Thank you for your kind words and link.
For the record, one more question.
I can understand a wave function spreading (dispersing) over an existing substance.
But in the case of a single photon, what is the substance the wave function is dispersed over?
Apologies, due to a missing comma in post 60, that post may seem to be self-contradictory. I had meant to write "No, dispersion occurs for an electron in free flight......"
But this is interesting: a wave-particle with mass, like an electron, behaves differently from a massless photon. The wave function of a free electron spreads out over time, making its position progressively more uncertain, as a result of dispersion, whereas the EM wave (note I do
not call it a wave function*) of photons travelling in a vacuum does not spread out in this way.
The relevant paragraph from the link I previously quoted starts: "Note, from the previous analysis, that the rate of spreading of a wave-packet is ultimately governed by the second derivative of ω(k) with respect to k. " [I can't copy it as I get errors when I try to paste it on the forum]. The key point is that for photons this second derivative is zero so they do not spread out over time, whereas for
free QM entities with mass, this second derivative is not zero so their wave function does spread out over time. Note also that this is for free QM entities. For electrons in an atom, which are in a bound state, this will not apply.
* Schrödinger's equation, which is non-relativistic, contains a mass term in the denominator, leading to an undefined result when mass = 0. So the EM waves associated with photons can't be regarded as wave functions, or at least not in the same sense as the wave functions of QM entities with mass. But this gets quite hairy, e.g. see this discussion of the issue: Suffice it to say one should not mix up photons and electrons, as they do not necessarily behave in the same way.
But all this is at the very edge of my competence as a chemist. A real physicist may perhaps shed more light on it.