Proposal: The Scientific Method is useless.

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In withdrawal.
Valued Senior Member
this is one hook i've been wanting to hang geoffp by for quite some time;
so, this formal debate proposal is directed only at Geoffp, who i usually mollycoddle by G.

the statement to debate is:
"The Scientific Method is useless".
the statement will be handled in an absolute, objective manner.
i'm for he's against.

the debate is open time wise, same for number of posts, and G would really have me gritting my teeth if he did the smart thing and turned down my challenge.

background story starts here;

then it unfolds some more in later pages of that thread, if anyone is interested.

the reason i let this debate with a personal motive be held in "formal debates", is because i believe it will be worthwhile and rich even if it was stripped of the parts pertaining to the participants and their posting history.

of course i guess it goes without saying that this debate is philosophical/religious in nature and not scientific.

so G, will you hand me your ankles or not?

This ought to be good, the results of the scientific method are rather striking and ubiquitous.
Scifes, I think you've lost your mind. You're certainly going to lose your debate, but good luck anyhow... :)
This ought to be good, the results of the scientific method are rather striking and ubiquitous.

Scifes, I think you've lost your mind. You're certainly going to lose your debate, but good luck anyhow... :)
ever thought why i specifically chose G for this?[other than that i love him so much]

hmm, though come to think of it, this might go out of hand......
....mmm no i can't really see how it could, which will make it even more interesting, just sit down and watch..:D

Scifes must have run out of windmills to attack.
humph, says the guy who views life as nothing but windmill-attacking.:p
the reason i let this debate with a personal motive be held in "formal debates", is because i believe it will be worthwhile and rich even if it was stripped of the parts pertaining to the participants and their posting history.
upon reconsidering, the personal aspect is what the whole argument in this thread will be based upon, so...uh...

anyway, i promise i won't flame or insult in this thread, well, not unintellectually at least. it's going to be a battle, but not a foul one.
Useless for what purpose? If our purpose is to serve God, then science is just a novelty used to make Earth a more pleasant waiting room for eternity.

You must wait until GeoffP accepts your challenge before opening the Debate thread.

Also, the debate cannot be open-ended. It must be limited by number of posts and/or time.
**** Moderator note: 11 off-topic posts have been deleted.

Posters are asked to read the rules of the Formal Debates subforum before posting here. (see sticky thread at the top of the subforum topic list).
No response from GeoffP. Maybe you ought to PM him to let him know this thread is here.
Huh. Well, scifes has inadvertently picked about the worst fucking time imaginable for it, because I'm so busy I'll probably never get out of it.

I'll think about it until Friday; if I'm not back to you by then, remind me via PM. If someone else has the time, they can be my locum.
the statement to debate is:
"The Scientific Method is useless".

....of course i guess it goes without saying that this debate is philosophical/religious in nature and not scientific.

What!?!? It doesn’t go without saying at all! :rolleyes: The scientific method has everything to do with science and nothing to do with philosophy and religion.
What!?!? It doesn’t go without saying at all! :rolleyes: The scientific method has everything to do with science and nothing to do with philosophy and religion.

Shh! Heh. Ah well, I expect scifes kind of expected I'd bring that up.

Plan B.

You should define useless before you start.

I wonder. I mean, I know what he's planning to say about it, but if we take that away in definition at the start of the thread, what's left?

What the hell. I accept, being arguably the worst philosopher on the forums, and expecting the entire thread to be mired down within the first three series of posts.

Why don't you start, scifes? Do your worst. Or, preferably even a little better than than.
I have closed the Debate thread as no definitive agreement on the debate format has been reached, as far as I can tell. Scifes, please post some definitive rules. If/when GP agrees, the debate thread will be reopened. You may want to change your opening post in light of the formally agreed rules. I suggest you need agreement on at least the following:

-- Participants
-- Debate title
-- Definition of terms/scope of debate
-- Number of posts from each side
-- Format of posts
-- Length restrictions, if any
-- Requirement for supporting evidence?

Or, you can agree to adopt Sciforums’s Standard rules for debates.

I’d start with the debate title. Clearly the scientific method is not useless; it’s used every minute of every day, so it has a use. So the debate is lost for the affirmative before you even start. As it stands, to me it looks like a big waste of time.
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