this is one hook i've been wanting to hang geoffp by for quite some time;
so, this formal debate proposal is directed only at Geoffp, who i usually mollycoddle by G.
the statement to debate is:
"The Scientific Method is useless".
the statement will be handled in an absolute, objective manner.
i'm for he's against.
the debate is open time wise, same for number of posts, and G would really have me gritting my teeth if he did the smart thing and turned down my challenge.
background story starts here;
then it unfolds some more in later pages of that thread, if anyone is interested.
the reason i let this debate with a personal motive be held in "formal debates", is because i believe it will be worthwhile and rich even if it was stripped of the parts pertaining to the participants and their posting history.
of course i guess it goes without saying that this debate is philosophical/religious in nature and not scientific.
so G, will you hand me your ankles or not?
this is one hook i've been wanting to hang geoffp by for quite some time;
so, this formal debate proposal is directed only at Geoffp, who i usually mollycoddle by G.
the statement to debate is:
"The Scientific Method is useless".
the statement will be handled in an absolute, objective manner.
i'm for he's against.
the debate is open time wise, same for number of posts, and G would really have me gritting my teeth if he did the smart thing and turned down my challenge.
background story starts here;
then it unfolds some more in later pages of that thread, if anyone is interested.
the reason i let this debate with a personal motive be held in "formal debates", is because i believe it will be worthwhile and rich even if it was stripped of the parts pertaining to the participants and their posting history.
of course i guess it goes without saying that this debate is philosophical/religious in nature and not scientific.
so G, will you hand me your ankles or not?