The Purpose of Life


Staff member
After watching the whole set of through the wormhole I have this question:

"What is the purpose of Life?"

Knowing as a spirit we live for eternity and knowing that there are 10+1 dimensions...what are we doing here? I know I need to stay close to my Family and Friends in here and in spirit...but then what is going on for the next 10 million years or more....

Family is first...but then why the Family...that is what is the Purpose over eternity?

Any good answers please provide. Then I can check that with channel people....that are connected to entities with 5 Billion years of life....

As per Buddha...

"The Buddhist sūtras and tantras do not speak about "the meaning of life" or "the purpose of life", but about the potential of human life to end suffering, for example through embracing (not suppressing or denying) cravings and conceptual attachments. Attaining and perfecting dispassion is a process of many levels that ultimately results in the state of Nirvana. Nirvana means freedom from both suffering and rebirth."

That means I have no idea....

I also saw this too:

Thank you....
Life serves it's own purpose, which is to beget more life. Not everyone needs to beget, there are plenty of supporting roles.

Searching for the meaning or purpose of life is the cruelest irony of all. We are genetically predisposed to ponder this question, because the question itself provides us with purpose.

Each of us is a unique fluke of the universe and our best purpose is to enjoy the journey and reciprocate with one another to make the experience as pleasant as possible.

That about sums up my perspective at this point on the journey. Good luck in seeking your own reason for being. :)
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.
Dalai Lama

When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way.
Wayne Dyer

True happiness... is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.
Helen Keller

Loving others always costs us something and requires effort. And you have to decide to do it on purpose. You can't wait for a feeling to motivate you.
Joyce Meyer

My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm happy. I can't figure it out. What am I doing right?
Charles M. Schulz
Life serves it's own purpose, which is to beget more life. Not everyone needs to beget, there are plenty of supporting roles.

Searching for the meaning or purpose of life is the cruelest irony of all. We are genetically predisposed to ponder this question, because the question itself provides us with purpose.

Each of us is a unique fluke of the universe and our best purpose is to enjoy the journey and reciprocate with one another to make the experience as pleasant as possible.

That about sums up my perspective at this point on the journey. Good luck in seeking your own reason for being. :)

That's 100% compatible with my own attitude on the subject, only you said it from a much more centered voice than I ever could. If the Dalai Lama were Klondikin' I'm sure he'd give you a high five. Buddha would laugh til his belly shook, and Rasta would break out into some lively ganja infused reggae. It must be the cherries. ;)

Hey Cosmic, I especially like the quip from Charles Schulz.
So, what is your personal views...Are you going to come back many times? Let us hear it....
So, what is your personal views...Are you going to come back many times? Let us hear it....

I don't know. I believe here and now. I know heaven is present in my life, still looking for the words to describe my faith and wish, hope, empirical knowledge of good things.

I don't believe in death, but I don't believe in taking poops or eating baby calfs either so idk.
"Will you walk a little faster?" said a whiting to a snail,
"There's a porpoise close behind us, and he's treading on my tail."
-- Lewis Carroll​

Our porpoise in life is not to tread on each others' porpoise.
I should say everyone...who read this main post....

"So, what is your personal views...Are you going to come back many times? Let us hear it...."

As to may not come back...but you were here before...otherwise new souls are usually barbaric...I am sure, you are not....besides going to heaven is always good for everyone...even the barbaric ones so that they can come and do better here....and that is why you may comeback as long as you have family to work with....otherwise stay there....

Heaven is so peaceful...I almost went back (out of body) but was told, my family is here and hence came back.....
After watching the whole set of through the wormhole I have this question:

"What is the purpose of Life?"

"Through the Wormhole" is a worthless and unscientific work of fiction. It's filling your head with the nonsense that consciousness is the true stuff of the universe. In fact an observer as described in quantum theory can be an inanimate object (for instance a photon detector) as easily as a person.

There is likely no agent that can supply purpose. This isn't something that universes do, it's something that people do. Purpose only makes sense within the context of a culture. The universe doesn't have a universal culture, even if there are cultures within it.
Some ideas

While we are discussing the Purpose of Life...and we may continue to do so...and you are GOOD....I have this issue show up this morning and need to take this subject somewhere in sciforums to discuss it...please help on Philosophy...using Science...

"Very nice…we need a decent philosophy such that these problems go away and not come back to any civilization for say Ten million years…it sounds like the “Foundation” of Asimov books….It is sad but we need to develop that process and philosophy….thank you."

The idea is, we need to develop a PHILOSOPHY such that Humans need this for say next TEN Million years such that Economies do not COLLAPSE and the society grows and science and philosophy. Our past is a process we need to learn and find out what happened and do something better. So, if you agree we need to take this and start the discussions in another section?

Thank you.
I should say everyone...who read this main post....

"So, what is your personal views...Are you going to come back many times? Let us hear it...."

As to may not come back...but you were here before...otherwise new souls are usually barbaric...I am sure, you are not....besides going to heaven is always good for everyone...even the barbaric ones so that they can come and do better here....and that is why you may comeback as long as you have family to work with....otherwise stay there....

Heaven is so peaceful...I almost went back (out of body) but was told, my family is here and hence came back.....

The point of reincarnation would be for angels to bring Heaven to Earth. So I will come back until Heaven is here and people stop pooping. Heaven is comprised of good things; peace, knowledge, salvation, freedom, justice, contemptment, wisdom, and virtue. Live as those things and you are there already, but Heaven is for all things. So transcend death and be with me. All things must be good, but here some things are bad. So until they rip, bad thing and are things no more they hold the virtue all things, a fallen. Don't worry, all things is still moral, and there is always a death to protect us from evil.
The point of reincarnation would be for angels to bring Heaven to Earth.

Yes...that will happen. Knowing my last post, we can make it in 1000 years....We, mean Angles and Humans....I have two Angels coming in 300 years...and others will visit...So, we shall see...and work on the ideas in my post to keep it as Heaven...Free Will kind of thing...THANKS....
Yes...that will happen. Knowing my last post, we can make it in 1000 years....We, mean Angles and Humans....I have two Angels coming in 300 years...and others will visit...So, we shall see...and work on the ideas in my post to keep it as Heaven...Free Will kind of thing...THANKS....

Why do you capitalize "Free Will," is it a person? That's what I believe. Heaven is here for those who know it is.
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.
Dalai Lama

When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way.
Wayne Dyer

True happiness... is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.
Helen Keller

Loving others always costs us something and requires effort. And you have to decide to do it on purpose. You can't wait for a feeling to motivate you.
Joyce Meyer

My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm happy. I can't figure it out. What am I doing right?
Charles M. Schulz

Great quotes. Dalai Lama comes up with some good ones. Happiness tho is mainly due to endorphin & other hormones.