if God exists;
his existence is the most important piece of information one needs to get.
for then he will be all that matters, and everything else is worthless and pointless.
if he doesn't exist, everything is worthless and pointless.
if you raise the best kid in the world, he will cease to exist when you die, along with your whole world.
everything realized by science, will cease to exist upon death, and so, for the dead person, it is pointless.
can't you grasp that?
So your stance basically is: what's in in for me?a)
i can't see how you're saying a life in a godless universe isn't pointless.
can't you grasp the simple notion that although the pyramids are still standing for us now, they are nonexistent for their builders because they are dead?
if you raise the best kid in the world, he will cease to exist when you die, along with your whole world.
everything realized by science, will cease to exist upon death, and so, for the dead person, it is pointless.
can't you grasp that?
I'm wondering if the person who posted the thread title would care to describe what they mean by the Scientific Method?
I'd say there's at least three main ways of learning about reality, inductive, deductive and discovery.
i can't see how you're saying a life in a godless universe isn't pointless.
can't you grasp the simple notion that although the pyramids are still standing for us now, they are nonexistent for their builders because they are dead?
if you raise the best kid in the world, he will cease to exist when you die, along with your whole world.
everything realized by science, will cease to exist upon death, and so, for the dead person, it is pointless.
can't you grasp that?
#3. Each debater has 3 days from the time of the last post by the other debater to post his next response. If a debater does not post within this 3-day limit, he will be considered to have forfeited the debate, barring any mutual agreement between the debaters.
Your response occurs today, on March 22nd. My response was on the 18th, at 11:05 AM. This is a lapse of four days. This exceeds the time limits provided for response. The debate is, so far as I can tell, over: you have effectively forfeited.
so g, yo want to generously allow me to continue or rightfully claim this debate yours?
Eh. I think I'll claim it. We weren't really going anywhere anyway.
Damn! And here I was, rooting for the underdog.Just as well, it was already a slam dunk for GP.![]()
That's at least two losses for scifes.