"The Wise and God". A dialogue. A reflection...


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_ Wise, about life… Too much bad things happen…

_ Seems this is a wrong kind of life. Our World seems to be fortuitous. Is not as it was supposed a World and life would be. The things are not as they should be.

_ Wise, God created the Universe, how would exist something wrong?

_ God could have own troubles...

_ But God would have all power to solve anything... What would be missing to solve the things?

_ Nobody knows God's situation. There's no way to communicate with God. Who knows...

_ Nothing that could be done about...

_ One thing is true, if there is a God with a creation he must have a way to perceive it, may be through our own eyes and ears. So God could observe us and may be someone could imagine something useful for God to solve the things. Every thing we could solve here could help God solve something there. May be God could guide our intuition to something...
Just maybe... May be also could be just a matter of time...

That's what I think...

_ Wise, about life… Too much bad things happen…

_ Seems this is a wrong kind of life. Our World seems to be fortuitous. Is not as it was supposed a World and life would be. The things are not as they should be.

_ Wise, God created the Universe, how would exist something wrong?

_ God could have own troubles...

_ But God would have all power to solve anything... What would be missing to solve the things?

_ Nobody knows God's situation. There's no way to communicate with God. Who knows...

_ Nothing that could be done about...

_ One thing is true, if there is a God with a creation he must have a way to perceive it, may be through our own eyes and ears. So God could observe us and may be someone could imagine something useful for God to solve the things. Every thing we could solve here could help God solve something there. May be God could guide our intuition to something...
Just maybe... May be also could be just a matter of time...

That's what I think...

Who knows, if God is an invention you can give him any attribute you wish.
If God is real he must be real shy.
I really don't think we need worry if he was real he would think of something.
I think this leave us to the first post. God could have troubles…
And the solution could come trough:
"One thing is true, if there is a God with a creation he must have a way to perceive it, may be through our own eyes and ears. So God could observe us and may be someone could imagine something useful for God to solve the things. Every thing we could solve here could help God solve something there. May be God could guide our intuition to something..."
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Eventually everything, that has material properties have to run down. That is characteristic of matter. Are we purely material beings? That’s the question we must focus on.
Whatever conclusion we arrive at, marks our intention.
I believe in Descartes' rationalism and the body/mind dualism. Body and mind two separated things...
may be through our own eyes and ears

Maybe is pure speculation and your speculation is driven by your belief.

may be someone could imagine something useful for God to solve the things.

When you invoke maybe the possibities are without limit yet your limit is imposed by your belief.

Maybe the universe had no start and maybe there is no creator or maybe we are just in a dream...maybe is useless.

Why speculate when nothing can come from just guessing?

May be God could guide our intuition to something...

Maybe there is a God and he hates humans evidenced by the large number of un necessary deaths in war, via disease, by natural disaster by any number of things..the inequity of existence points more to either a non existent God or a God who either hates humans or does not care.

Why are those maybes not in your list of supposition?

You believe there is a God fine but unless you can support your claim you engage in speculation ...guess work does not cut it.


Because it takes you nowhere really.

I can speculate about there being inteligent species on other planets but irrespective of the notions arrived at from my speculation the fact remains we do not know.
You can speculate about God until the cows come home but the honest conclusion can only be ..you do not know.

From name echo...
Teroko Name Meaning: What Makes It Special
The name Teroko conjures spirituality, straightforwardness and fervour.

Letter Analysis
TUnder the drive of helping everyone, people whose names start with 'T' will ask a lot from those dear but will also be very involved with their needs.
EThe letter E conveys enthusiasm and liveliness, an existence that is lived with no regrets.
RThe letter R indicates that one is very sensitive and is inclined to demonstrate, in most situations, a predominantly emotional rather than rational position.
OThe letter O has the same intensity as the number 6, which is a symbol of selflessness, dignity and a lot of nurturing towards others.
KAccepting that one doesn't have control over everything is an example of a life principle that has a great significance for 'K'.
OThe 'O' may be at disadvantage because of their tendency to protest anything and to make negative assumptions.
From name echo...
Teroko Name Meaning: What Makes It Special
The name Teroko conjures spirituality, straightforwardness and fervour.

Letter Analysis
TUnder the drive of helping everyone, people whose names start with 'T' will ask a lot from those dear but will also be very involved with their needs.
EThe letter E conveys enthusiasm and liveliness, an existence that is lived with no regrets.
RThe letter R indicates that one is very sensitive and is inclined to demonstrate, in most situations, a predominantly emotional rather than rational position.
OThe letter O has the same intensity as the number 6, which is a symbol of selflessness, dignity and a lot of nurturing towards others.
KAccepting that one doesn't have control over everything is an example of a life principle that has a great significance for 'K'.
OThe 'O' may be at disadvantage because of their tendency to protest anything and to make negative assumptions.
Made me smile, thanks!
I only disagree in that I consider myself very rational.
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