Oh you are wrong here. Migrating birds do have GPS, they can read and follow the earth's magnetic fields that present a map by whichthey navigate. Bats and whales have sonar. Does an Octopus act without thought?
They may navigate by magnetic sensory input in a system unique to them, but also use landmarks, just as land animals do.
Humans have copied ideas from natural behavior like those you mentioned.
I am not implying that animal life forms don't think or have mental processes, knowing they have brains. There has to be a brain-muscle connection./nervous system. Bees don't form a committee to determine the most suitable form of construction in the hive is the hexagon. All bees around the world are born with that concept or copy it from adult bees. Their primary actions are programmed resulting in repetitive behavior.
Typically, produce a new generation, pass on survival skills by example, migrate when needed, live out their life span and die. All animals survive using distinctive, predictable patterns of behavior, which on more detailed study, are more complex (as usual) than the simple initial explanations.
Is this not what happens to humans? Our behavior is mostly evolved hardwired instinct, is it not? So where is the distinction? Awareness already begins with chemical quorum sensing in bacteria and all evolved living things share the same evolutionary time frame.
No, it us not. Humans have free will, that allows them to deviate from any biologically driven function. You can avoid eating to protest an unjust cause, stay awake all night for any reason, put yourself in danger to rescue another person or animal.
An animal; would search for food until satisfied, be up at night if stalking prey, and flee from danger.
Humans plan for the future; meetings, vacation, insurance, retirement, etc. Not so with animals.
Humans have a system of justice, holding people accountable for their actions. Not so with animals.
The behavior of animals is primarily influenced by their programming and the environment.
We are not unique, we are uniquely smart, that's all.
No, we are uniquely ignorant! Darwin wrote about his inability to observe adaptation to the environment, and the general population who knew far less, thought he was an expert. You're wasting your time trying to sell me this stuff.
Evolution by way of natural selection, just like all expressed patterns in nature, from atoms to galaxies, from bacteria to humans. There is no magic sauce!
"Paleontologists have paid an enormous price for Darwin's
argument. We fancy ourselves as the only true students of life's history, yet to
preserve our favored account of evolution by natural selection we view our data
as so bad that we almost never see the very process we profess to study. ...The
history of most fossil species includes tow features particularly inconsistent
with gradualism.
Most species exhibit no directional change during their tenure on
earth. They appear in the fossil record looking much the same as when they
disappear; morphological change usually limited and directionless.
In any local area, a species does not arise gradually by the steady transformation of its ancestors; it appears all at once and 'fully formed.
(Gould, Stephen J. The Panda's Thumb, 1980, p. 181-182)
"Often a cold shudder has run through me, and I have asked myself
whether I may have not devoted myself to a fantasy." (Charles Darwin, The Life and
Letters of Charles Darwin, 1887, Vol. 2, p. 229)