The Pyramids


Registered Senior Member
I recently saw a documentry that the 3 largest pyramids were actually storage batteries for lay line energy. The pyramids have water channels cut through the underlying rock( granite, living rock) thus producing a form of electromagnetic energy.
I recently saw a documentry that the 3 largest pyramids were actually storage batteries for lay line energy. The pyramids have water channels cut through the underlying rock( granite, living rock) thus producing a form of electromagnetic energy.

I've seen some VERY dumb documentaries myself - what's your point?
Probably the only myth with any factual basis with regards to the three main pyramids, are that they are aligned in such a way as to mimic the alignment of the three stars in the belt of Orion.
That may very well have something to do with Egyptian deities at that time, or some practical navigational reason......or maybe just a co-incidence. :)