I am saying that we have no experience of need that doesn't have its related object.@lightgigantic
You are basically telling me that even if I feel/grasp for something that does not belong within this reality, it could mean that it could exist in another reality? If not reality, dimension, universe, life etc... You kinda lost me there.
If you are trying to say that the need for the consistent, reliable, etc has no suitable object in this world, then you are running against this general principle.
Once again, this is not an argument for god's existence. Its simply pointing out an obstacle in the argument you are presenting.
Methods of dealing with the problem of attachment to things that will shortly cease to exist in the medium of birth, death, old age and disease may be better or may be worse than what is currently popular ... but regardless, these problems remain insurmountable to materialistic thinking.I can presume that the feeling is FAITH, but still, it does not apply (or be directed) to only a Father figure, I have faith myself, that one day, mankind will get out of this well of insanity and selfishness into a better individual/society relationship. But that's still faith, silly? Yes but that's me.
IOW materialistic thinking, advancement and co-operation on either an individual or global level offers no tangible solution to this problem.
Altruism cannot save the day.
Selflessness and charity are but two aspects of the greater category of altruismStill on the subject, it's not tthe Father figure that's bringing you the benefits, it's the FAITH, it's YOU, you're getting there by yourself, "But you need faith", of course you do! But it doesn't have to be exactly on "God", it can be on an idea, "God's idea"? Maybe, but what would it be? Selflessness? Charity?
regarding any sort of greater power, faith is helpful at a certain level, yet it is not at all required in order to reap the benefits.Superheroes prey on that to sell their HQs so, "God" can easily be substituted by a better idea (or let's say 'Character')
But the thing about the "God's concept" is that it is representing an unfailing, never-resting-watcher-of-all-things that, doesn't make a lot of sense, I'd say. And, overwhelms the individual with it's supposed 'Perfection'. The concept of "God" has it's benefits, but it's not the thing at work, FAITH is what it is. "Faith on what?", Superiority, "Why?", because we are frail, we need this psychological comfort.
For instance you may not have any faith in your local political power. In fact you may even be totally ignorant of them. Despite this however, you get to live in a community that has relatively clean streets, drinking water and a host of other utilities that arise from having utilities established and maintained.
Similarly, despite having similar issues with the concept of god, you still get to live on a planet and have your needs fulfilled in various ways.
If however one desired to enter more deeply into these topics (to understand how such powers do and do not work, what values they appreciate, etc etc) then certainly it would require a bit of faith in the said individual's position.
We not only do not see any sort of evolution towards selflessness, we also see a complete absence of any sort of framework to suggest altruism is even theoretically capable of dealing with god's job description (unless you want to dumb down the term "god" and define it purely in secondary terms)What i'm trying to say is that the "God" as we know (not specifically talking about the Christian god, but deity of superiority in general) is not necessary, as we have the tools to evolve and they can be understood as senses like of selflessness, faith, consciousness.
what is the requirement for a more "evolved" human society if the pillars of material existence remain the same?May even sound bland and cliche, but that's what we need, we get those and we use them, once we do that we will start evolving as humans, and will realize that it was our work,not of a "God". And evolved as humans comprehending the world/society/individuals around us. I believe that this is not exactly materialistic as you suggest like "MY body, MY family" and so on. Unless I am misconcepting (which I think I am). Still, since we are bond to this world, we must stick to what we can do within the possibilities of this world.
lolOh and no, it's not Kindle. It's an Android AH sux Dx tiny keypad and stuff