved Abraham Lincoln in that dimension, the course of history would be altered THERE, not here, in the home dimension. Histories events are random, however they happen the same not because anything is preset but because that’s simply what would and will happen. No one can change his or her fate, because it does not exist, what happens DOES happen.
Even now, this writer is writing these lines somewhere else, thinking about the same things and dreaming the same dreams.
Theory of Inter-dimensional travel
There are as many dimensions in existence as there are Pico seconds in between the beginning of time and the end of it. To visualize how these dimensions exist, a graph is drawn:
Here are five lines, each at different lengths. These will represent dimensions. Lets say the one at the very top is now. The one below it is one hundred years ago, and the one before that is a hundred years before that, etc. etc. Each and every dimension is at a different point in time, aligned next to a dimension a Pico second before it and a Pico second behind it. To travel from now, to say, one BC, a person would simply have to travel to whichever side the past is in. When there, one would be in a completely different dimension, but would not have to worry about messing up the future of that particular dimension, because in that dimension the future does not exist yet. We’d have to assume that each dimension follows the same course of history as ours, because in this writers opinion the idea that each dimension is ‘slightly different,’ meaning that maybe in an ‘alternate’ dimension one would have a different color of hair is simply ludicrous. All dimensions follow the same course of history as the next unless they are toyed with. Each one could be toyed with to experiment and find out how the course of history would change because there is a virtually endless amount of ones to experiment with. Anyone could travel to anytime and nuke the planet Earth, but when they returned to their original dimension everything, EVERYTHING would be the same because all of the dimensions are not linked in any way; they simply follow the same fate because of something related to the chaos theory (successfully predicting random events) and that each and every event in human history is random but is always the same. Nothing is preset, there is no fate, and it’s just how history will occur unless ‘outside’ help is used to change the course of history.
How can the writer sum this up? There are as many dimensions as there are Pico Seconds. If one traveled to one dimension and saved Abraham Lincoln in that dimension, the course of history would be altered THERE, not here, in the home dimension. Histories events are random, however they happen the same not because anything is preset but because that’s simply what would and will happen. No one can change his or her fate, because it does not exist, what happens DOES happen.
Even now, this writer is writing these lines somewhere else, thinking about the same things and dreaming the same dreams.