The Squared Circle

See post #59 as I said before. What didn't you understand about what I did there?

Post #59 has no pic of your completed long division of 1 divided by 3, MORON!

Post a pic of your completed long division of 1 divided by 3.

..or explain how that pic of the long division is completed. Your choice!
Post #59 has no pic of your completed long division of 1 divided by 3
Long division for \(1/10_3\)? Seriously? Oooookaaaay.

0.1\phantom{)} \\






Long division for \(1/10_3\)? Seriously? Oooookaaaay.

0.1\phantom{)} \\







Moron, Look at the pic of the long division of 1 divided by 3. You see how the remainder is always 1 and a zero is brought down to make that 1 a 10? Place a 3 in the next decimal place and 3 x 3 is 9. Place the 9 below the 10 and subtract 9 from 10 to get 1. Repeat INFINITELY and the division never ends. You can not complete the division of 1 divided by 3, because there is always a remainder of 1 that needs to be divided equally by 3, which can't be done!

They teach this crap in 2nd grade, did you miss that day? Do you not know how to do long division??
I literally just did it for you in #65 and I keep asking what you didn't understand about how I did it so we can move forward but you keep not answering.

You did not. Either explain the pic of the long division or show your pic of how you completed that long division.

SHOW ME how you complete the long division of 1 divided by 3, or explain how in the pic of that division I posted the division can be completed.

You can see clearly in that pic that there is no end to that division, right? If you can't see that then you have no idea what you're looking at and you can't do long division.

That pic is PROOF that the long division of 1 divided by 3 CAN'T be completed, it goes on infinitely and can not be completed because 1 is not equally divided by 3!
See post #65. What didn't you understand about how I did it?

You did not show me a long division or how you completed the long division of 1 divided by 3.

1. Show me a pic of your completed long division.
2. Explain how the long division ends in the pic I posted.

Your choice. Pick one!
So what you are saying is that you don't recognise at all that that is exactly what I did in #65. Why not just say so?

I will say it again, you can not complete the long division of 1 divided by 3. There is nothing you can say to change that. If you think you can do it then show me a pic of the long division of 1 divided by 3 being completed.


If you don't have a pic then explain the pic I posted. Simple right? Just explain how you would complete the division in that pic!
OK. So you don't understand what I did and can't or won't admit that you don't understand. Admitting you don't understand something is the first step to understanding it and if you can't do that you will remain as dumb as a bag of hammers.

For anybody with half a brain but who missed it the first time around I chose a representation of 3 which was easier to work with namely 10 in base three so a zero in the units column and a one in the threes column. Then you can use long division to calculate what 1/10 is if you must but it's trivial it's 0.1 which should be read as a zero in the units column and a one in the thirds column. You can pull this trick with any non-integer rational by writing it as a ratio of integers \(m/n\) then expressing it in base \(n\). If you don't like that solution and want to remain in base 10 then the infinite sum I gave in #42 is another way to represent it and that's just a geometric series (first term 0.3 common ratio 0.1) that you can use the standard formula to sum if you want to check it works.

There are loads of good representations of any rational and only an idiot would try to write one third exactly in base ten positional notation so I think I'm gonna leave Motor Daddy to it.
So no pic and no explanation of the pic I posted.

But I already knew you could not explain because it's not possible.

Listen very closely: 1 can NOT be divided by 3 equally.


1/2=.5 and .5 x 2=1.0
1/4=.25 and .25 x 4=1.0
1/5=.20 and .20 x 5=1.0

See how you can check your work and they all equal 1.0??

Now try that with 1/3

1/3=.333... and .333... x 3=.999...

Did you catch that? It DID NOT add up to 1.0, it added up to .999...

You know you started with 100% and it ended up with 99.999...%

You know why, right? Because the division of 1/3 never was completed, and the remainder of 1 was not included in the answer of .999...

You swept the last little remainder under the rug and then pretended like you completed the division. That's a NO-NO! You don't get to sweep some under the rug!