Man, she would do well as a lawyer.
Hah! Good call.
I was surprised by the response from Jan. I look forward to a reply.
Man, she would do well as a lawyer.
I do not. Without knowing your perspective, I was left to reference the US English common usage. Inferring now that you are not asserting an US Southern Baptist theology, I will correct myself of that misunderstanding.
In that case I retract all inferences of US fundamentalism unless you object.![]()
If I am in error I am happy to amend. I enjoy this forum because of the rich diversity and interesting personas of its members.
My tendency to stereotype to US fundamentalism is deeply ingrained. I haven't found any recourse yet than to call a spade a spade. I am all ears, and taking notice of your objections, with curiosity and interest.
Well, not you, but that's my loss.Thank you for this interaction, it deletes one item from that list. As far as the question at hand, (arising from your Southern US impersonation), if there are any practitioners of animal sacrifice, I certainly admit that I have not encountered any in the US, as they do this at night in secret rituals that do not interest me. I would further add that I have encountered animal sacrifice outside of the US, practiced openly.
When you explained that animal sacrifice was to liberate the soul of the animal, were you referring to any particular religions, sects, or cults, if so, which?
If you say "scripture", am I correct to assume you mean the combined sacred writings of the principal world religions, or to include the ancillary and non-canonical writings, or also those of the smaller denominations, sects and cults, or the occult, or also the inspired writings of great authors in general?
Well, look at what she did in post 114. U asked her opinion of immortality in non human speices and she pointed just the simple guess u made as being streotyping and wrote quite disparagingly about ur inability to listen and ur stereotyping and that u hadnt come across quite a lot, etc. She made a issue out of total trivials coz what u said was in conflict with the scripture. She bashed u, avoided the question and gave the impression that it was ur fault. That's what I meant.
Man, she would do well as a lawyer.
AI seems to understand that he/she was stereo-typing, as a default to what I said. Unless we set up some kind of mutal ground, our converstation will go nowhere.
as a vegetarian
If u are a vegetarian [ur statement did make it clear whether it was hypotheticial or real], I have a question, just to know ur ideas on this.
If chickens were gentically modefied to lay unfertilsed eggs [have no embryoes, will never hatch] would u equate it to milk and eat them?
Similiarly, if stem cells could be cultured to produce meat [just muscle cells, nothing else, hence no animal killed], would u eat it?
I dislike the smell myself. But those eggs would not be chickens, they would never hatch, they have no embroyes in them to hatch. Why not, then?
Similiarly, meat cultures grown from a lump of stem cells isnt an animal, ur arent killing a conscious living being. Whats the problem with that either?
AI seems to understand that he/she was stereo-typing, as a default to what I said. Unless we set up some kind of mutal ground, our converstation will go nowhere.
It stinks.
He was wondering about your meaning of words. He notices that you refer to Jesus and the Vedas, ritual sacrifice and casual dining, and the seemingly esoteric idea of liberating animals of their souls. So He would like to know more about these ideas because He sees that You/He/She are/is inviting etymology possibly or perhaps poetic allusion or maybe something possibly of unconventional roots perhaps maybe like Hermetics or something out of the pseudepigrapha or the more modern ideas of Jesus in India.
But don't hold Him to any specifics in those areas as He considers stereotyping to be debasing and disordered to His thinking, not to mention that He would be doing You/He/She a huge disservice as there appears to be substantially more going on with You/He/She than meets the eye.
And He thanks you in advance for reading His post.
I dislike the smell myself. But those eggs would not be chickens, they would never hatch, they have no embroyes in them to hatch. Why not, then?
Similiarly, meat cultures grown from a lump of stem cells isnt an animal, ur arent killing a conscious living being. Whats the problem with that either?
And yes, in a life or death situation, we would all be like bear gyrlls.
\I would eat meat from the natural animal
As it stands, I do not have a taste for meat, period.
So u are ready to kill and eat and animal, but refuse to eat it when its grow in a cell culture, withour constituting an animal? Whats the basis of that reasoning?
If u can eat and animal to save ur own life, why not eat it in the absence of that threat both to u and that animal [which, in my example, would exist; its just a culture of cells].
If this were not true, and u accepted my statement above, would u eat said [non fertile eggs, cell culture of muscle] artifically made animal products?
Btw, sorry if u think this to be uncomfortablly probing. U dont have to answer.
K. A final question, is ur view on non vegetarianism based on or influenced by your theism. If so how?
The idea of taking another life, for my personal pleasure didn't and doesn't
appeal to me.
Initially, yes.
The idea of taking another life, for my personal pleasure didn't and doesn't
appeal to me.
How old is morality, and do you talk about human or about the whole animal kingdom?